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International Journal of Combinatorial Optimization Problems and Informatics

versión On-line ISSN 2007-1558

International J. of Combinatorial Optim. Problems and Informatics vol.6 no.1 Jiutepec ene./abr. 2015



Editorial for Volume 6 Number 1 Dissemination of Academic Books on the Book Citation Index

Jorge A. Ruiz-Vanoye1 

Ocotlán Díaz-Parra1 

Sócrates López Pérez1 

Alejandro Fuentes-Penna1 

María Beatriz Bernabé Loranca2 

José C. Zavala-Díaz3 

Ricardo Armando Barrera Cámara4 

1Universidad Autónoma del Estado de Hidalgo, México

2Benemérita Universidad Autónoma del Estado de Puebla, México

3Universidad Autónoma del Estado de Morelos, México

4Universidad Autónoma del Carmen, México

A book is a printed work by a recognized Publisher, it usually has an extension of more than 100 pages, a book contains language scientific or specialized in a specific science area. However, there are booklets, notebooks or texts published smaller that a book (CONACYT, 2015) the reprint of a book not account as new books, unless the new edition has been substantially increased and revised, but for the publication of books translated into other languages is must purchase a new ISBN for each. Books published on CD or any other medium with ISBN will be considered on the same level as printed books.

There are different types of books:

  • Academic scientific authorship and compilation books. A scientific academic authorship book contains texts of one or several original research or information from several articles previously published by the authors, academic modifications and copyright concentrate. Copyright is a legal term used to describe the rights of creators over their literary and artistic works (WIPO, 2013). A collection of articles by various authors' book may be 19 or 20 maximum chapters as opposed to a book prepared and edited by few authors can be maximum of 6 or 7 chapters.

  • Textbooks. A textbook is a printed or electronic job a recognized editorial, usually has an extension of more than 100 pages whose content is information relevant to the formation of scientist and technologists.

  • Books of divulgation. A book of divulgation is a printed or electronic job a recognized editorial, usually has an extension of more than 100 pages whose content is written with words simple and easy to understand information, contains no scientific language.

  • Books derived from PhD thesis. A thesis is the concrete assertion of a hypothesis or a demonstrable proposition in a principled way and which is publicly exposed. The doctoral thesis is a document with the specific assertion of a demonstrable proposition of a worldwide unique and original research.

  • Booklets. The booklets are working or works scientific or literary short date, publishing recognized, with extension less than a hundred pages, such as books or published texts, educational publications that are exposed with objectivity and respect a structure different knowledge about a specific topic. Sometimes they are considered as a type of book. Some booklets are:

    • Teaching notebooks. They propose to make material available and documents to support teaching, clarify concepts, show strategies and methodologies considering diverse backgrounds and experiences, help to improve teaching.

    • Books of experiments. The notebooks of experiments contain a practice laboratory, classes or experiments that stimulate interest in scientific and technological issues in children and young adults. The concepts outlined in the booklet must be congruent with the programmatic content of the academic level in that notebook will be used, and that the language used is clear and accessible. The text contained in the notebook must be of his plagiarism-free. Materials or infrastructure to carry out experiments must be accessible and low-cost. The notebook should contain at least 10 experiments, each of which will be presented at a minimum of four pages and a maximum of six. Each experiment should consist of a text with a minimum extension of a maximum of 2,000 and 1,000 characters with spaces. A notebook should contain (2015 CONACYT): title of the experiment (topic whose learning aims at supporting either the objective). Brief introduction or motivation (methodological approach that intends to develop in the notebook). List of material and equipment (not exclude elements, even if these are everyday). Development (description of every step that the student be given to ensure the success of their results. Verification / evaluation (includes the questions deemed relevant to check that the topic was understood by the suggested activity). Conclusion (closing theme with a brief explanation that reaffirm knowledge of the activity).

To publish an academic book, there are two options:

  1. Publication of books by publishers of recognized prestige. Find a reputable Publisher and send you a draft of the book already finished for that in a period of 3 to 6 months to respond whether or not publish the book. The publication will have a cost that depends on the selected Publishing House.

  2. Self-publishing of literary works (books). It is possible to carry out independent self-publishing, so it is necessary to sign the book at the National Copyright Institute so that rights are reserved even 100 years after the death of the authors, request the corresponding ISBN, publish it or sell it at Lulu, Bubok, Amazon, Google Books, among others.

The Book Citation Index

Renowned rates are online services of scientific information in which there are citations of articles from scientific journals, books and other printed or electronic materials covering all fields of academic knowledge, as well as allowing full text of publications and other resources, as well as access to them through a system of search based on key words.

Web of Science is an online service of scientific information from Thomson Reuters (Thomson Reuters, 2014) that contains the following databases:

  • Science Citation Index (SCI), ISI or SCISearch is a database from 1900 to date where all articles, editorials, letters, reviews, discussions published science and technology indexed by Thomson Reuters. Sometimes a wrongly referred to as article in the JCR (Journal Citation Reports), but the right way is SCI and not JCR which is the scan tool.

