Anexo I


Referencias y especies por país tomadas en cuenta para este trabajo


Argentinaster sp., Argentinaster bodenbenderi, Furcaster separatus, Marginura yachalensis, Ophiocrossota kollenbergorum, Ophioderma bonaudoae.

Bertels, A., 1965, Noticia sobre el hallazgo de restos de equinodermos en el Paleoceno de General Roca (Pcia. Río Negro): Ameghiniana, 4(3), 84-99.

Caviglia, S. E., Martínez, S., Del Río, C.J., 2007, A new Early Miocene species of Ophiocrossota (Ophiuroidea) from Southern Patagonia, Argentina: Neues Jahrbuch für Geologie und Paläontologie-Abhandlungen, 245(2), 147-152.

Furque, G., Camacho, H.H., 1949, El Cretácico Superior de la costa Atlántica de Tierra de Fuego: Revista de la Asociación Geológica Argentina, 4(4), 263-297.

Haude, R., 1995, Echinodermen aus dem Unter-Devon der argentinischen Praekordillere: Neues Jahrbuch für Geologie und Paläontologie, Abhandlungen, 197(1), 37-86.

Martínez, S., Del Río, C.J., 2008, A new, first fossil species of Ophioderma Müller and Troschel, 1842 (Echinodermata: Ophiuroidea) (Late Miocene, Argentina): Zootaxa, 1841, 43-52.

Martínez, S., del Río, C.J., Pérez, D.E., 2010, A brittle star bed from the Miocene of Patagonia, Argentina: Lethaia, 43(1), 1–9.

Pérez, D.E., Fernández, D.E., Comerio, M., 2011, Primer registro corpóreo de ofiuroideos (Echinodermata: Asterozoa: Ophiuroidea) para el Mesozoico de América del Sur, en Asociación Paleontológica Argentina, Reunión Anual de Comunicaciones de la Asociación Paleontológica Argentina, resúmenes, 45-46.

Rodríguez, D., Pazos, P.J., Aguirre-Urreta, M.B., 2007, Cretaceous ophiuroid trace fossils from the Neuquen Basin, Argentina: Special Publication - Society for Sedimentary Geology, 88, 97-105.

Spencer, W.K., Wright, C.W., 1966, Asterozoans, en Moore, R.C. (ed.), Treatise on Invertebrate Paleontology, Part U: Echinodermata 3: Kansas, University of Kansas Press, U4-U107.



Rehfeld, U., Mehl, J., 1989, Andinodesma radiata n. gen. n. sp., a grammysiid taxon from the Lower Devonian Catavi-Formation (Bolivia) and its autecological and phylogenetic implications: Paläontologische Zeitschrift, 63 (3/4), 263-279.



Ecrinaster sp., Ecrinaster pontis

Caster, K.E., 1954, A new carpoid echinoderm from the Paraná Devonian: Anais de Academia Brasiliera de Ciencias, 26, 123-147.

Clarke, J.M., 1913, Fósseis Devonianos do Paraná: Monographias do Serviҫo Geologico e Mineralogico do Brasil, 1, 1-353.

Clarke, J.M., 1913, Illustrations of the Devonic fossils of Southern Brazil and the Falkland islands: New York State Museum Bulletin, 164, 140-210.

Melo, J.H.G., 1988, The Malvinokaffric realm in the Devonian of Brazil, en McMillan, N.J., Embry, A.F., Glass, D.J. (eds.), Devonian of the World, Volume I: Canada, Canadian Society of Petroleum Geologists, 669-703.



Hallaster sp., Ophiura sp., Stenaster sp., Palaeocoma spinosa, Taeniaster meafordensis (Taeniaster spinosus)

Aronson, R.B., Sues, H.D., 1988, The fossil record of brittlestar beds, en Burk, R., Mladenov, P., Lambert, P., Parsley, R. (eds.), Echinoderm Biology: Netherlands, A. A. Balkema Publishers, 147-148.

