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Revista mexicana de física

versión impresa ISSN 0035-001X

Rev. mex. fis. vol.66 no.5 México sep./oct. 2020  Epub 31-Ene-2022 


Thermodynamics and Statistical Physics

Equation of state to predict the solid-liquid-vapor phase coexistences of pure substances

J. M. Marín-Garcíaa  d 

A. Romero-Martínezb  d 

F. de J. Guevara-Rodríguezc  d   

a Dirección de Desarrollo de Talento, Programa Académico de Posgrado.

bDirección de Investigación en Exploración y Producción, Gerencia de Herramientas y Sistemas para Pozos e Instalaciones.

cDirección de Investigación en Transformación de Hidrocarburos, Gerencia de Desarrollo de Materiales y Productos Químicos.

dInstituto Mexicano del Petróleo, Eje Central Lázaro Cárdenas 152. Ciudad de México, 07730, México.


A non-cubic equation of state is used to predict the solid-liquid, solid-vapor and liquid-vapor coexistences of pure substances. The equation of state is obtained using as input data the critical point, the boiling temperature, the triple point temperature and the acentric factor of the substance. In this work, some examples of phase diagrams predicted with the equation of state are reported in order to show its capabilities.

Finally, a database with the parameters for different pure substances is presented.

Keywords: Phase coexistence; solid; liquid; vapor; pure substances

PACS: 64.10.+h

1. Introduction

The liquid-vapor equilibrium of substances in engineering applications is modeled mainly with cubic equations of state (CEoS). This approximation is practical and useful when the substances are fluids, but cubic equations cannot predict the solid phase [1]. In this case, solid phase and its coexistence states can be addressed using a pseudo-mixture instead of the substance per se, i.e. the substance is considered as a “mixture” [2-4] with two or more components of the same substance. In this approximation, the main component is constituted by single molecules of the substance, while other components are constituted by molecular clusters (solid phase). Such pseudo-component differs from other only by the size of molecular cluster. Thus, the liquid and the vapor phases are described by the CEoS of the substance, while the solid phase (constituted by different sets of molecular clusters) is described with its corresponding CEoS at the “mixture”.

Another approximation is by using a modified CEoS. The new equation of state is necessarily a Non-Cubic Equation of State (Non-CEoS). There are few analytical Non-CEoS in the literature [4-8], and all of them were designed to do possible a second loop to capture the solid-liquid coexistence (similar to the loop for the liquid-vapor coexistence in a conventional CEoS). The first example of a Non-CEoS corresponds to Wenzel’s equation [5], and its subsequent modification [9], that captures some solid-liquid coexistence states, but it was not designed to avoid a solid-liquid critical point. At least in the literature, there is not evidence about the occurrence of such solid-liquid critical point.

In the second example, Yokozeki’s equation introduces a factor with an un-physical discontinuity in the repulsion term (see ref [10]). This discontinuity was introduced to avoid a solid-liquid critical point in an effective way [6, 7], but is unnecessary and do not have a plausible physical interpretation [10]. The third and final example was reported by Guevara and Romero [8] and its structure will be given in equation (1a) in the following section. In this case, the most general CEoS is modified with an additional attractive term [11], and the procedure to define this term implies that solid-liquid critical point does not exist at all.

In this work, the equation developed by Guevara and Romero [8] was applied to several substances to obtain the parameters that define this equation for each substance, and some phase diagrams are calculated to compare the prediction of coexistence states with experimental data. The procedure to obtain an expression of the Non-CEoS for a particular substance is described in Sec. 2; while the database of substances and its associated parameters are reported in Sec. 3, along with some graphical examples of three of the substances reported. Conclusions are in Sec. 4.

