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Journal of the Mexican Chemical Society
versión impresa ISSN 1870-249X
J. Mex. Chem. Soc vol.54 no.1 Ciudad de México ene./mar. 2010
Characterization of Archaeological Ceramic from Lagartero, Chiapas, Mexico, by Nuclear and Conventional Techniques
Dolores Tenorio,1* Melania JiménezReyes,1 Sonia RiveroTorres,2 Fabiola MonroyGuzmán,1 and Elizabeth Teresita RomeroGuzmán1
1 Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones Nucleares. Centro Nuclear de México, P. O. B. 181027. 11801 México D.F. México. *Responsible author:
2 Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia. Lic. Primo Verdad No. 3. México 06060 D.F. México.
Received November 19, 2009
Accepted March 26, 2010
Ceramic potshards collected at the archaeological Mayan site of Lagartero, Chiapas, Mexico were analyzed by NAA and data were statistically studied. The ceramics were of local manufacture and from other sites of the Upper Grijalva Basin and Guatemalan Lowlands and Highlands. XRD indicated that quartz, feldspars, montmorillonite and calcite are the main components of pastes. Pigments were analyzed by means of SEM and XRD, and hematite, pyrolusite, maghemite and calcite were identified. A discussion is presented in the context of the Mayan region.
Keywords: Ceramics, Lagartero Chiapas, NAA.
Fragmentos de cerámica recolectados en el sitio arqueológico de Lagartero, Chiapas, México fueron analizados mediante AAN y los datos fueron tratados estadísticamente. Las cerámicas fueron de manufactura local y de otros sitios de la Cuenca Superior del Grijalva y de las Tierras Bajas y Altas de Guatemala. DRX indicó que cuarzo, feldespatos, montmorillonita y calcita son los componentes principales de las pastas. Los pigmentos fueron analizados mediante MEB y DRX, fueron identificadas hematita, pirolusita, maghemita y calcita. Se presenta una discusión en el contexto de la región maya.
Palabras clave: Cerámicas, Lagartero, Chiapas, AAN.
This research is a part of the project "Characterization of archeological pieces from Lagartero, Chiapas, Mexico" financed by IAEA, project number: 13070/RO. Technical assistance of Leticia Carapia, Jesús MuñozLujano and Juana RomeroFlores is greatly appreciated.
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