Billings, E., 1857, New species of fossils from the Silurian rocks of Canada: Geological Survey of Canada Report of Progress for the years 1853-54-55-56: 256-345.

Billings, E., 1858, On the Asteridae of the Lower Silurian Rocks of Canada: Geological Survey of Canada, Canadian Organic Remains, Dec. (3), 75-85.

von Bitter, P.H., 1966, Echinoderms as guide fossils in the correlation of the Windsor Group subzones of the Minas Sub-Basin: Pennsylvania, Department of Geology at Arcadia University, tesis de maestría, 164 p.

Bolton, T.E., 1960, Catalogue of Type Invertebrate Fossils of the Geological Survey of Canada: Geological Survey of Canada. 1, 1-215.

Corgan, J.X., 1962, A Lower Cretaceous brittle-star from the Northern Yukon territory, Canada: Journal of Paleontology, 36 (5), 1108-1111.

Frest, T.J., Brett, C.E., Witzke, B.J., 1999, Caradocian-Gedinnian echinoderm associations of Central and Eastern North America, en Boucot, A.J., Lawson, J.D. (eds.), Paleocommunities--a case study from the Silurian and Lower Devonian: Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 638-783.

Spencer, W.K., Wright, C.W., 1966, Asterozoans, en Moore, R.C. (ed.), Treatise on Invertebrate Paleontology, Part U: Echinodermata 3: Kansas, University of Kansas Press, U4-U107.

Tetreault, D.K., 2001, A new Silurian Konservat-Lagerstätte from the Eramosa Dolostone of the Southern Bruce Peninsula, Ontario, Canada: Ontario, Canada, University of West Ontario, tesis doctoral, 202 p.

Zonneveld, J.P., 2001, Middle Triassic biostromes from the Liard Formation, British Columbia, Canada: oldest examples from the Mesozoic of NW Pangea: Sedimentary Geology, 145(3-4), 317-341.



Euryalina indet., Ophiodermatidae indet. Ophiomusium sp., Ophioichnus aysenensis, Ophiura sp.

Bell, C.M., 2004, Asteroid and ophiuroid trace fossils from the Lower Cretaceous of Chile: Paleontology, 47(1), 51-66.

Kutscher, M., Neumann, C., Nielsen, S., Reich, M., Villier, L., 2004, Echinoderms from the Miocene of Chile, en Heinzeller, T., Nebelsick, J.H., (eds.), Echinoderms: München,

Proceedings of the 11th International Echinoderm Conference, Munich, Germany, 453-456.

Nielsen, S.N., Frassinetti, D., Bandel, K., 2004, Miocene Vetigastropoda and Neritimorpha (Mollusca, Gastropoda) of central Chile: Journal of South American Earth Sciences, 17, 73-88.


Estados Unidos de América

Aganaster sp., Aganaster gregarius, Alepidaster miamiensis, Alepidaster granuliferus, Amphiophiura oligocenica, Amphiura lymani, Amphiura sanctaecrusis, Antiquaster magrumi, Archaeophiomusium bispinosum, Archaeophiomusium burrisi, Armathyraster paradoxis, Aspidura idahoensis, Asteriacites lumbricalis, Calclyra eiseliana, Calclyra spathulata, Calclyra spinata, Calclyra triangulata, Caluptactis confragosus, Cholaster peculiaris, Drepanaster schoharie, Ecrinaster sp., Ecrinaster pusillus, Eugasterella bicatenulata, Eugasterella? concinna, Eugasterella logani, Euzonosoma sp., Euzonosoma legrandensis, Furcaster sp., Furcaster leptosoma, Klasmura clavigera, Klasmura? macropleura, Klasmura mirabilis, Lepidasterella babcocki, Lumectaster howelli, Mastigactis aranea, Onychaster sp., Onychaster barrisi, Onychaster confragosus, Onychaster flexilis, Onychaster strimplei, Ophiacantha danica, Ophiocoma senonensis, Ophioderma bridgerensis, Ophioglypha bridgerensis, Ophioglypha utahensis, Ophiomusium stephensoni, Ophiopolytretus aethus, Ophiotitanos serrata, Ophiura graysonensis, Ophiura marylandica, Ophiura straini, Ophiura texana, Ophiura travisana, Protaster miamiensis (Taeniaster spinosus), Protaster? granuliferus (Taeniaster spinosus), Protaster? stellifer, Protasterina flexuosa, Ptilonaster princeps, Schoenaster fimbriatus, Schoenaster? wachsmuthi, Stenaster obtusus, Strataster sp., Strataster devonicus, Strataster maciverorum, Strataster ohioensis, Strataster wrighti, Syntomospina kuehni, Taeniaster sp., Taeniaster elegans (Taeniaster spinosus), Taeniaster granuliferus, Taeniaster schohariae (Taeniaster spinosus), Taeniaster spinosus, Tremataster sp., Tremataster difficilis, Urosoma hirudo, Vandelooaster plicatilis

