1. Introducción
There are two major groups of scientific and technological products:
Products of scientific and technological research. Scientific and technological research are those products that are conducted in laboratories, research centres, universities, technology companies which allow transmit and bring great progress to society and simplify or automate daily activities that society has allowed.
Training of scientists and technologists. The training of scientists and technologists are those products that enable training, learning, professionalization and development of young scientists and technologists, such as training of researchers, the training of specialists, the training of professionals, the training of specialized technicians, Chair in undergraduate and graduate teaching, development of educational computer software, as well as conferences and seminars disclosure, among others.
Scientific and technological products | Type | Description |
Research protocol | Scientific and technological research | The research protocol is a flexible guide that describes the research that will take place in a research project. The research protocol describes the elements to be able to generate a scientific product or technology (may be a thesis, thesis, one essay, among others). He is recommended that the Protocol contains the elements in the following table and do not exceed 20 pages. |
Bachelors, masters and PhD thesis | Training of scientists and technologists | A thesis is the concrete assertion of a hypothesis or a demonstrable proposition in a principled way and which is publicly exposed. |
Books and book chapters | Scientific and technological research | A scientific authorship book contains texts of one or several original research or information from several articles previously published by the authors, academic modifications and copyright concentrate. A collection of articles by various authors book may be 19 or 20 maximum chapters as opposed to a book prepared and edited by few authors can be maximum of 6 or 7 chapters. |
Books and chapters in textbooks | Training of scientists and technologists | A text book is a printed or electronic job a recognized editorial, usually has an extension of more than 100 pages whose content is information relevant to the formation of scientist and technologists. |
Books, chapters of books in divulgation | Training of scientists and technologists | A divulgation book is a printed or electronic job a recognized editorial, usually has an extension of more than 100 pages whose content is written with words simple and easy to understand information, contains no scientific language. |
Articles in journals of recognized prestige indices | Scientific and technological research | A research paper is a work printed in a periodical of scientific research (CONACYT, 2013). |
Articles in Journal of teaching | Training of scientists and technologists | Journal of teaching is a work printed in a periodical of academic research (CONACYT, 2013). Teaching articles mainly dealt with issues related to teaching and creativity in order to improve quality in education, promoting the use of information and communication technologies in teaching. An article of teaching can be a review of novel publication, interviews with experts, conferences, presentations, workshops and communications on education and creativity whose objective is the training of scientists and technologists. |
Outreach articles | Training of scientists and technologists | An item of disclosure is a printed work or electronic in a periodic publication of character of dissemination or disclosure of research (CONACYT, 2013). In the case of articles of broadcasting we only consider articles in serial publications. In no event shall be considered articles or press reports. Article of scientific and technological dissemination is aimed at the public in general, to segmented audiences or sectoral audiences, they must be written in a language that is accessible and relevant to the target audience, with a written speech that make the most narrative, literary and grammatical resources, as well as the resources of General journalism and investigative journalism specialized in science and technology. |
Divulgation essay | Training of scientists and technologists | The trial of disseminating scientific and technological or scientific essay consists of interpretation or explanation of a given research topic developed freely and unsystematic. An essay is a short, biographical and educational, literary work with simple language and clear in the form of speech or discussion, subjective, ameno, themes, scientific data are treated intuitively, non-exhaustive, not simply informative, poetic, looking critical at which the authors expressed their thoughts about a particular research topic. |
Guest reviews | Scientific and technological research | The reviews are reviews representing elaborate trials (CONACYT, 2013). A review is a written opinion of a critic on a work, justified with facts to specific incidents (passages) of the part in question. The main purpose is the include information about the content of a play or book through the critical opinion of the author. |
Booklets | Scientific and technological research | The booklets are works or short scientific or literary works with date and recognized editorial, with extension less than a hundred pages, such as books or published texts, educational publications that are exposed with objectivity and respect a structure different knowledge about a specific topic. |
