Recently, the improvement of the optical fiber technology has led to an enormous
interest in wave propagation along twisted waveguides. Especially, rotation effects
of the geometric phase of polarized light propagating along the optical fiber have
been the research subject of many recent articles regardless of their contents are
practical or theoretical. For example, Smith [1] investigated that a rotation of the polarization of
light propagating in a monochromatic optical fiber wrapping around the conductor is
induced by the magnetic field owing to the electric current flowing. In that study,
it was also concluded that the current is proportional to the rotation, which is
typical of a few degrees order. The geometric effect of the plane rotation of the
light propagation in a mono mode optical fiber tracing a non-planar trajectory was
given by Ross [2]. He developed a
purely geometric method to calculate the rotation in the helical optical fiber with
a constant-torsion. He also supported his results with some measurements on the
fiber bent into a helix. Tomita and Chiao [3] generalized the former study of Ross for more general
fiber configurations. On the other hand, Chiao and Wu [4] focused on mainly the theoretical aspect of the
effects of geometric phase rotation. They suggested that these effects should be
considered as topological features of the traditional Maxwellian theory. Later,
Haldane [5] proposed that these
effects can be generalized for any arbitrary fiber trajectory without any
restriction as in the earlier studies. Apart from previous researches [6-10], in Sec. 3, we propose that an electromagnetic wave
acquires novel geometric phases in the normal and binormal directions during its
propagation along the curved path in Minkowski space.
In optical fiber researches, light is mostly considered as a carrier of an
electromagnetic wave and its features. When it is supposed to propagate within the
optical fiber, it is well-defined, due to the Maxwell’s equations. The set of
Maxwell’s equations implicitly demonstrates how electromagnetic field vectors
propagate and explicitly tell sources of the field. In the optical fiber
configuration of uniform, isotropic, nonconducting, free-from charge, and
non-dispersive, we solve Maxwell’s equations for the electric and magnetic field
vectors. We also derive the Laplacian-like formal equations belonging to the
electromagnetic wave propagating along with the fiber in Minkowski space, in which
details can be found in Sec 4.
The time evolution of the physical system in a given spacetime structure can be
described by the principle of the least action. The evolution of the space curve is
a very efficient tool to understand many physical processes such as vortex
filaments, dynamics of Heisenberg spin chain, integrable systems, soliton equation
theory, sigma models, relativity, water wave theory, fluid dynamics, field theories,
linear and nonlinear optics. Evolution systems and equations usually contain
intrinsic core geometric meaning. For instance, the sine-Gordon equation, which
originally seen in differential geometry, is employed as a model in nonlinear
optics, field theories, and dislocation of crystals. The localized induction
equation, also known as the Betchov-Da Rios equation or the filament equation, is an
idealized example of the evolution of the centerline of a thin vortex tube in a 3D
inviscid incompressible fluid [11,
12]. This equation also
constrains the evolution of curves in magnetohydrostatic and steady hydrodynamic
problems of nested toroidal flux surfaces [13, 14]. The connection between the solutions of the cubic nonlinear
Schrodinger equation and the solutions localized induction equation was discovered
by Hasimoto [15]. He described a
special transformation, including complex curvature and torsion functions of the
curve. Furthermore, these functions have been used to define the heat flow,
curvature flow, torsion flow, curve shortening flow, and inextensible flow. In all
these flows, the evolution of geometric quantities is a crucial common element. In
Sec. 5, we derive a novel class of curve evolution by considering the propagation of
electromagnetic waves and Maxwell’s equations along with the optical fiber in
Minkowski space. We call this evolution as a Maxwellian evolution of the curve. Then
we derive Maxwellian evolution identities of corresponding geometric quantities
associated with the given curve. Finally, the paper is completed by stating some
important consequences in Sec. 6
2.Geometric constraints on the space curve in three-dimensional Minkowski
In this introductory section, we recall some of the formulae which are used to
characterize a three-dimensional vector field and the geometry of curvature and
torsion of vector lines in terms of anholonomic coordinates in Minkowski space.