Anderson, J.R., 2003, Taphonomy of Eocene ophiuroids from the coastal plain of Georgia: Geological Society of America, Geological Society of America, 37th annual meeting, Abstracts with Programs, 35(1), 64.

Arnold, R., 1882, Description of a new brittle star from the Upper Miocene of the Santa Cruz Mountains, California: Proceedings U. S. National Museum, XXXIV (1620), 403-405.

Aronson, R.B., Sues, H.D., 1988, The fossil record of brittlestar beds, en Burk, R., Mladenov, P., Lambert, P., Parsley, R. (eds.), Echinoderm Biology: Netherlands, A. A. Balkema Publishers, 147-148.

Bassler, R.S., 1915, Bibliographic Index of American Ordovician and Silurian Fossils: Bulletin of the United States National Museum, 92(2): 1521.

Berry, C.T., 1937, An ophiuran from The Byram Marl (Oligocene) of Mississippi: Journal of Paleontology, 11(3), 235-240.

Berry, C.T., 1939, More complete remains of Ophiura marylandica: Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society, 80(1), 87-94.

Berry, C.T., 1941, Cretaceous Ophiurans from Texas: Journal of Paleontology, 15(1), 61-67.

Berry, C.T., 1942, A new ophiuran from the Eocene of New Jersey: Journal of Paleontology, 16(3), 393-396.

Bjork, P.R., Goldberg, P.S., Kesling, R.V., 1968, New ophiuroid from Chester Series (Mississippian) of Ilinois: Journal of Paleontology, 42(1), 197-200.

Caster, K.E., 1939, Siliceous Sponges from Mississippian and Devonian Strata of the Penn-York Embayment: Journal of Paleontology, 13(1), 1-20.

Chen, Z.Q., McNamara, K.J., 2006, End-permian extinction and subsequent recovery of the Ophiuroidea (Echinodermata): Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 236, 321-344.

Chesnut, D.R., Ettensohn, F.R., 1988, Hombergian (Chesterian) echinoderm paleontology and paleoecology, south-central Kentucky: Bulletins of American Paleontology, 95(330), 1-102.

Clark, C., 1981, Stratigraphy, Paleontology, and Geology of the Central Santa Cruz Mountains, Californian Coast Ranges: United States Geological Survey Professional Paper, 1168, 1-51.

Clark, W.B., Twitchell, M.W., 1915, The Mesozoic and Cenozoic Echinodermata of the United States: United States Geological Survey Bulletin, 54, 1-227.

Cook, J.J., 1991, Macrofossils from the Vincetown Formation (Paleocene) of New Jersey: Bulletin of the New Jersey Academy of Science, 36(1), 11-15.

Cornell, W.C., Lemone, D.V., Norland, W.D., 1991, Albian Ophiuroids from Cerro de Cristo Rey, Dona Ana County, New Mexico: Journal of Paleontology, 65(6), 1009-1013.

De Gilbert, J M., Ekdale, A.A., 2002, Ichnology of a restricted epicontinental sea, Arapien Shale, Middle Jurassic, Utah, USA: Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 183, 275-286.

