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Anuario mexicano de derecho internacional

versión impresa ISSN 1870-4654


LUIS, Daniel Tavela  y  COSTA, José Augusto Fontoura. Bolivarian Republics and ICSID: Who is the Real Enemy?. Anu. Mex. Der. Inter [online]. 2016, vol.16, pp.189-212. ISSN 1870-4654.

Latin American countries, mainly the so called Bolivarian Republics, lead a reaction against the international system of promotion and protection of foreign investments. Their reaction's focus is the ICSID, which is regarded as a non-democratic and pro-investor institution that issues awards against developing and peripheral states. This article puts that political perception in perspective through the analisys of the lagal structure of the international tandem between ICSID and investment treaties, and the effective arbitration cases against Bolivia, Ecuador and Venezuela, as well as a brief study on regional alternatives and constitutional constraints.

Palabras llave : ICSID; investment arbitration; treaty arbitration; Bolivarian Republics; foreign investment; international investment protection.

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