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Ecosistemas y recursos agropecuarios
versión On-line ISSN 2007-901Xversión impresa ISSN 2007-9028
GARAY-MARTINEZ, Jonathan R. et al. Forage accumulation of buffelgrass and Urochloa hybrids at different regrowth ages. Ecosistemas y recur. agropecuarios [online]. 2018, vol.5, n.15, pp.573-581. ISSN 2007-901X.
Different Urochloa cultivars (Insurgente, Cayman, Cobra and Mulato II) and H-17 bufffelgrass (as control) were evaluated at different regrowth ages (RA) during the maximum and minimum precipitation periods (MAPP and MIPP, respectively). The evaluated variables were total, leaf and stem dry matter (TDM, LDM and SDM, respectively) and specific leaf area (SLA). During the MAPP, Cayman and Mulato II had the highest TDM (9 t DM ha-1), while in the MIPP the control recorded the lowest valué (1.04 vs. 0.79 t DM ha-1). During the MAPP, Mulato II had the highest LDM (8.40 t DM ha-1). SDM increased as the RA increased. Cayman and Mulato II recorded the highest SLA values (199 cm2 g-1, average). Regardless of the period, the TDM, LDM and SDM increased as the RA increased. Cayman and Mulato II are the most promising cultivars due to their high forage accumulation, LDM and SLA.
Palabras llave : Brachiaria hybrid CIAT 36087; Brachiaria hybrid BR02/1752; Brachiaria hybrid BR02/1794; Pennisetum ciliare H-17.