Durham, J.W., Roberts, W.A., 1948, Cretaceous asteroids from California: Journal of Paleontology, 22(4), 432-439.

Easton, W.M., 1962, Carboniferous formations and faunas of central Montana: US Geological Survey Professional Paper, 348, 1-126.

Feinberg, J., Twitchett, R., 2001, Ophiuroids in the aftermath of the end-Permian biotic crisis; new fossils from North America and Italy: Geological Society of America, Geological Society of America, 2001 annual meeting, Abstracts with Programs, 33(6), 11.

Frest, T.J., Brett, C.E., Witzke, B.J., 1999, Caradocian-Gedinnian echinoderm associations of Central and Eastern North America, en Boucot, A.J., Lawson, J.D. (eds.), Paleocommunities--a case study from the Silurian and Lower Devonian: Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 638-783.

Gill, J.R., Cobban, W.A., Kier, P.M., 1966, The Red Bird Section of the Upper Cretaceous Pierre Shale in Wyoming: United States Geological Survey Professional Paper, 393(A),1-73.

Glass, A., 2006, Pyritized tube feet in a protasterid ophiuroid from the Upper Ordovician of Kentucky, USA, Acta Palaentologica Polonica, 51(1), 171-184.

Hall, J., 1861, Descriptions of new species of Crinoidea: Iowa, Investigations of the Iowa Geological Survey, Preliminary notice, 19 p.

Harper, J.A., Morris, R.W., 1978, An new ecrinasterid ophiuroid from the Conemaugh Group (Pennsylvanian) of Western Pennsylvania, and revision of the Ecrinasteridae: Journal of Paleontology, 52(1), 155-163.

Hattin, D.E., 1959, An occurrence of Ophiuraster burrisi Miller: Journal of Paleontology, 33(6), 1125-1128.

Hattin, D.E., 1967, Permian ophiuroids from Northern Oklahoma: Journal of Paleontology, 41(2), 489-492.

Horowitz, A.S., Waters, J.A., 1972, A Mississippian Echinoderm Site in Alabama: Journal of Paleontology, 46(5), 660-665.

Hotchkiss, F.H.C., 1970, North American Ordovician Ophiuroidea; the genus Taeniaster Billings, 1858 (Protasteridae): Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington, 83(5), 59-75.

Hotchkiss, F.H.C., 1976, Devonian Ophiuroids from New York State: Reclassification of Klasmura, Antiquaster ans Stenaster into the Suborder Scalarina nov., order Stenurida: New York State Museum Bulletin, 425, 1-39.

Hotchkiss, F.H.C., 1993, A new Devonian ophiuroid (Echinodermata: Oegophiurida) from New York State and its bearing on the origin of ophiuroid upper arm plates: Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington, 106(1), 63-84.

Imlay, R.W., 1961, Characteristic lower Cretaceous megafossils from northern Alaska: United States Geological Survey Professional Paper, 335, 1-74.

Ivany, L.C., Portell, R.W., Jones, D.S., 1990, Animal-plant relationships and paleobiogeography of an Eocene seagrass community from Florida: Palaios, 5, 244-258.

Jell, P., 1997, Early Carboniferous ophiuroids from Crawfordsville, Indiana: Journal of Paleontology, 71(2), 306-316.

Kesling, R.V., Chilman, R.B., 1975, Strata and megafossils of the Middle Devonian Silica Formation: University of Michigan Papers on Paleontology, 8, 1-408.

Kesling, R.V., LeVasseur, D., 1971, Strataster ohioensis, a new Early Mississippian brittle-star, and the paleoecology of its community: Contributions from the Museum of Paleontology the University of Michigan, 23(20), 305-341.

Lane, N.G., Matthews, J.L., Driscoll, E.G., Yochelson, E.L., 1973, Paleontology and paleoecology of the Crawfordsville fossil site (Upper Osagian: Indiana): University of California Publications in Geological Sciences, 99, 1-141.

