Most semiconductor compounds crystallize in tetrahedral structures, where each atom has as its first neighbors four other atoms bonded by sp3 hybrid orbitals placed at the vertices of a tetrahedron. For the formation of these bonds, an average number of four valence electrons per atom is necessary. However, some derived structures involve the orderly omission of atoms resulting in so-called defect or vacancy semiconductor compounds. In this type of structures, some atom has less than four neighbors, due to the presence of vacancies in the cationic sites 1. Moreover, magnetic semiconducting compounds and alloys in which manganese is one of the component elements are of interest because of the large magneto-optical effects, which can occur in these materials 2. These semimagnetic compounds can be obtained from the tetrahedrally coordinated II-VI semiconductors by replacing a fraction of cations, following the rules of adamantane compounds formation. According to these rules, the cation substitution is performed in such a way that an average number of four valence electrons per atomic site and eight as the value for the ratio valence electrons to anions is maintained. In particular, two possible families of the fourfold defect derivatives of the II-VI binary semiconductors exist; II-III2-▫-VI4 and II2-IV-▫-VI4, where ▫ represents the cation vacancy which is included to maintain the same number of cations and anions sites 1.
Materials with composition II2-IV-▫-VI−4 with II = Mn, Fe, IV = Si, Ge, Sn, VI = S, Se, Te can be useful for applications such as thermoelectrics 3-5, optoelectronics 6, spintronics and magnetic devices 7-9. The presence of transition metal and chalcogenide elements provide unique interactions between electron spins, from the transition metal, and p-orbital electrons that contribute to modifying the physical properties of these materials, and increase their potential for different applications 10. It is therefore of great interest to establish its crystal structures and investigate its fundamental properties in order to further the understanding of their physical properties, and increase their potential for different applications.
Regarding to one of the fundamental properties as is their magnetic behavior, Mn derivatives have been reported to have antiferromagnetism behavior with Curie temperatures shown in Table I. The magnetic properties of Mn2Sn▫Se4 have not as yet been reported.
Compound | SG | a(Å) | b(Å) | c(Å) | V(Å) | Ref. | Ɵ(K) | Ref. |
Mn2SiS4 | Pnma | 12.688 (2) | 7.429 (2) | 5.942 (1) | 560.1 (2) | [14] | -200 | [21] |
Mn2SiSe4 | Pnma | 13.3066(8 | 7.7780(5) | 6.2451(3) | 646.4(1) | [15] | -230 | [15] |
Mn2GeS4 | Pnma | 12.776 | 7.441 | 6.033 | 573.53 | [16] | -373 | [22] |
Mn2GeSev | Pnma | 13.350(3) | 7.765(2) | 6.307(1) | 635.8(3) | [17] | -240 | [17] |
Mn2GeTe4 | Pnma | 13.950(2) | 8.115(1) | 6.592(1) | 746.2(2) | [18] | -375 | [7] |
Mn2SnS4 | Cmmm | 7.397(4) | 10.477(7) | 3.664(3) | 284.0(1) | [19] | -463 | [23] |
Mn2SnSe4 |
Pnma Pnma |
13.49 12.9028(2) |
7.858 7.9001(1) |
6.494 6.5015(1) |
688.4 662.72(2) |
[11] this work |
- - | |
Mn2SnTe4 | Pnma | 14.020(2) | 8.147(1) | 6.607(1) | 754.7(2) | [20] | - 300 | [24] |
These materials generally crystallize in the olivine structure type, as shown in Table I for Mn derivatives, with the VI anions forming a hexagonal close packing, and the cations in tetrahedral (IV) and octahedral (II) coordination.
Particularly for the ternary Mn2Sn▫Se4 a poor quality powder diffraction pattern is reported in the Powder Diffraction File PDF-ICDD (039-0879) 11, with cell parameters and space group as unique information. However, a search in the databases Inorganic Crystal Structure Database (ICSD) 12 and Springer Materials (13), where are reported complete structural studies, showed no entries for this compound.
Therefore, the present work reports the synthesis and structural characterization of the new olivine-type compound Mn2Sn▫Se4, included unit cell parameters, atomic coordinates, isotropic temperature factors and geometric parameter values (cation-anion bond and angles), from powder X-ray diffraction data.
