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vol.10 número2Presión Social de Familia y Amistades en la Conformación de la Identidad de Género en Adolescentes de la Ciudad de México índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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Acta de investigación psicológica

versión On-line ISSN 2007-4719versión impresa ISSN 2007-4832


MENDEZ SANCHEZ, María del Pilar; GARCIA MENDEZ, Mirna  y  PENALOZA GOMEZ, Rafael. Scale of Parental Behaviors to the Use of Technology in Adolescents. Acta de investigación psicol [online]. 2020, vol.10, n.2, pp.114-124.  Epub 05-Mar-2021. ISSN 2007-4719.

The use of technology has increased around the world, in Mexico there are 71.3 million Internet users, with children and adolescents being the second group who access the Internet the most. With the growth of virtual users, the dangers and risks also enlarge, therefore, the family is a protective factor that allows to regulate, supervise and guide adolescents about virtual content. The objective of the present study was to confirm the psychometric factorial structure of the scale of parental behaviors to the use of technology. 594 adolescents from Mexico City participated. The research question was: How is the statistical correspondence of the proposed items of the scale of parental behaviors to the internet use in adolescents? and the hypothesis to be tested was whether the adjustment of the confirmatory factor model that represents the structure of two subscales (one divided into four factors and other in three) of parental behaviors to the use of technology has adequate adjustment indices. The results confirmed the factorial structure of the scale oriented towards mother’s practices, obtaining the next index, CFI = .930; IFI = .931; NFI = .897 and RMSA = .056, with five factors: monitoring, supervision, conflict, support and protection. Also, the factorial structure of the parent’s scale was confirmed, finding appropriate adjustment indices: CFI = .961; IFI = .961; NFI = .943 and RMSA = .059, with four factors: protection, conflict, control and support. Likewise, normality criteria were met, the items had parametric estimates above .50, and presented Cronbach’s Alpha internal consistency indexes above .70. Finally, it is concluded that the scale complies with the acceptable psychometric properties and allows evaluating the adolescents ‘perception of their parents’ behavior regarding the use of technology. The findings can be used to carry out studies on attitudes associated with the perception of parental behaviors in the virtual media.

Palabras llave : Family; Parental Behaviors; Technology; Psychometrics; Scale.

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