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vol.25 número52Branding interno en una organización de moda: convertir a los empleados en embajadores de la marca índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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Mercados y negocios

versión On-line ISSN 2594-0163versión impresa ISSN 1665-7039

Merc. negocios vol.25 no.52 Zapopan may./ago. 2024  Epub 07-Jun-2024 

Letters from the Director

Editor’s Letter

José Sánchez Gutiérrez1 

1Editor MERCADOS y Negocios

Congratulations to the entire editorial team on joining Scopus. We are sure it is a moment of pride for everyone at Mercados y Negocios. We must keep up the excellent work and strive to be the best daily! This issue contains five research articles that have the potential to significantly contribute to their respective fields, thanks to the rigorous peer-review process they have undergone.

Internal Branding Processes in a Fashion Organization: Turning Employees into Brand Ambassadors is the first article, written by Enrique Murillo, Teresa Sádaba, Pedro Mir- Bernal, Antonia Terán-Bustamante, and Oziel López-Sánchez. This article aims to empirically examine the internal branding processes implemented by a global sports fashion firm to turn all employees into competent brand ambassadors. Brand-oriented training was hypothesized as an antecedent of salesperson brand identification and brand commitment, which drive brand-aligned behavior, the critical trait of employee brand ambassadors. The principal conclusion of the authors is that brand-oriented training proves a significant driver of salesperson brand identification. Furthermore, brand identification drives brand commitment and brand-aligned behavior among all company employees, not just salespersons.

Romina Castillo Malagón, María Angélica Cruz Reyes, and Ruth Selene Romero Saldaña wrote the second article. Its title is Circular Economy: A Technological Innovation Strategy for Sustainability in Air Transport. The objective was to identify innovations, technological advances, and best practices to migrate towards a circular economy in air transport. The relevance of the research lies in the contribution to the generation of circular economy knowledge in the field of administration with application in the aeronautical industry. By analyzing literature and best practices, the circular economy could be a viable solution to reduce the use of natural resources in aircraft manufacturing and airport operations. Among the main findings are innovations and technological developments in new materials, fuels, building methods, and best practices implemented at airports to obtain energy and generate less waste. It has also been identified that applying circular economy principles in this mode of transport would contribute to sustainability efforts and increase the competitiveness of organizations in the sector.

Artisanal Businesses: Historical and Economic Context is the following article. Its authors are Franci Daniela Alonso Aguilar, Tania Elena González Alvarado, Pablo Cabanelas Lorenzo. The objective was to examine the unique features of artisan enterprises in Ecuador and how cooperation programs and national peculiarities have influenced their development. Through descriptive and conceptual analysis, we can better understand how these organizations have evolved within the historical and economic context of rural regions in Ecuador. The primary findings suggest that poverty alleviation and control measures have significantly impacted the definition of artisan enterprises in Ecuador, which now closely resemble micro-enterprises. Development cooperation efforts in Ecuador have prioritized preserving artisanal production rather than replacing it with industrial production, promoting micro-enterprises growth as artisanal workshops.

Sara Guerrero-Campos, Jorge Pelayo Maciel, and Jaime Arango-Marin wrote Adaptability of a Business and Superior Performance: Triad Model of Dynamic Capabilities, which is the fourth article. The article aims to examine the relationship between business adaptability and superior performance. The researchers used Exploratory Factor Analysis and Kruskal-Wallis statistics to analyze data from a survey of 227 companies associated with a University Center. The study found that the Triad Model of Dynamic Capabilities, which includes Sense, Seize, and Transform components, explained 78.38% of the variance in business adaptability. The findings confirm the importance of Sense, Seize, and Transform capabilities in sustaining competitive advantage, as demonstrated by the observed superior performance of the organizations. The originality of the paper lies in identifying higher-order capabilities associated with business adaptability in organizations across different sectors.

The fifth and last article is Practical Strategies for The Economic Development of Mexico: Nearshoring Trend. Its authors are Ignacio Santillán Luna, J. Jesús Ceja Pizano, and Daniel Pineda Domínguez. This work suggests practical strategies for Mexico's economic development through the trend of nearshoring. It involved identifying, analyzing, and organizing the causes of the conflict between China and the USA over international trade and exploring the opportunities that nearshoring to Mexico can offer. Qualitative research methods were applied, and documentary research techniques were used based on two study objects: a) the Sino-American dispute over international trade and b) nearshoring to Mexico. Nearshoring to Mexico is driven by various factors, including tariff benefits from Free Trade Agreements, low labor costs in manufacturing companies, and a stable exchange rate. Therefore, Mexico needs to encourage the development of industrial parks, implement an effective Public Security Policy, offer tax incentives to attract Foreign Direct Investment, and improve port, road, and air infrastructure to take full advantage of this trend.

We extend our heartfelt gratitude to our esteemed authors for their invaluable contributions. We also thank our readers for their continued support and for recommending and citing Mercados y Negocios. Last but not least, we appreciate our dedicated editorial team for their unwavering commitment and hard work.

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