Lehman, D., Pope, J.K., 1990, Upper Ordovician tempestites from Swatara Gap, Pennsylvania: depositional processes affecting the sediments and paleoecology of the fossil faunas: Palaios, 4, 553-564.

Maliva, R.G., 1984, Paleoecology and Sedimentology of the Rockford Limestone and Upper New Albany Shale (Lower Mississippian) in southern Indiana: Indiana, U.S.A., Indiana University, tesis de maestría, 185 p.

Mayou, T.V., 1967, Paleontology of the Permian Loray Formation in White Pine County, Nevada: Brigham Young University Research Studies, Geology Series, 14, 101-122.

Mayou, T.V., 1969, A new species of Permian ophiuroid from Nevada: Journal of Paleontology, 43, 936-940.

McDonald, K., Waggoner, B., Harper, J., Hotchkiss, F.H.C., 2000, Ophiuroids from the Imo Formation (Chesterian: Mississippian) of Northern Arkansas en Geological Society of America, Reno Nevada: 112th Annual Meeting of the Geological Society of America, Abstracts with Programs, 32(7), A-447.

Meek, F.B., Worthen, A.W., 1861, Descriptions of new Carboniferous fossils from Illinois and other Western States: Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Science of Philadelphia, 12, 447-472.

Meek, F.B., 1872, Description of a new species, and one new genus, of Silurian fossils from Ohio: The American Journal of Science and Arts, 4, 274-281.

Miller, H.W., 1958, A new genus and species of Permian ophiuroid from Kansas: Journal of Paleontology, 32(2), 357-361.

Miller, S.A., 1882, Description of three new species and remarks upon others: Journal of the Cincinnati Society of Natural History, 5 (3), 116-117.

Miller, S.A., Gurley, W.F.E., 1891, Description of some new genera and species of Echinodermata from the coal measures and subcarboniferous rocks of Indiana, Missouri and Iowa. Indiana Department of Geology and Natural History, 16, 1-251.

Morris, R.W., Rollins, H.B., Shaak, G.D., 1973, A new ophiuroid from the Brush Creek Shale (Conemaugh Group, Pennsylcanian) of Western Pennsylvania: Journal of Paleontology, 47(3), 473-478.

Nützel, A., Schulbert, C., 2005, Facies of two important Early Triassic gastropod Lagerstätten: implications for diversity patterns in the aftermath of the end-Permian mass extinction: Facies, 51, 480-500.

Oyen, C.W., Portell, R.W., 2001, Diversity patterns and biostratigraphy of Cenozoic echinodems from Florida: Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 166, 193-218.

Pabian, R.K., Strimple, H.L., 1973, A Pennsylvanian Ophiuroid from Southwestern Iowa: Proceedings of the Iowa Academy of Science, 80(1), 39-40.

Perry, J.A., Glass, A., Kues, B., Ely, L., 2007, Observations on new late Paleozoic brittle stars (Echinodermata, Ophiuroidea) from New Mexico and Texas: Geological Society of America, Cordilleran Section, 103rd annual meeting, 2007, Abstracts with Programs, 39(4), 3.

Poropat, R., 1994, Missouri locality destroyed: Maps Digest, 17(5), 1-2.

Rasmussen, H.W., 1951, Cretaceous Ophiuroidea from Germany, Sweden, Spain and New Jersey: Saertryk af Meddelelser fra Dansk Geologisk Forening, 12, 48-56.

Schuchert, C., 1914, Stelleroidea palaeozoica (part 3), en Frech, F. (ed.), Fossilium Catalogus I, Animalia: W. Junk, Berlin, 1-53.

Sass, D.B., Condrate, R.A.,1985, Destruction of a Late Devonian ophiuroid assemblage; a victim of changing ecology at the Catskill Delta front, en Woodrow, D.L., Sevon, W.D. (eds.), The Catskill Delta, Special Paper: Geological Society of America, 201, 237-246.

Smith, D.P., 1978, Paleontology and Paleoecology of the Basal New Providence Shale (Osagian: Mississippian) at Paris Landing, Tennessee: Indiana, U.S.A., Indiana University, tesis de maestría, 173 p.

