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Comunicación y sociedad

versión impresa ISSN 0188-252X


VIDALES GONZALES, Carlos E.. La relación entre la semiótica y los estudios de la comunicación: un diálogo por construir. Comun. soc [online]. 2009, n.11, pp.37-71. ISSN 0188-252X.

The article synthesizes several stages of research the author has carried out for several years now, concerning the relationship between semiotics and communication studies. For that reason, the article has been organized into three sections. In the first section the author presents the epistemological challenges that communication studies have faced when the semiotic point of view is incorporated into that field, and the way in which the concept of communication has been used and conceptualized within semiotics. In the second section the author explores the importance of biosemiotics for communication studies, and finally, the third section outlines a model of preliminary integration between semiotics and communication theory.

Palabras llave : semiotics; communication theory; communication studies; epistemology; biosemiotics.

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