Here, we assume that θ=θs,n,b is a space curve lying in a three-dimensional Minkowski space. s is the distance along with the s-lines of the curve in the tangential direction, so that unit tangent vector of
s-lines is defined by t⃗=t⃗s,n,b=(∂θ/∂s)⋅n is the distance along the n-lines of the curve in the normal direction, so that unit tangent vector of
n-lines is defined by n⃗=n⃗s,n,b=(∂θ/∂n)⋅b is the distance along the b-lines of the curve in the binormal direction, so that unit tangent vector of
b-lines is defined by b⃗=b⃗s,n,b=(∂θ/∂b). The moving trihedron of orthonormal unit vectors (t⃗,n⃗,b⃗) provides a platform for investigating the intrinsic features of the
curve θ. In this triad, t⃗ is the tangential vector, n⃗ is the normal vector, and b⃗ is the binormal vector of the curve θ. Directional derivatives of the moving trihedron of orthonormal unit
vectors (t⃗,n⃗,b⃗) can be given by the extended Serret-Frenet relations in the following
The inner product and the cross product are defined by
l1=t⃗⋅t⃗, l2=n⃗⋅n⃗, l3=b⃗⋅b⃗,t⃗×n⃗=l3b⃗, n⃗×b⃗=l1t⃗, b⃗×t⃗=l2n⃗.
The gradient operator ∇ is expressed by
and δns=n⃗⋅(∂/∂n)t⃗, and δbs=b⃗⋅(∂/∂b)t⃗ [14] . Thus, other
geometric quantities are given by
The abnormalies of the t⃗-field,
n⃗-field, and b⃗-field are respectively computed by
3.Geometric phases of the electromagnetic waves traveling in the (t→,n→,b→) direction along the optical fiber in Minkowski space
Let us consider the propagation of linearly polarized light along with an ideal mono
mode optical fiber in Minkowski space. The ideality of the fiber implies that the
fiber has no elastoptic effects such as torsional-stress-induced circular
birefringence and bend-induced linear birefringence.
An electromagnetic wave in the optical fiber can consist of the propagation of light,
which travels in the optical fiber and oscillates in time. Thus, naively speaking,
we assume for the rest of the paper that the electromagnetic wave propagates along
with the optical fiber in which its axis is given by the curve θs,n,b in Minkowski space. Owing to the vectorial nature of the light, it is an obvious fact that
electromagnetic waves can be described by using the adapted coordinate frame and
associated vector fields.
The orientation of the propagation and polarization of the electromagnetic wave in
the fiber can be defined by the orthonormal set of vectors (t⃗,n⃗,b⃗). The electromagnetic wave propagation is in the direction of t⃗=t⃗s,n,b, and the polarization of the electromagnetic wave is referred by the
direction of the electric field vector E⃗=E⃗s,n,b. Since light propagates as an electromagnetic wave inside the optical
fiber the electromagnetic wave also carries inherently magnetic field vector
B⃗=B⃗s,n,b. As a consequence, the electromagnetic wave vectors (t⃗,E⃗,B⃗) can be considered as a physically observable adapted coordinate frame,
which is expressed in terms of Frenet-Serret orthonormal unit vectors (t⃗,n⃗,b⃗).
When the electromagnetic wave is constrained to travel along with a space curve, the
curve geometry provides to relate the geometric phase and the rotation of the
polarization of the electromagnetic wave vectors. Many research effort has been
devoted to achieving to explore this connection and further details. However, all
these efforts have been made by only considering the light ray propagating along
with the optical fiber described by the curve, which is parameterized by only the
s parameter. According to this approach, for an electromagnetic wave
having the form of a space curve, the electric field vector E⃗ and the magnetic field vector B⃗ are supposed to perform a rotation in the tangential direction
concerning to the orthonormal unit vectors of Frenet-Serret’s triple (t⃗,n⃗,b⃗). Then the parallel transportation law of polarization vectors E⃗ and B⃗ in the tangential direction along the optical fiber is verified by the
Rytov law in the following way [6,
10, 16]
Here, ± sign occurs depending on the variable character of the tangent vector of
the curve θ. This geometric transportation law implies that polarization vectors
E⃗ and B⃗ do not rotate around the tangent vector t⃗ in the tangential direction however, they rotate with respect to the
osculating plane, which is spanned by the (n⃗,b⃗) basis, in the tangential direction in Minkowski space. Consequently, a
geometric phase ρ=ρs,n,b in the tangential direction is defined by the rotation of polarization
vectors E⃗ and B⃗ concerning (n⃗,b⃗) with an angular velocity
In this section, we demonstrate that the electromagnetic wave acquires a novel class
of geometric phases in the normal and binormal directions during the propagation of
the electromagnetic wave along the curved path in Minkowski space. These novel
geometric phases are described by the geometric quantities, which are induced by the
characterization of the curve in the three-dimensional Minkowski space. We also show
that the parallel transportation law of polarization vectors E⃗ and B⃗ in the normal and binormal directions along the curved path is also
related to another geometric concept known as Fermi-Walker transportation. Thus, we
obtain corresponding Fermi-Walker transportation definition, which is the
counterpart of the Rytov law, for the polarization vectors E⃗ and B⃗ in the normal and binormal directions in Minkowski space.