2. Defining Non-CEoS

The Non-CEoS reported in [8] is showed in Eq. (1a):

P(v,T)=P0(v,T)-fT(v-e)ν; (1a)

P0(v,T)=RTv-b-a(T)(v-c)(v-d); (1b)

a(T)=RT(b-B(T)); (1c)

B(T)=b(1-(λ3-1)(eε/RT-1)). (1d)

In this case, the pressure P of the fluid is a function of the molar volume v, and the temperature T, while R is the gas constant (= 83.14472 cm3 bar/Kelvinmol). The Non-CEoS is composed by a cubic equation of state P 0 plus an attractive term that is related to very short-range interactions between molecules of the substance. Thus, the attractive term affects the behavior of cubic equation only at a neighborhood of the exclusion volume b. In other words, vapor phase predicted by cubic equation practically does not change, because the short attractive term is negligible. However, solid phase appears due to this attractive term and is additional to the liquid and vapor phases predicted by P 0.

Cubic equation of state P 0 (Eq. 1b) take account of the mean size of molecules through the parameter b. The effect of mean-range interactions between molecules is considered through the attractive term, and is implicitly included in the function a(T) through the second virial coefficient B(T). The relation between α(T) and B(T) comes from the virial expansion of the equation of state, as shown in Eqs. (1c) and (1d), and the expression of B(t) is the exact result derived from square-well potential (see Eq. (4), in Sec. 3). Square-well potential u(r) captures the main features of a mean-range attraction between molecules and describes the liquid-vapor coexistence.

Finally, in order to define the analytical expression of the Non-CEoS for a particular substance is necessary to obtain the set of parameters {b,c,d,e,f,λ,ε}. These parameters are determined using the following experimental data of the substance: critical pressure P c , critical molar volume v c , and critical temperature T c , the acentric factor ω, temperature T b at the boiling point, and temperature T t at the triple point. The exponent ν is also a parameter that can be adjusted according to the substance to be studied. For this work, an exponent of ν = 12 was found adequate to represent the complete phase transitions curves of the reported substances.

3. Procedure to construct the equation of state

The first step in order to define the Non-CEoS is finding the parameters (b,c,d) that appear in Eqs. (1a)-(1d), using the liquid-vapor critical point defined by the coordinates (P c ,v c ,T c ). The Non-CEoS needs to fulfills the following conditions:

P(vc,Tc)=Pc; (2a)

(Pv)Pc,vc,Tc=0; (2b)

(2Pv2)Pc,vc,Tc=0. (2c)

To solve the previous system of equations is possible in the special case of a null attractive term in Eq. (1a), i.e. f = 0, that reduces (1a) to a cubic equation of state. In this case, parameters b, c, and d are determined from Eqs. (2a)(2c), and their expressions [8,11] are:

bvc=Zc-1+αcZc; (3a)

cvc=Zc-12αc+αcαc-34Zc; (3b)

dvc=Zc-12αc-αcαc-34Zc, (3c)

where Z c = P c V c /RT c is the critical compressibility and the value of α c is related to α(T c ) through: αc3=Pc a(Tc)/R2 Tc2.

Equations (3a)-(3c) are valid if f = 0 in Eq. (1a). In this case, the “critical point” of cubic equation is equal to the experimental critical point of the substance. However, if f > 0, then the “critical point” of the cubic equation is slightly displaced with respect to the critical point of the substance. Thus, Eqs. (3a)-(3c) must be considered just as initial values for parameters b, c, and d.

Determining the value of parameter b enable us to define the repulsive term presented in Eq. (1a). After that, the next step is to define α(T) (Eq. 1c) to obtain the second term of P(0). α(T) is defined through B(T), which is the second virial coefficient. Therefore, to find B(T) is equivalent to find α(T). In this work, the second virial coefficient is derived from the square-well potential, namely,

u(r)={+,ifrσ;-ε,ifσ<rλσ.0,ifλσ<r, (4)

where σ is the hard sphere diameter, λ is related to the width of the attractive part, ε is the square-well depth, and r is the radial distance between the centers of two spheres.

The second virial coefficient for this pair potential u(r) has a simple and exact expression, shown in Eq. (1d). On the other hand, a(T) must be a function of class C 2 [12,13]: its first (dα/dT) and second derivatives (d 2α/dT 2) exist and are continuous; it must be positive (α > 0), monotonically decreasing (dα/dT < 0), and convex (d 2α/dT 2 > 0); its third derivative (d 3α/dT 3) is negative for any value of the temperature T.

