Appendix 1. People who helped in the identification of plant specimens, arranged by institution. Acronyms: FC-UNAM = Faculty of Sciences, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM); IB-UNAM = Institute of Biology, UNAM; FESI-UNAM = Faculty of Higher Studies at Iztacala, UNAM; FB-UAEM = Faculty of Biology, Universidad Autónoma del Estado de Morelos; CUCBA-UdeG = Center for Biological Sciences, Agriculture and Livestock Industry, Universidad de Guadalajara.


Appendix 2. Checklist of vascular plant taxa from the oak forests of El Tepozteco National Park (Morelos, Mexico). Reference vouchers were deposited at MEXU, at FCME [Herbarium of the Faculty of Sciences, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM) (indicated with the herbarium’s code next to voucher number)] or, for vouchers lacking reproductive structures or of few value for a collection, in the plant collection kept at the Plant Ecology and Diversity Laboratory of the Faculty of Sciences, UNAM (indicated with an asterisk). The geomorphological units where each taxon was recorded are also shown. Abbreviations for geomorphological units: CH = Chichinautzin, SU = Suchiooc, UO = upper Otates, LO = lower Otates, OC = Oclayuca, TE = El Tepozteco Range.