1. Let the polarization vectors of the propagated electromagnetic wave are
referred by the electric field vector E⃗=E⃗s,n,b and magnetic field vector B⃗=B⃗s,n,b.They are also both perpendicular to the propagation vector t⃗=t⃗s,n,b along with the optical fiber in Minkowski space. The change of the
electric vector E⃗ between any two points in the normal direction along with the curved
path θ is given by
where ϖ=ϖs,n,b, λ=λs,n,b, and γ=γs,n,b are sufficiently smooth arbitrary functions along the θ. If we use the fact that t⃗⋅E⃗=0 and E⃗⋅E⃗=C, where C is a constant term, then we have
Thus, from Eqs. (2,17-19), it is obtained that
where η is a constant term and independent of E⃗. Here, we also use the fact that l3=-l1l2, where li=±1 for i=1,2,3. This last equation is the most general form of the variation of the
electric field vector in the normal direction along with the fiber in Minkowski
space. The last term of the Eq. (20) determines the rotation of the electric field
E⃗ in the normal direction around the t⃗. We should also note that the above expression was obtained without
considering the geometric optics approximation. Hence, we can assume that η=0 since the optical fiber does not favor the left or right rotation of the
field. As a result, we can conclude that the electric field E⃗ is parallel transported in the normal direction along with the fiber
since it satisfies the following modified type of Rytov parallel transportation law
in Minkowski space
Here, we call the expression in the Eq. (22) as a normal-Rytov parallel
transportation law in Minkowski space. Thus, in Minkowski space, we can easily see
that normal-Rytov parallel transported law and Fermi-Walker parallel transported law
in the normal direction for the electric field E⃗ is associated with each other. Consequently, we may state that E⃗ is normal-Rytov parallel transported if and only if it is Fermi-Walker
parallel transported in the normal direction in Minkowski space. In this space, the
definition of the Fermi-Walker derivative in the normal direction is defined by
where A⃗ is an arbitrary vector field along with the curve. The proof is left to
the reader since it is obvious from Eqs. (2,18-23).
Now, we examine a very important consequence of the choice of the parallel
transportation of the electric field vector E⃗ in the normal direction along with the optical fiber in Minkowski space.
A natural choice for the selection of the electric field E⃗ can be made by
where En, Eb are arbitrarily smooth components of the n⃗ and b⃗ vectors, respectively. The derivative of the electric field E⃗ in the normal direction yields that
∂∂nE→s,n,b=E→n=l3δnsEn+l2l1πb-τEbt→+l1Enn+l3Ebdiv b→n→+l3Enb+Endiv b→b→
If E⃗ is assumed to be parallel transported in the normal direction along with
the fiber, then comparing the Eq. (22) and Eq. (25) implies that
Hence, we can conclude that Eq. 26 defines the rotation of the polarization plane in the normal direction
so that a geometric phase ρ=ρs,n,b in the normal direction is described by
We can also characterize the other polarization vector B⃗ (B⃗ =l1Bnn⃗+l3Bbb⃗) because B⃗=t⃗×E⃗. That is, we can express the magnetic field vector in terms of the
components of the E⃗ in the following form.
where Bn=Eb and Bb=l1En. By using the fact that B⃗⊥E⃗ and B⃗⊥t⃗, we compute that
∂∂nB→s,n,b=B→n=l3δnsEb-l3l1πb-τEnt→+l1Enb-l2Endiv b→n→+-l2Enn+Ebdiv b→b→
which satisfies
If we check Eqs. (32,33), then it is obtained that l1=l2=1 and l3=-1, which implies that the optical fiber coupling into the curve path
θ is represented by the spacelike curve having a timelike binormal in the
normal direction in Minkowski space. Moreover, if we multiply both sides of the Eq.
(30) by t⃗ then it can be verified that B⃗ also satisfies the normal-Rytov law with acquiring the same geometric
phase as the electric field E⃗ in Minkowski space.