Therefore, α(T) in Eq. (1c) fulfills with all above features only if (2/3)πN A σ 3 = b, where N A is the Avogadro’s number. In consequence, second virial coefficient is defined with λ, and ε, in such a way that equation of state is anchored to acentric factor and boiling point temperature. The values of these parameters are determined by solving:

ω(λ,ε)=ω(exp) (5)

Tb(λ,ε)=Tb(exp), (6)

where ω and T b are the acentric factor and the boiling point temperature predicted by the Non-CEoS, while ω (exp) and T (exp) are constants and come from experimental data of the substance. After this procedure is done, the mean range attractive term of the auxiliary cubic equation of state is defined.

3.1. Non-CEoS and the Corresponding States Principle

For a given substance, the equation of state is defined using the following data: critical point, triple point temperature, acentric factor, and boiling point temperature. In particular, the Reduced Equation of State (RES) is constructed by rescaling the thermodynamics variables with its critical value. With this purpose, let us define the reduced variables v r v/v c , T r T/T c , and P r P/P c , and therefore, the equation of state is rewritten as


-α3(Tr)Zc2(vr-C)(vr-D)-FTr(vr-E)12, (7)

where B = b/v c , C = c/v c , D = d/v c , E = e/v r , F=fTc/Pcvc12 and α3(Tr)a(T)Pc/R2Tc2. Moreover, the second virial coefficient of the square-well potential is substituted into the definition of the function α 3(T r ), and the result is

α3(Tr)=αc3Tr[(1+fc)1Tr-1fc], (8)

where fceε/kBTc-1

The most important consequence of the Eqs. (7) and (8) is that the RES is independent of the parameter λ (Eq. 1d). In other words, the RES fulfills the corresponding-states principle. However, the equation of state does not describe a fluid with a pure square-well potential. In fact, only the second virial coefficient corresponds to the square-well model. Moreover, the square-well potential does not fulfill the corresponding-states principle because any change of the parameter λ corresponds to a non-conformal change of the potential. The last statement has been demonstrated in the work of Fernando del Rio et al. [14]. In consequence, the equation of state does not describe a fluid with the squarewell potential. On the other hand, the RES is independent of λ, but the parameter λ does not have an arbitrary value because is determined through the experimental data of the substance.

3.2. Short range attractive term

The improvement of Eq. (1a) is its capacity to predict the solid-liquid and solid-vapor phase coexistences. The solid phase is additional to the liquid and vapor phases predicted by P 0, and the solid-fluid coexistence is related to a second calculation loop that appears because of the last term. The first calculation loop comes from the cubic equation of state P 0, and is related to the liquid-vapor phase coexistence up to the liquid-vapor critical point of the substance.

In order to define the parameters e and f, it is convenient to discuss the possible existence of a critical point in the solid-liquid region, which has been mentioned by other authors [5,9]. A crucial characteristic of the liquid phase is that always has a non ordered configuration, while the solid phase is an ordered crystal. Therefore, a solid-liquid critical point must not exist because both phases are always distinguishable. Thus, the second calculation loop must never end at a solid-liquid critical point for any value of the temperature, and at the limit of high temperature, the next restriction for the equation of state must be fulfilled:

limT1T(Pv)=0. (9)

In this work, the existence of two values v min and v max (with b < v min < v max < v c ) for molar volume in Eq. (9) are postulated. Consequently, the existence of v min and v max ensures that solid-liquid critical point does not exist for any value of the temperature. Thus, for certain and valid initial values of v min and v max, and from Eq. (9), the values of parameters e and f are calculated in the following way:

e=vmin-ξvmax1-ξ; (10a)

f=R(vmin-e)ν+1ν(vmin-b)2; (10b)

where, ξ=(vmin-bvmax-b)2/(ν+1). (10c)

To find the values of v min and v max (equivalent to e and f) some initial values are proposed, and then they are modified as the solution of Tt(vmin,vmax)=Tt(exp), where T t is the is the triple point temperature predicted by the Non-CEoS as a function of v min and v max, and Tt(exp) is the experimental triple point temperature of the substance. This procedure enables us to find the parameters e and f, and in this way, it defines the Non-CEoS for a particular substance. The parameter f has very small values, and that indicates that the contribution of the last term in Eq. (1a) is relevant only when the molar volume is very close to b.