Patents | Scientific and technological research | He is considered to the patent as an exclusive right granted by the State to an invention that is new, and is likely to have an industrial application. This prevents others who manufacture, use, sell or import a product or process based on a patented invention without the authorization of the holder. The patent provides exclusive about a product, service or process, obtaining additional profits by licensing. In general, patent has a duration of 20 years, at the end of this period, the holder must pay rights pertaining to the maintenance of the exclusivity of the patent. On the other hand, patents have a territorial right limited to the borders of the countries or regions where exclusive rights have been covered. |
Technological developments | Scientific and technological research | Technological development is a new development, system or technology upgrading, which meets three conditions: generation of knowledge or innovation and usefulness (CONACYT, 2014). |
Innovations | Scientific and technological research | Innovation is the introduction of a new or significantly improved product (good or service), a process, a method of marketing or a new organisational method, the internal practices of the company. |
Technology transfer | Scientific and technological research | The world intellectual property organization defines technology transfer as a systematic knowledge for the manufacture of a product, the application of a process, the provision of a service, an industrial design, a model of utility, among others. In this context, the transfer of technology can be defined as the process of transmitting knowledge related to technology. During the process of technology transfer must converge the areas of business, science, engineering, law and Government. |
Memories in Extenso | Scientific and technological research | The memories in extensor are written versions of presentations made at conferences, their contribution is limited in its extension to a small number of pages (about five) and normally aims to announce any results or discovery whose rigorous presentation to the scientific community will be or it has been done already in some book or article. They are not subject to a strict arbitration process and revisions to this type of work are normally carried out within by an editorial board especially responsible for editing the contributions of the rapporteurs. |
Projects with external funding | Scientific and technological research | A research project with external funding is that project that obtains resources economic or in kind for the implementation of the research activities specified in the research protocol. To make it external is mentioned that resources do not come entirely from the company or institution where he works the person in charge of the project. |
Research posters | Scientific and technological research | A research posters is usually deployed visual presentation medium on canvas, paper, cardboard or digital in order to communicate the results, ideas, developments in research scientific, technological or informative. |
Technical reports (reports of project-specific under contract) and reports of work by third parties | Scientific and technological research | A report or technical report is a document of technological or scientific research that shows the development or State of an investigation. They follow a precise and logical structure of the procedures and results of a research or technological development. |
2. Content managers of Open Access
The open access content is the inquiry/access/entry via a digital platform and without requirements of subscription, registration or payment, research, educational, academic, scientific, technological and innovation, materials, funded with public resources or who have used public infrastructure in its realization, without prejudice to the provisions on patents, protection of intellectual or industrial property national security and copyright, among others [Law of open access in Mexico. on March 5, 2014].
There are several content management systems of open access for scientific and technological products:
The Open Conference Systems (OCS), is an open source software of the project Public Knowledge Project (PKP) used to manage conferences in different languages.
The Open Journal System (OJS) is a software developed under license open source, created in 2001 within the Public Knowledge Project, which promotes access to published documents, facilitates the development of open access publications. It is a system to administer and publish documents, and periodicals. The system allows to reduce time and effort in the activities that involve the editing of periodicals. Through it you can follow an editorial process, which allows the management, design, publish, access and dissemination of works online.
Open Monograph Press (OMP) is an open source software platform to manage the editorial workflow necessary to view monographs, edited volumes and academic editions through internal and external review, editing, cataloguing, production and publication. OMP works as a publishing site or press with capacity of sales, distribution and catalogue.
There are some tools to publish articles and books in open content:
The Open Conference Systems (OCS) is an open source software of the project Public Knowledge Project (PKP) used to manage conferences in different languages. It is development in PHP and you can use database in MySQL or PostgreSQL (Public Knowlege Project 2015).
The OCS allows:
to design one or more web sites customized to the Conference.
Facilitates the drafting of calls for papers.
Electronically accepts and sends summaries.
Senders can edit his work.
Publish papers.
Registration of participants of the Conference.
Includes blogs to comment on the Conference.
Invitations to the Conference by e l sending mass mailings.
Reception and acceptance of proposals for presentations.
Monitoring and control of progress in presentations and published articles.