2. Let the polarization vectors of the propagated electromagnetic wave are
referred by the electric field vector E⃗=E⃗s,n,b and magnetic field vector B⃗=B⃗s,n,b. They are also both perpendicular to the propagation vector t⃗=t⃗s,n,b along with the optical fiber in Minkowski space. The change of the
electric vector E⃗ between any two points in the binormal direction along with the curved
path θ is given by
where ϖ∘=ϖ∘s,n,b, λ∘=λ∘s,n,b, and γ∘=γ∘s,n,b are sufficiently smooth arbitrary functions. If we use the fact that
t⃗⋅E⃗=0 and E⃗⋅E⃗=C∘, where C∘ is a constant term, then we have
Thus, from Eqs. (3,32-34) it is obtained that
where η∘ is a constant term and independent of E⃗. This last equation is the most general form of the variation of the
electric field vector in the binormal direction along with the fiber in Minkowski
space. The last term of the Eq. (35) determines the rotation of the electric field
E⃗ in the binormal direction around the t⃗. Here we should also note that the above expression was obtained without
considering the geometric optics approximation again. Hence, we can assume that
η∘=0 since the optical fiber does not favor the left or right rotation of the
field. As a result, we can conclude that the electric field E⃗ is parallel transported in the binormal direction along with the fiber
since it satisfies the following modified type of Rytov parallel transportation law
in Minkowski space
Here we call the expression in the Eq. (37) as a binormal-Rytov parallel
transportation law in Minkowski space. Thus, in Minkowski space, we can easily see
that binormal-Rytov parallel transported law and Fermi-Walker parallel transported
law in the binormal direction for the electric field E⃗ is associated with each other. Consequently, we may state that E⃗ is binormal-Rytov parallel transported if and only if it is Fermi-Walker
parallel transported in the binormal direction in Minkowski space. In this space,
the definition of the Fermi-Walker derivative in the binormal direction is defined
where A⃗ is an arbitrary vector field along with the curve. Thus, one can easily
see that binormal-Rytov parallel transported law and Fermi-Walker parallel
transported law in the binormal direction of the electric field E⃗ is interchangeable with each other. The proof is left to the reader
since it is obvious from Eqs. (3,33-38).
Now, we examine a very important consequence of the choice of the parallel
transportation of the electric field vector E⃗ in the binormal direction along with the optical fiber in Minkowski
space. A natural choice for the selection of the electric field E⃗ can be made by
where En, Eb are arbitrarily smooth components of the n⃗ and b⃗ vectors, respectively. The derivative of the electric field E⃗ in the binormal direction yields that
∂∂nE→s,n,b=E→b=π3-τEn+l2δbsEbt→+l1Ebn-l2Ebl1κ+div n→n→+l3Ebb+l1Enl1κ+div n→b→
If E⃗ is assumed to be parallel transported in the binormal direction along
with the fiber, then comparing the Eq. (37) and Eq. (40) implies that
Here if we also compare the Eq. (40) and Eqs. (36,37) it yields l1=l2=1 and l3=-1, which implies that the curved path θ representing the path of the optical fiber θ found to be a spacelike curve having a timelike binormal in the binormal
direction in Minkowski space. We can further conclude that Eq. (41) defines the
rotation of the polarization plane in the binormal direction so that a geometric
phase ρ=ρs,n,b in the binormal direction is described by
One can also characterize the other polarization vector B⃗ (B⃗ =l1Bnn⃗+l3Bbb⃗) because B⃗=t⃗×E⃗. That is, we can express the magnetic field vector in terms of the
components of the E⃗ in the following form
where Bn=Eb and Bb=En. By using the fact that B⃗⊥E⃗ and B⃗⊥t⃗, we compute that
∂∂nB→s,n,b=B→b=πn-τEb+δbsEnt→+Ebb-Enκ+div n→n→+-Ebn+Ebκ+div n→b→
which satisfies
So, if we multiply both sides of the Eq. 45 by t⃗, then it can be verified that B⃗ also satisfies the binormal-Rytov law with acquiring the same geometric
phase as the electric field E⃗ in Minkowski space and we finally obtain
4.Maxwell’s equations for electromagnetic waves propagating along the optical
fiber in Minkowski space
Maxwell’s equation has an important role to understand the electromagnetic theory. It
provides an exact comprehension and observation of the propagation of light along
with the optical fiber. Electromagnetic waves propagated along the optical fiber
satisfy the following conditions supposing that the fiber is uniform, isotropic,
nonconducting, free-from charge, and non-dispersive [17]