3.3. Phase coexistence

Using the Non-CEoS defined in previous subsections, it is possible to find the equilibrium coexistence states using an excess thermodynamic function. In this work, the substance fugacity is used to determine the solid-liquid, the solid-vapor, and the liquid-vapor coexistences and is defined through the Helmholtz excess free energy ∆A that is written as

ΔA(n,v,T)=ΔA0(n,v,T) (11a)



+a(T)c-dln(v-cv-d)), (11b)

where n is the mole number and ∆A 0 is the Helmholtz excess free energy of the cubic equation of state. The fugacity coefficient φ is calculated from ∆A in the following way

ln(Zϕ)=1RT(ΔAn), (12)

where Z = Pv/RT is the fluid compressibility.

Substance fugacity f is used to determine the solid-liquid, the solid-vapor, and the liquid-vapor coexistences, because is a positive function (f > 0).

Solid-liquid1 phase coexistence appears under the following conditions: the iso-fugacity criterion is fulfilled (f (s) = f (l1) ), and the pressure at each phase reaches a common value (P (sl1) ). In a similar way, liquid2-vapor phase coexistence is found under the following conditions: the temperature is below the liquid-vapor critical temperature and over the triple point temperature, the iso-fugacity criterion is fulfilled (f (l2) = f (v) ), and pressure reaches a common value P (l2v) .

Liquid1 phase is different to liquid2 phase because v l1 < v l2 and P (sl1) > P (l2v) . However, at the triple point temperature, v l1 = v l2 and P (sl1) = P (l2v) are fulfilled, i.e. the liquid1 and the liquid2 phases are the same liquid phase.

In the last third case, solid-vapor coexistence exists if the temperature is below the triple point temperature. In this case, f (s) = f (v) and P (sv) < P t (where P t is the common value of pressure at the triple point, which was predicted using the Non-CEoS).

4. Results and discussion

The procedure described in the previous section enables us to define the Non-CEoS for a particular substance with seven parameters {b,c,d,e,f,λ,ε}. Once this equation of state is defined, the PT and PV phase diagrams of a substance can be predicted. This Non-CEoS captures the main features of this type of diagrams, including the liquid-vapor critical point, the triple point, and some points from any of the different phase transitions: solid-liquid, liquid-vapor or solid-vapor.

In order to study mixtures in a future application, the Non-CEoS was applied to several substances. The adjustment of the Non-CEoS was evaluated through the agreement between the experimental data used to calculate the parameters {b,c,d,e,f,λ,ε} and the values calculated with the resulting Non-CEoS once it was defined. The experimental data used to calculate the parameters mentioned in the previous paragraph are included in Table I. These data are the input information for Eqs. (1a)-(1d).

TABLE I Substances data used to anchor equation of state. Pressure Pc , molar volume vc , and temperature Tc correspond to liquid-vapor critical point. Acentric factor ω is related to saturate vapor pressure at temperature 0.7Tc . Tb is the boiling point temperature, and Tt is the triple point temperature. Estimated data are shown in bold format. 

