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versión On-line ISSN 1870-9044

Polibits  no.40 México jul./dic. 2009


Special section: Information Retrieval and Natural Language Processing


Revised N–Gram based Automatic Spelling Correction Tool to Improve Retrieval Effectiveness


Farag Ahmed1, Ernesto William De Luca2, and Andreas Nürnberger1


1 Data and Knowledge Engineering Group, Institute for Knowledge and Language Engineering, Otto–von–Guericke University of Magdeburg, Germany.

2 Compentence Center Information Retrieval & Machine Learning Distributed Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, Technical University of Berlin, Germany.


Manuscript received October 23, 2008.
Manuscript accepted for publication August 22, 2009.



We present a language–independent spell–checker that is based on an enhancement of the n–gram model. The spell checker is proposing correction suggestions by selecting the most promising candidates from a ranked list of correction candidates that is derived based on n–gram statistics and lexical resources. Besides motivating and describing the developed techniques, we briefly discuss the use of the proposed approach in an application for keyword– and semantic–based search support. In addition, the proposed tool was compared with state–of–the–art spelling correction approaches. The evaluation showed that it outperforms the other methods.

Key words: Spelling correction, n–gram, information retrieval effectiveness.





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