where ϵ and υ have the same values at all points, and they do not depend on the
direction of propagation since they are not functions of frequency. In the previous
section, we have already investigated that the curved path θ, which characterizes the geometry of the optical fiber, is a spacelike
curve having a timelike binormal both in the normal and binormal directions. Hence,
for the rest of the paper, it is assumed that l1=l2=1 and l3=-1. From Eqs. (14,25,40,47), we compute that
which implies that
From Eqs. 15,28,43,48, we compute that
which implies that
If we further consider Eqs. (51,52), then it is obtained Laplacian-like formal
equations along with the n-lines and b-lines of the electromagnetic waves as follows
∂2∂n2Eb-∂2∂b2Eb=Endiv b→n-div n→b+Ebdiv b→b-div n→n+div b→Enn+Ebb-div n→Enb+Ebn
∂2∂n2En-∂2∂b2En=Endiv b→b-div n→n+Ebdiv b→b-div n→n+div b→Ebn+Enb-div n→Enn+Ebb
Detailed discussion on the exact solutions of this Laplacian-like formal equations
will be presented later in the application section. From Eqs. (14,25,40,49), we also
compute that
which implies that
ϵu∂E→∂u=-Enn+Eb div b→-Ebb+Enκ+div n→t→+Esn-πnEb-δbsEnn→+-Esb+πbEn-δnsEbb→
where it is assumed for the rest of the paper that ϵυ=1 for the simple reason. From Eqs. 15,28,43,50,we finally compute that
which implies that
∂B→∂u=Enb-Endiv b→+Ebn-Ebκ+div n→t→+-Esb+πnEn+δbsEbn→+Esn-πbEb+δnsEnb→
Here we should recall that s,n,b and u are space and time variables, respectively. These subscripts also denote
partial derivatives. Nonlinear partial differential equation systems are given by
Eqs. (51-54) and provide to investigate the significant connections between the
geometry and nonlinear evolution of the given mechanism. Equations (55,56) represent
the geometrically observable time evolution systems of electric field and magnetic
field vectors along the optical fiber governed by the Maxwellian equations.
Characterizations of the time evolution of the unit Frenet-Serret vectors (t⃗,n⃗,b⃗) and other geometric quantities will be the main subject of the next
section. Even though we use the Maxwellian equation to describe the evolution of the
electromagnetic wave along with the fiber, our investigation can easily be applied
for quantum wave equations. In this context, this study will lead to a positive and
direct impact on the research of the evolution of quantum particles.
5.Maxwellian motion of Frenet-Serret vectors along with the optical fiber in
Minkowski space
The research of the evolution of a space curve has productive applications in many
branches of science. Equations of moving curves have been analyzed by using the
representation of Frenet-Serret orthonormal vectors and compatibility equations on
these vectors by many researchers. These equations are mostly expressed by
non-linear partial differential equations. Their main components are torsion and
curvature functions of the curve. However, these representations of the moving curve
are generally a challenging task. Here, we define a new class of evolutions by
considering the Maxwell’s equation of the propagated electromagnetic waves along
with the fiber in Minkowski space. Thus we aim to improve a novel and special class
of evolution kinematics.
Since (t⃗,n⃗,b⃗) is an orthonormal unit triad, it is canonically true that t⃗⋅t⃗=1, which implies tu⃗⋅t⃗=0. So we may assume that
We also know from the assumption that E⃗⋅t⃗=0, which implies E⃗u⋅t⃗=-E⃗⋅tu⃗. So it is obtained that
a1En+a2Eb=--Enn+Eb div b→-Ebb+κEn+En div n→
Now, if we consider the fact that B⃗=t⃗×E⃗, then we obtain the Maxwellian evolution of electromagnetic fields in
the following manner
Hence, from Eqs. 55-57, we obtain that
where (∂/∂b)ρ=(κ+divn⃗), (∂/∂n)ρ=divb⃗,
Ω=(Eb)2-(En)2 (Ω≠0). Here, we also obtain the following identity
where En+Eb≠0. To sum up, in Minkowski space, the Maxwellian evolution of the tangent
vector is stated by
Recalling that t⃗⋅n⃗=0 and t⃗⋅b⃗=0, we compute the Maxwellian evolution of the normal and binormal vectors
in the following manner
nu→=-1Ω∂ρ∂bEn2+Eb2-EnEnn+Ebb-EbEnb+Ebn+2∂ρ∂nt→+|Υb→, nu→=-1Ω∂ρ∂bEn2+Eb2-EbEnn+Ebb-EnEnb+Ebn+2∂ρ∂nt→-Υn→
where Υ is an arbitrarily smooth function. Consequently, we have the
corresponding formula of the Maxwellian evolution of the Frenet-Serret vectors in
Minkowski space
r=1Ω∂ρ∂bEn2+Eb2-EnEnn+Ebb-EbEnb+Ebn+2∂ρ∂n, q=-1Ω∂ρ∂bEn2+Eb2-EbEnn+Ebb-EnEnb+Ebn+2∂ρ∂n
Here the matrix is not an antisymmetric form as expected due to the characterization
of the unit vector fields in Minkowski space. This characterization is determined by
the inner product of unit vector fields given earlier as follows
t⃗⋅t⃗=1, n⃗⋅n⃗=1, b⃗⋅b⃗=-1.
