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Journal of applied research and technology
versión On-line ISSN 2448-6736versión impresa ISSN 1665-6423
J. appl. res. technol vol.6 no.2 Ciudad de México ago. 2008
Dynamic Fuzzy Logic Functor
J. L. Pérez-Silva, A. Garcés-Madrigal, A. Miranda-Vitela, F. Lara-Rosano
Centro de Ciencias Aplicadas y Desarrollo Tecnológico, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México
This is a fuzzy logical element from which we can generate all the fuzzy connectives as particular cases of it. This functor was a result of the frequency threshold dependent fuzzy logic. We will show that fuzzy logic connectives are generated by a defined group of inputs from this fuzzy functor as dependence of frequency threshold. If we apply time varying signals to the functor, we will see that the responses of the functor depend on the concordances of the input signals and the frequency threshold value. The value of the logical functor threshold can be a time dependent function in such a way that, when varying the threshold, the form that the functor takes as logical connective changes for each time dependent threshold function value in time. In this work we will define the logical functor, we will show its logical operation procedure and we will show the electronic circuit in which a functional model was implanted.
Keywords: Logic functors, dynamic fuzzy logic, threshold dependent fuzzy logic.
Este es un elemento lógico borroso a partir del cual podemos generar todos los conectivos lógicos borrosos como casos particulares de él. Mostraremos que los conectivos de la lógica borrosa se generan, para un conjunto definido de entradas, a partir de este functor borroso como una dependencia del umbral de frecuencia. Si al functor le aplicamos señales variantes en el tiempo veremos que las respuestas del functor dependen de las concordancias de las señales de entrada con el valor del umbral de frecuencias. El valor de umbral del functor lógico puede ser una función dependiente del tiempo de forma tal que, al variar el umbral, la forma que cobra el functor como conectivo lógico está cambiando para cada valor de la función temporal del umbral en el tiempo. En este trabajo definiremos al functor lógico, mostraremos su forma de operación lógica y mostraremos el circuito electrónico en el que se implantó un modelo funcional.
[1] J.L. Pérez, F. Lara, A. Miranda, A. Herrera, S. Quintana, M. Bañuelos, W. Martínez, J. Castillo, A. Padrón, A. Garcés. "Dinamic Fuzzy Sets". Advances in Artificial Intelligence and Engineering Cybernetics. Vol lII ISBN 0-921836-62-7, Editor George E. Lasker. Published by International Institute for Advanced studies in Systems Research and Cybernetics. Pag. 39-43. 1998. [ Links ]
[2] Pérez J.L., A. Miranda, A. Garcés. "Time and Threshold Dependent Logic Operators" Advances in Artificial Intelligence and Engineering Cybernetics. Editor George E. Lasker. Published by International Institute for Advanced studies in Systems Research and Cybernetics. 1999, IX, pp 6-10 [ Links ]
[3] Pérez S. J.L., Lara F., Herrera A., Bañuelos M., Quintana S., Castillo J., Martínez W., Padrón A., Garcés A., Prieto R. Dynamic Approximate Reasoning. "Advances in Artificial Intelligence and Engineering Cybernetics" Editor George E. Lasker. Published by International Institute for Advanced studies in Systems Research and Cybernetics. [ Links ]
[4] J.L. Pérez S., A. Miranda, A. Garcés, A. Herrera, S. Quintana, J. Castillo, M. Bañuelos, A. Padrón, R. Prieto. An Electronic Implementation of Logic Functor. Instrumentation & Development. 5 1 pp. 39-47 2001 [ Links ]