List of the useful flora and potentially useful flora of the tropical rainforest and secondary vegetation in the municipality of Atzalan, Veracruz
The Cronquist (1988) classification was followed for the floristic list. When this was not possible, we used the classification and species record in the “Flora de Veracruz” (Sosa and Gómez-Pompa, 1994), as well as the nomenclature used in the fascicles(, Espejo-Serna et al., 2005). For the Pteridophytes the nomenclature of Mickel and Smith (2004) was followed.
The order of the list is as follows: species; common name (only if applicable); life form; cultivation (only if applicable); uses; potentially useful (only if applicable). Life form: H (Herb), T (Tree), B (Shrub), C (Creeper), E (Epiphyte). CU (Cultivated). Uses: T (Timber), F (Food), C (Condiments), O (Ornamental), M (Medicinal), WI (Work instrument); HD (Handicrafts), FU (Fuel), CO (Construction), R (Ritual), P (Industry production), F (Forage), SP (Shade plant), LF (Living fence). PU (Potentially useful).