Searches for papers, issues, jobs and other written within the Conference and with filters to make the result more intuitive and orderly.
Records and online through the secure site of Paypal payment.
Scheduling of works and exhibitions.
Extraction and insertion of information about the Conference.
Reports and statistics (number of participants, status of jobs, etc.).
Management of publications of research (call for papers).
Edition of research.
Implementation of security custom through the administer user accounts.
The registration of participants.
Links to other useful tools and ad hoc to the event as localizers and translators.
Management of the register of participants and cancellations using credit cards.
The Open Journal System is a software developed under open license source, created in 2001 within the Public Kmowledge Project, which promotes access to published documents, facilitates the development of open access publications. It is a system to administer and publish documents, and periodicals.
The system allows to reduce time and effort in the activities that involve the editing of periodicals. Through it you can follow an editorial process, which allows the management, design, publication, access and dissemination of works online. Among the features of OJS, include:
Allows the realization of administrative as sending and reception of items; establishment and selection of arbitrators.
It allows the revision of articles by experts.
It promotes scientific publications to use and adapt standards.
Automatic alerts and reminders and deadlines of submission of corrections.
He sent documents to the corrector and the Diagrammer, access statistics, reports of a revision of articles.
With the tool you can set different roles that allow to organize publishing activities, some of these roles are: administrator, editor, author, referee / reviewer, corrector of style, Diagrammer and reader.
The editors or editorial team designed and established requirements, review process, sections of its publications; pose a system of indexing the full text and metadata.
Statistical analysis of data and quotations.
The Open Monograph Press is an open source software platform to manage the editorial workflow necessary to view monographs, edited volumes and academic editions through internal and external review, editing, cataloging, production and publication. OMP works as a publishing site or press with capacity of sales, distribution and catalog(Figure 1).
In our days, the generation of new knowledge appears to be essential to gain access to new ideas and potential research projects, but it requires information current and developed by different research groups in the world.
However the difficulty to publicize the latest research are delayed when it must go through a long and tortuous path associated with economic evaluations of the potential associated with the purchase of a book by researchers with similar interests and considering that its location is not close, which complicates the opportunity to access a library specialized in a range of reasonable time.
The opportunity to be able to read online recent research of great value allows to analyze if really it is following the correct path towards a "State of the art" suitable topic, in addition to be able to understand the challenges faced in their scientific work and how to get financing for such projects from the perspective of researchers in different parts of the world, since in many investigations included in this type of resources explains how to obtain specialized equipment to specialized research such as multi-agent systems, evolutionary computation and parallel programming to recreate in detail.
The main advantages of the use of an Open Monograph Press are:
Display of recent research even under a year and the opportunity to publicize material associated with innovative topics.
Learn new topics related to a novel methodology to determine through the comparison of various authors their potential use of an application domain in particular.
Learning techniques for simulation and emulation of data for research, including access to a dataset, medical, aerospace, or related industry somewhat difficult to obtain in a conventional book by the associated restrictions.
The main disadvantages are:
Saturation of sources for a subject in particular and the difficulty compare if research already has been published previously, since an investigation can be considered disclosure when in reality is an investigation of an advance in the knowledge of the subject area.
Since a group of research can be multidisciplinary, a material in this type of media can be located both in a very specialized book of methodology and practical applications associated with the application domain, so it could not have the safety of the specialization of the material.
Due to the increasing number of publications of this type, there is no specialized catalogue with an evaluated objectively ranking that shows us the value of research, since it is possible that as a praiseworthy activity seeks to publicize the results of research without the safety of the vehemence in the contents of the. There is the Book Citation Index Index [5], but in Mexico and several countries still not given the value at the time of the evaluation of the quality of the research work.
Therefore and evaluating every aspect of the opportunity to use a methodological resource as it can be so Open Management Press, should consider that the digital divide between different societies could be reduced by having access to different levels of technology where several researchers from around the world are trying to do to influence their research in order to improve our lives through the paradigm shift from what we think about science and the Technology of mankind.