Spencer, W.K., 1930, A Monograph of the British Palaeozoic Asterozoa: Monograph of the Palaeontographical Society, 1928, 389-436.

Spencer, W.K., 1934, A Monograph of the British Palaeozoic Asterozoa: Monograph of the Palaeontographical Society, 1933, 437-494.

Spencer, W.K., Wright, C.W., 1966, Asterozoans, en Moore, R.C. (ed.), Treatise on Invertebrate Paleontology, Part U: Echinodermata 3: Geological Society of America and Lawrence, Kansas, University of Kansas Press, 366 p.

Strimple, H.L., 1970, The occurrence of Onychaster strimplei in Oklahoma: Oklahoma Geology Notes, 30(2), 1-42.

Toulmin, L.D., 1977, Stratigraphic Distribution of Paleocene and Eocene Fossils in the Eastern Gulf Coast Region: Geological Survey of Alabama, Monograph, 13(1), 1-602.

Twitchett, R.J., Feinberg, J.M., O´Connor, D.D., Alvarez, W., Mccollum, L.B., 2005, Early Triassic Ophiuroids: Their Paleoecology, Taphonomy, and Distribution: Palaios, 20, 213-223.

Ward, E.L., 1982, A new ophiuroid from the Pennsylvanian of Kansas, associated with the ichnofossil Asteriacites: Geological Society of America, Texas and Kansas-Oklahoma chapters of the National Association of Geology Teachers 139, 16th annual meeting, Abstracts with Programs, 14, 3.

Waring, C.A., 1917, Stratigraphic and faunal relations of the Martinez to the Chico and Tejon of Southern California: Proceedings of the California Academy of Science, 7(4), 41-124.

Waters, J.A., 1978, The Paleontology and Paleoecology of the Lower Bangor Limestone (Chesterian, Mississippian) in northwestern Alabama: Indiana, U.S.A., Indiana University, tesis doctoral, 193 p.

Webster, G.D., Hafley, D.J., Blake, D.B., Glass, A., 1999, Crinoids and Stelleroids (Echinodermata) from the Broken Rib Member, Dyer Formation (Late Devonian, Famennian) of the White River Plateau, Colorado: Journal of Paleontology, 73(3), 461-486.

Welch, J.R., 1984, The asteroid Lepidasterella montanensis n. sp. from the Upper Mississippian Bear Gulch Limestones of Montana: Journal of Paleontology, 58(3), 843-851.

Weller, J.M., 1930, Ophiuroid remains of Pennsylvanian age: Journal of Paleontology, 4(1), 1-13.

Wernlund, R.J., 1977, Bioestratigraphy and paleoecology of holothurians sclerites from the Piner Member Bell Canyon Formation (Permian) of the Delawer Basin of West Texas: Texas, U.S.A., Texas Tech University, tesis de maestría, 122 p.

Wilson, M.A., Rigby, J.K., 2000, Asteriacites lumbricalis von Schlotheim 1820: ophiuroid trace fossils from the Lower Triassic thaynes Formation, Central Utah: Ichnos, 7(1), 43-49.

Worthen, A.W., Miller, S.A., 1883, Descriptions of new Carboniferous echinoderms: Illinois State Geological Survey, 7, 327-331.



Ophiomusium sp.

Dixon, H.L., Donovan, S.K., Veltkamp, C.J., 1994, Crinoid and Ophiuroid ossicles from the Oligocene of Jamaica: Caribbean Journal of Science, 30(1-2), 143-145.

Donovan, S.K., Gordon, C., Veltkamp, C.J., Scott, A.D., 1993, Crinoid, asteroids and ophiuroids in the Jamaican fossil record, en Wright, R.M., Robinson, E. (eds.), Biostratigraphy of Jamaica: Geological Society of America, 182, 125-130.

Donovan, S.K., Paul, C.R.C., 1998, Echinoderms of the Pliocene Bowden shell bed, southeast Jamaica: Contributions to Tertiary and Quaternary Geology, 35, 129-146.