  • Social Sciences Citation Index (SSCI) is a database from 1900 to date where all articles, editorials, letters, reviews, discussions that are published in the social sciences.

  • Arts & Humanities Citation Index (A & HCI) is a database from 1975 to date where all articles, editorials, letters, reviews, discussions that are published from the arts and humanities.

  • Index Chemicus is a database since 1993 to the date where all articles, editorials, letters, reviews, discussions published components of chemistry.

  • Current Chemical Reactions are a database since 1986 to date where all articles, editorials, letters, reviews, discussions published in chemical reactions.

  • Conference Proceedings Citation Index: Science and Social Science and Humanities have been a database since 1990 to the date of the presentations in congresses and conferences on Science, social sciences and humanities.

  • Book citation index has been a database since 2005 to the date of selected academic books from different publishers in the areas of science, social sciences and humanities. It contains a discovery tool that allows researchers the possibility of identification and quick access to relevant books for their work within a single platform. It contains nearly 60,000 select books from reputable publishers and added 10,000 books each year.

The citation index of books on the Web of Science (Web of Science) (Figure 1) provides access to a set of academic books, journals and memoirs of Congress. It provides records of books and chapters of books, quotes from magazines, memories of congresses and other books. It provides all the complete bibliographic information for a correct quote from the authors of academic books. A control of quotes from books and book chapters, as well as access to full text of books may be (Table 1).

Fig. 1 The Web of Science (Thomson Reuters, 2014b) page. 

Table 1 Coverage of index citations of books in November 2014 (Thomson Reuters, 2014a

Area Coverage
Social Sciences 38%
Arts and Humanities 21%
Physical / chemical 12%
Engineering / computer science / technology 13%
Clinical medicine 5%
Natural sciences 6%
Agriculture / biology 5%

Process of selection of books to be included in the index of citations of books - Book Citation Index

Select the academic books to be included in the books citation index aims to build a comprehensive view of the academic literature and to contain the most relevant and timely research. The rigorous application of a selection process enables researchers and scholars who publish books to reach a wider audience and measure the impact of the appointments.

Basic publishing standards are (Thomson Reuters, 2013):

  1. In general the index selects books of science, social sciences, humanities and arts that have evidence of having obtained the rights of authors in the current year or five years preceding. Although there is the possibility of including books more ancient (up to 2008) in the areas of social sciences, humanities and arts.

  2. The books must contain the complete information of authors, editors, the issuing body or company name, full address of the author, editor or the publishing body, Edition, year or date of the Edition and ISBN number, electronic full the printer or Publisher address, completion date of the print or electronic publication (day, month and year), print type, circulation for national distribution and international, size in cm. or MB, weight, type of paper or eBook format.

  3. Books must contain the complete text in English, but also is allowed full text in a language other than English with bibliographical text in English (for example: chapter, title, author, key words abstract).

  4. The books must contain a rigorous process of review by peers and the selection process is based on the integrity of the Publisher to ensure that the content of the book is valid, original and free from plagiarism.

  5. Textbooks, trade books, Atlas, illustration books, reference books or manuals cannot be accepted. Books containing reprinted content are not considered for inclusion in the index.

  6. Is required for the review of preference a copy of the book in electronic in low resolution, non-secure passwords, and web-ready PDF mode (Web-ready pdf). They are not accepted to be sent electronic files of books on CD´s, DVD´s or memories USB flash. It can be sent by the FTP server, via a platform of electronic books (e-book) or in the event that you want to send printed to send to an address in Philadelphia, United States.

Select the academic books to be included in the books citation index aims to build a comprehensive view of the academic literature and to contain the most relevant and timely research. The rigorous application of a selection process enables researchers and scholars who publish books to reach a wider audience and measure the impact of the appointments.

There are small exceptions not very common for certain types of publications: the lectures of doctoral theses are considered for coverage if they are part of a series of established books with different content, or published as a Monograph edited and with the revision of a reputable academic publisher. Well referenced textbooks aimed at a graduate or advanced research audience are considered for coverage. Academic books in series and non-series are considered for coverage. Translations of contents of books in another language other than English are considered if they are significant and with good references. Well referenced biographies critical or academic books are considered. The books of academic reference where the elements are highly cited.

The index of quotes from books mainly includes academic books derived from original research or academic literature reviews. The index covers books by series and non-series. They are considered the books copyrighted this year or up to 5 years in advance. It is important that academic books that we carry out are indexed in the Book Citation Index since it allows the increase of the international visibility of the book and raises the quality of the academic product produced, as well as the internationalization of the academic elaborate allows you to book.


[1] CONACYT, 2013, http://www.conacyt.gob.mxLinks ]

[2] Thomson Reuters, Book Citation Index, 2014a, ]

[3] Thomson Reuters, Web of Science, 2014b, ]

[4] Thomson Reuters, Selection essay is through, 2015, ]

[5] World Intellectual Property Organization, Derechos de Autor, 2013, ]

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