More details about the consequences of this characterization can be found in [18]. If we assume that compatibility
conditions hold and consider the above characterization, then the Maxwellian
evolution of all geometric quantities given by Eqs. (5-13) and the arbitrary
function Υ is given by
κu=rs+qτ, τu=κq, Υ=0,(δns)u=rn-qdivb⃗,(πb-τ)u=-qn-rdivb⃗,(divb⃗)u=r(πb-τ)+qδns,(δbs)u=-qb-r(κ+divn⃗),(πn-τ)u=-rb-q(κ+divn⃗),(κ+divn⃗)u=rδbs-q(πn-τ).
The above system may be considered as Mainardi-Gauss-Codazzi equations for surfaces
parametrized with anholonomic coordinates. For a given solution of this system, the
evolution equations presented by (1-3,62) are compatible and may define a surface up
to their position in space.
6.Application: Soliton solutions of Laplacian-Like formalism of electromagnetic
waves along with the uniform optical fiber
The research of the traveling wave transformation of nonlinear evolution equations
(NLEE) plays an important role to examine the internal mechanism of sophisticated
nonlinear physical phenomena. Most of the physical phenomena, including plasma
physics, quantum mechanics, fluid mechanics, propagation of shallow-water waves,
chemical kinematics, optical fibers, electricity, and magnetism are modeled by
NLEEs. The presence of wave solution displays a considerably higher rate of
recurrence in nature. However, nonlinear cases are challenging, and they are not
easy to control since the nonlinearity of the mechanisms may cause an unexpected
change of the systems. Therefore, advanced nonlinear techniques have been developed
by many authors to compute the exact solutions of NLEEs.
In this section, we recall the fundamental steps of the traveling wave hypothesis
approach. Thus we aim to obtain exact traveling wave solutions of the Laplacian-like
formal equations given by Eqs. (53,54) for some special cincumstances. We also
provide numerical simulations to support analytic outcomes.
For simplicity, let assume that electromagnetic waves along the uniform optical fiber
satisfy the following nonlinear evolution equation system induced by the Eqs.
We consider the given below traveling wave transformation for the Eq. (63)
where Q describes the speed of the wave. If we plug the Eq. (64) into the Eq.
(63) then it is obtained that
where γ=1/1-Q2. If we further solve the Eq. (65) by the Mathematica, we compute that
Here it is also considered that
ci,±=ci2±1and ϕγ=214γϕ.
We have examined the geometric evolution of the electromagnetic waves carried by the
light propagating along with the uniform optical fiber in Minkowski space. We
firstly recall a classical method to find the geometric phase of the propagated
light along with the fiber in Minkowski space. By using this straightforward
approach, we define two novel geometric phases associated with the evolution of the
polarization vectors in the normal and binormal directions along with the optical
fiber. We also give their connections with parallel transportation laws in Minkowski
space. Then we consider evolution equations of the electric field and magnetic field
vectors along the optical fiber governed by the Maxwellian equations. Hence we
obtain formal definitions of the time evolution of the unit Frenet-Serret vectors
(t⃗,n⃗,b⃗) and associated geometric quantities. Once the evolution equations of
quantum or non-quantum systems are described one knows that many interesting soliton
equations can be related to these evolution systems. This fact also holds not only
in the ordinary space but also in other spacetime structures, including ordinary
space, De-Sitter space, anti De-Sitter space, etc. For further research, we aim to
connect Maxwellian evolution equations with well-known completely integrable
equations and their soliton solutions. The above-mentioned observations and obtained
results propose possible applications and new research areas also in pure geometric
research such as inextensibility conditions of Maxwellian evolution equations,
creating Maxwellian envelope surface, etc.