Donovan, S.K., Portell, R.W., Veltkamp, C.J., 2005, Lower Miocene echinoderms of Jamaica, West Indies: Scripta Geologica, 129, 91-135.

Steman, T.A., 2003, Reef corals of the White Limestone Group of Jamaica: Cainozoic Research, 3(1-2), 83-107.



Amphiura? senonensis, Ophiactis applegatei, Ophiocnemis sp., Ophiomusium sp., Ophiura sp., Ophiurinidae, Stegophiura nodosa

Buitrón, B.E., Solís, F.A., Miranda, J.C., Miranda, J.B., 1994, El hallazgo de un ofiuroidea Pliocénico de la región de Vizcaíno, Baja California Sur, en Sociedad Geológica Mexicana, XII Convención Geológica Nacional, memorias, 26-27.

Martin-Medrano, L., 2006, Análisis paleontológico de los ofiuroideos fósiles de México: México, D.F., Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, tesis de maestría, 140 p.

Martin-Medrano, L., Nieto-López, I.E., García-Barrera, P., Navarro-Santillán, D., Thuy, B., 2011, Estudio preliminar de las microfacies de la Formación Las Trancas (Kimmeridgiano-Neocomiano), Querétaro, México, en Sociedad Mexicana de Paleontología, XII Congreso Nacional de Paleontología, Puebla de los Ángeles, Puebla: México D.F., Facultad de Ciencias, Memorias, 92 p.

Martin-Medrano, L., Thuy, B., García, P., 2009, New Albian (Early Cretaceous) ophiuroids from The Tlayúa Quarry, Puebla, México: Palaeontology, 52(1), 83-94.

Quiroz-Barroso, S. A., Sour-Tovar, F., 1995, Nuevo registro de ofiuroideo (Ophiurinidae) para el Pensilvanico de América del Norte, proveniente de la Formación Ixtaltepec, Oaxaca, en Sociedad Mexicana de Paleontologia, V Congreso Nacional de Paleontologia, México D.F.: Mexico, D. F., Instituto de Geología, UNAM, Memorias, 31 p.

Shroat-Lewis, R. A., 2007, Taphonomy of a Pliocene ophiuroid mass mortality Lagerstätte in the Tirabuzón Formation, Baja California Sur: North Carolina, University of North Carolina, Master of Science Thesis, 70 p.



Ophioderma sp.

Berry, C.T., 1935, A Pliocene ophiurian from Trinidad: Journal of Paleontology, 9, 430-433.



Ecrinaster sp., Ecrinaster pontis

Figueras, A., 1991, Lower Devonian fauna in Uruguay en Suarez-Soruco, R. (ed.), Revista Técnica de Yacimientos Petrolíferos Fiscales Bolivianos, 12 (1), Siluro-Devonian of Latin America Proyect, 193, 57-64.

Melo, J. H. G., 1988, The Malvinokaffric realm in the Devonian of Brazil, en McMillan, N. J., Embry, A. F., Glass, D. J., (eds.) Devonian of the World, Volume I: Calgary, Alberta, Canada, Canadian Society of Petroleum Geologists, 669-703.

Méndez-Alzola, R., 1938, Fósiles devónicos del Uruguay: Boletín del Instituto Geológico del Uruguay, 24, 3-115.



Amphioplus sp., Amphioplus venezuelanus, Archaeophiomusium andinum, Ophiura sp.

Berry, C. T., 1941, Tertiary ophiurans from Venezuela: Journal of Paleontology, 15(1), 68-70.

Sanchez, T. M., 1983, A new Permian ophiuroid, Archaeophiomusium andinum nov sp. from western Venezuela: Geobios, 16, 103-107.

Spencer, W. K., Wright, C. W., 1966, Asterozoans, en Moore, R. C. (ed.), Treatise on Invertebrate Paleontology, Part U: Echinodermata 3: Lawrence, Kansas, University of Kansas Press, U4-U107.