Polycrystalline sample of Mn2Sn▫Se4 was synthesized using the melt and annealing technique. Stoichiometric quantities of highly pure Mn, Sn and Se elements, with a nominal purity of at least 99.99% (Sigma-Aldrich), were charged in an evacuated quartz ampoule, previously subject to pyrolysis in order to avoid reaction of the starting materials with quartz. The fusion process, 14 days, was carried out into a furnace (vertical position) heated up to 1050∘C. Then, the temperature was gradually lowered to 500∘C. Finally, the furnace was turned off and the ingots were cooled to room temperature. Chemical composition of the resultant ingot was determined at several regions by energy dispersive spectroscopic (EDS) analysis using a JMS-6400 scanning electron microscope (SEM). Three different regions of the ingot were scanned, and the average atomic percentages are: Mn (14.3%), Sn (28.5%) and Se (57.2%), very close to the ideal composition 2 : 1 : 4. The error in standardless analysis was around 5%.
X-ray powder diffraction pattern was collected at room temperature, in a Panalytical X’pert diffractometer using CuKα radiation (λ= 1.5418 Å). A small quantity of the sample was ground mechanically in an agate mortar and pestle and mounted on a flat holder. The specimen was scanned from 10 to 80∘2θ, with a step size of 0.02∘ and counting time of 20 s. Silicon (SRM-640) was used as an external standard. The Panaytical X’pert Pro analytical software was used to establish the positions of the peaks.
3.Results and Discussion
X-ray powder diffractogram of Mn2SnSe4 shows a single phase (Fig. 1). The 20 first measured reflections were completely indexed using the program DICVOL04 25, which gave a unique solution in an orthorhombic cell with unit cell parameters a= 12.895(1) Å, b= 7.860(1) Å, c= 6.478(1) Å. Systematic absence of analysis indicates a P-type cell, which suggested along with the sample composition and cell parameter dimensions that this material is isostructural with the olivine-type compounds, crystallizing in the orthorhombic space group Pnma (N∘ 62). The crystal structure refinement carried out by the Rietveld method 26 was performed using the FULLPROF program 27, with the unit cell parameters obtained in the indexed. The atomic coordinates of the isomorphic compound Mn2SnTe4 20 were used as starting parameters for the refinement. The instrumental and structural variables adjusted during the refinement were; zero shift, scale factor, asymmetry parameter, three pseudo-Voigt parameters of the peak-shape function, three unit cell parameters, eleven positional parameters and one overall isotropic temperature factor. The background was described by the automatic interpolation of 67 points throughout the whole pattern. The refinement converged to the final profile agreement factors summarized in Table II. Figure 1 shows the observed, calculated and difference profile for the final cycle of Rietveld refinement. Atomic coordinates, isotropic temperature factor, bond and angle distances are shown in Table III. Figure 2 show the unit cell diagram of Mn2SnSe4.
Chemical formula | Mn2Sn¤Se4 | wavelength (CuKα) | 1.5418Å |
Formula weight (g/mol) | 544.43 | data range 2θ(o) | 10-80 |
a(Å) | 12.9028(2) | step size 2θ (o) | 0.02 |
b(Å) | 7.9001(1) | counting time (s) | 20 |
c(Å) | 6.5015(1) | step intensities | 4001 |
V(Å) | 662.72(2) | Peak-shape profile | pseudo-voigt |
Z | 4 | Rp (%) | 5.5 |
