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vol.24 número50Percepción de los clientes sobre los factores determinantes del Merchandising Visual en puntos de venta Caracol del destino Holguín índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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Mercados y negocios

versión On-line ISSN 2594-0163versión impresa ISSN 1665-7039

Merc. negocios vol.24 no.50 Zapopan sep./dic. 2023  Epub 29-Sep-2023 

Cartas del Director

Letters from the Director

José Sánchez Gutiérrez, Director

This issue contains four research articles subjected to the peer-review process.

Customers' perception of the determining factors of Visual Merchandising in Caracol points of sale in Holguin of sale in Holguin, is the first article, written by Dayana González-Morera, Félix Díaz-Pompa, Miguel Ángel Gozález-Infante, and Ania Yelina Fernández-Lara. It analyzes the perception of customers who visit points of sale on the determining elements of visual merchandising. The study is carried out under a quantitative and descriptive approach through a survey applied to a sample of 159 external customers, where it was found that there is a primarily positive perception. However, there are unfavorable factors such as the ambiance with music, the relevance of promotions, seasonality, and distribution of products. In conclusion, it is known that Caracol stores, although they use Visual Merchandising, have aspects that customers negatively perceive.

The second article was written by Mayra Lucía Maycotte de la Peña, Karen Montaño Silva, Jesús Martín Robles Parra, and Jesús Lauro Paz-Luna. Its title is Quality and Organizational Innovation: Competitiveness Tools in the Table Grape System. The objective was to analyze quality management strategies as organizational innovation practices incorporated by table grape-producing organizations and their relationship with competitiveness. The data was obtained by elaborating a semi-structured interview script, which was applied to the managers or responsible people of the Sonoran table grape-producing organizations. The results allow us to recognize the main innovations organizations incorporate, specifically those related to organizational innovation. It was concluded that quality and organizational innovation are considered essential practices to generate competitive advantages in organizations since they generate knowledge, learning, and skills that drive decision-making aimed at business success.

Tacit and Explicit Knowledge: Drivers of the Competitiveness of Universities is the following article. Its author is Manuel Ortiz Barrera. This work examines these two cognitive dimensions through a confirmatory factor analysis to determine whether their relationship with the competitiveness variable is suitable for generating genuine competitive elements. These variables have been reviewed based on available cutting-edge literature and collected a priori from Mexican higher education institutions. Cognitive elements serve as precursors to competitiveness; however, comprehending this necessitates an analysis of the cognitive asset from a dimensional perspective, wherein formal and informal knowledge criteria are scientifically established as explicit and tacit knowledge.

Ana Rocío Valenzuela Quintero and Luis Alberto Bellon Álvarez wrote Trademark Influence and Brand Experience on Consumer's Loyalty to Fast Fashion Brands, which is the fourth article. The authors investigated the relationship between Brand love and Brand Experience with Brand Loyalty in fast fashion consumers in the ZMG. A quantitative instrument was built from whose answers it is intended to know if there is a positive relationship between the concepts of Love and Brand Experience and Brand Loyalty. From the results obtained, it sought to know the characteristics of the market, as well as the purchasing behavior and which of the brands studied is a favorite. The ANOVA was used to check whether the hypotheses were approved or rejected and to know the most critical consumer dimensions when developing loyalty to a fast fashion brand. The results reveal a positive relationship between the Brand Loyalty and Brand Experience and Brand Love scales. Therefore, the 2 Hypotheses presented for this study were accepted.

We thank our authors for their papers. We thank the readers for recommending and citing Mercados y Negocios, and our editorial team for not giving up in times of hard work. We want to demand more of ourselves every day and relentlessly aim to achieve more.

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