BIP 1 Daily Script
At the beginning of the day the teacher should meet with the target student, show him/her the point card and provide the following instructions:
"While you are working you will earn smiles for being safe, respectful, and responsible."
"You can earn a smile for being safe if you have safe hands, you stay in your area (i.e., you stay inside the taped area), and you use the materials in the classroom appropriately (for example, you keep your desk on the ground, and you keep your papers and pencils on your desk)."
"You can earn a smile for being respectful if you use nice words when talking to your teachers and friends and you have a quiet voice while you work."
"You can earn a smile for being responsible if you do your work and you follow your teacher's directions."
"If you get all 3 smiles by being safe, respectful, and responsible, then you will get to have a break with items in the bin with either 2 or 3 smile faces!"
"If you get 2 smiles, then you will get to have a break with the items in the bin with 2 smiles."
"If you get less than 2 smiles, then you will not get a break, and will have to continue working at your desk and try to work for smiles for the next break time for being safe, responsible, and respectful."
If you get a total of (goal number) smiles by the end of the day, then you will be able to pick a prize from the prize box.
At the end of the day the teacher should meet with the target student, show him/her the point card and review his/her goal for that day and the number of smiles earned:
"Today you earned______smiles for being safe, respectful, and responsible while you were working. Your goal was to earn_____smiles."
"Great job reaching your goal! I am so proud of you and you can pick a prize from the prize box!"
"You did not reach your goal today so you do not get to pick a prize, but you can work hard tomorrow to reach your goal."
BIP 2 Daily Script
At the beginning of the day the teacher should meet with the target student, show him/her the break/work board and his/her picture and provide the following instructions:
"At the start of work, your picture will be on the break side of the board."
"If you have safe hands, you stay in your area (i.e., you stay inside the taped area), and use the materials in the classroom appropriately (for example, you keep your desk on the ground, and you keep your papers and pencils on your desk), then your picture will stay on the break side of the board."
"When the timer goes off if your picture is still on the break side of the board, then you will get to take a break in the break area. For every break you get in a row, you will get a tally above your picture, and if you have 2 or more tallies above your picture, you can play with an I-pad on your break."
"If while you are working you do not have safe hands, you do not stay in your area (i.e., you step outside of the tape), or you do not use materials appropriately your picture will be moved to the work side of the board. And any tallies above your picture will be erased."
"When the timer goes off if your picture is on the work side of the board, then you will have to stay at your desk and work, and you can try and earn the next break."