Crystal system | orthorhombic | Rwp (%) | 5.9 |
Space group | Pnma (No62) | Rexp (%) | 5.0 |
dcalc (g/cm-3) | 5.46 | RB (%) | 4.8 |
Temperature (K) | 298(1 | S | 1.2 |
= 100[(N−P+C)/∑
Atom | Ox. | Site | x | y | z | foc | Biso(Å2) |
Mn1 Mn2 Sn Se1 Se2 Se3 |
+2 +2 +4 -2 -2 -2 |
4a 4c 4c 8d 4c 4c |
0 0.241(1) 0.404(1) 0.327(1) 0.416(2) 0.583(2) |
0 ¼ ¼ 0.007(1) ¼ 1/4 |
0 0.503(1) 0.072(1) 0.255(1) 0.689(2) 0.249(1) |
1 1 1 1 1 1 |
0.5(2) 0.5(2) 0.5(2) 0.5(2) 0.5(2) 0.5(2) |
Mn1-Se1ii Mn2-Se1v Mn2-Se3iii Sn-Se1 |
2.92(1)x2 2.84(1)x2 2.77(3) 2.56(1)x2 |
Mn1-Se2iii Mn2-Se1 Sn-Se2i |
2.66(1)x2 2.84(1)x2 2.54(2) |
Mn1-Se3iv Mn2-Se2 Sn-Se3 |
2.87(1)x2 2.74(3) 2.77(3) |
Se1iv -Mn1-Se2iii Se1iv -Mn1-Se2iv Se3iv -Mn1-Se3iii Se3iii -Mn2-Se2 Se3iii -Mn2-Se1vii Se2i -Sn-Se1vi Se1vi -Sn-Se1 |
94.4(2) 85.6(2) 180.0(0) 171.9(7) 94.8(2) 94.8(2) 101.9(3) |
Se1iv -Mn1-Se3iv Se1iv -Mn1-Se1ii Se1vi -Mn2-Se1v Se3iii -Mn2-Se1vi Se3iii -Mn2-Se1v Se2i -Sn-Se1 Se3-Sn-Se1 |
85.7(2) 180.0(3) 174.9(2) 88.3(2) 94.8(2) 119.2(2) 100.9(3) |
Se1iv -Mn1-Se3iii Se2iii -Mn1-Se2iv Se1-Mn2-Se1vii Se3iii -Mn2-Se1 Se2i -Sn-Se3 Se1vi -Sn-Se3 |
94.3(2) 180.0(5) 174.9(2) 88.3(2) 112.0(5) 100.9(3) |
Symmetry codes: (i) x, y, −1 + z; (ii) −0.5 + x, y, 0.5 − z; (iii) −0.5 + x, 0.5 −y, 0.5 − z; (iv) 0.5 − x, −y, −0.5 + z; (v) 0.5 −x, −y, 0.5+ z; (vi) x, 0.5 − y, z; (vii) 0.5 − x, 0.5 + y, 0.5 + z.
Mn2SnSe4 crystallize in an olivine-type structure which consists of a three-dimensional arrangement of distorted MnSe6 octahedra and SnSe4 tetrahedra connected by common faces. The olivine structure can be described as a hexagonal close packing of Se−2 anions with the Mn+2 cations occupying half of the octahedral sites and the Sn+4 cations occupying an eighth of the tetrahedral sites. The Mn1Se6 octahedra are located at a center of symmetry and form infinite edge-shared chains parallel to [010]. In alternating positions to the left and right of the chains and situated half way between two Mn1Se6 octahedra, the Mn2Se6 octahedra are straddling the mirror planes perpendicular to [010]. The selenide ion common to the two octahedra Mn−1Se6 and the Mn2Se6 octahedron forms one of the apices of an occupied SnSe4 tetrahedron; the other 3 apices are located in a horizontal plane and are provided by 3 selenide ions of the chain below or above. Each Mn1Se6 octahedron shares: 2 edges with 2 Mn1Se6 octahedra, 2 edges with 2 Mn2Se6 octahedra, 2 edges with 2 SnSe4 tetrahedra; while each Mn2Se6 octahe- dron shares: 2 edges with 2 Mn1Se6 octahedra, 1 edge with 1 SnSe4 tetrahedron. Figure 2 shows how the octahedra and tetrahedra share faces.
The interatomic distances are shorter than the sum of the respective ionic radii for structures tetrahedrally bonded 28. The Mn-Se [mean value 2.72(2) Å] and Sn-Se [mean value 2.53(2) Å] bond distances, compare well with the same distances found in related adamantane compounds such as Cu2SnSe329, CuMn2InSe430, MnIn−2Se431, Cu2MnSnSe432 and the systems CuGa (1−X) Mn (X) Se233 and CuMn-III-Se3 (III= Al, Ga, In) 34. All of these phases were found in the Inorganic Crystal Structure Database (ICSD) 12.
The ternary compound Mn2SnSe4 was synthesized and its crystal structure was determined using X-ray powder diffraction. This material crystallizes in the orthorhombic space group Pnma with an olivine-type structure and corresponds with a new compound of the II-III2--VI4 family with this crystalline arrangement.