No. Substance CAS Pc bar vc cm3/ mol Tc Kelvin ω Tb Kelvin Tt Kelvin
1 1-Dodecanola,j 112-53-8 19.9 716 719.4 0.666 534.2 296.95
2 1-Propanola,b 71-23-8 52 218 536.9 0.6209 370.3 148.75
3 Ethanola,b 64-17-5 63 168 514 0.6436 351.5 159.0
4 Isopropanola,g 67-63-0 49 222 509 0.6689 355.5 184.9
5 Phenola,j 108-95-2 59.3 229 694.3 0.426 455 314.06
6 tert-Butanol a,g 75-65-0 39.72 275 506.2 0.6158 355.6 298.96
7 Acetaldehydeb,j 75-07-0 55.7 154 466 0.2625 294.15 149.78
8 Butanala,j 123-72-8 43.2 258 537.1 0.277 348 176.28
9 1,2-Butadienea,g 590-19-2 45 219 444 0.2509 284 136.92
10 1-Butenea,b 106-98-9 40.2 241 419.5 0.1845 266.91 87.8
11 1-Heptenea,g 592-76-7 29.2 409 537.3 0.331 367 154.3
12 1-Hexenea,g 592-41-6 31.4 354 504.03 0.28 336.63 133.39
13 1-Octenea,g 111-66-0 25.5 472 566.6 0.3747 394.44 171.46
14 1-Pentenea,g 109-67-1 35.6 298.4 464.8 0.233 304 108.01
15 3-Methyl-1-butenea,j 563-45-1 35.3 304.9 452.7 0.21 293 104.71
16 Cis-2-Buteneb 590-18-1 42.1 234.1 435.5 0.2019 276.87 134.26
17 Cis-2-pentenea,j 627-20-3 36.9 302.1 475 0.241 309.8 121.78
18 Ethylenea,b 74-85-1 50.6 131 282.5 0.0863 169 104
19 Isoprenea,g 78-79-5 37.4 266 483.3 0.164 307.22 127.27
20 Propadienea,g 463-49-0 52.5 162 393.15 0.1594 240 136.59
21 Propyleneb,g 115-07-1 46.126 185 364.85 0.1376 225.45 87.89
22 Trans-2-Butenea,b 624-64-6 41 238 428.6 0.2176 274.03 167.62
23 Trans-2-pentenea,j 646-04-8 36.54 302.1 475.37 0.237 309.4 132.93
Alkyl amines
24 Dimethyl etherb 115-10-6 53.7 170 400.1 0.2002 248.31 131.65
25 Methylaminea,b 74-89-5 74.6 138.5 430.05 0.2814 266.82 179.69
Alkyl halides
26 1,1,1-Trifluoroethanea,j 420-46-2 37.639 195 345.86 0.261 226 161.82
27 1,1,2,2-Tetra-chloroethanea,g 79-34-5 40.9 325 645 0.2592 418.25 230.8
28 1,1-Dichloroethanea,j 75-34-3 50.61 240 523.4 0.234 330.5 176.18
29 1-Chloro-1,1-difluoroethanea,j 75-68-3 40.48 225 410.2 0.231 263.2 142.71
30 Carbon Tetrachloridea,j 56-23-5 44.93 276 556.36 0.193 349.8 249
31 Chloroforma,b 67-66-3 54.72 239 536.4 0.2219 334.33 209.61
32 Ethyl-Chloridea,g 75-00-3 52.405 200 460.35 0.1905 289 134.82
33 Ethylene Dichloridea,g 107-06-2 53.8 220 561.6 0.2876 356.7 237.6
34 Fluorocarbon-11a,g 75-69-4 44.076 248 471.2 0.1837 296.97 162.6
35 Fluorocarbon-13a,g 75-72-9 39.46 180.28 301.96 0.18 191.74 92
36 Fluorocarbon-14a,g 75-73-0 37.389 140 227.5 0.1855 145.09 89.4
37 Fluorocarbon-22a,g 75-45-6 49.71 166 369.3 0.2192 232.32 115.76
38 Fluorocarbon-23a,g 75-46-7 48.362 133.3 298.89 0.2672 190.99 117.97
39 Fluorocarbon-113 a,g 76-13-1 34.146 325.31 487.25 0.2552 320.75 236.55
40 Fluorocarbon-114 a,g 76-14-2 32.627 293.68 418.85 0.252 276.92 179
41 Fluorocarbon-116 a,g 76-16-4 30.42 224 292.8 0.2452 195 173.08
42 Methyl Chloride a,g 74-87-3 67.144 139 416 0.1529 247 175.43
43 Methyl fluoride a,h,j 593-53-3 58.7 113 317.4 0.198 195 129.8
44 Methyl-chloroform a,g 71-55-6 42.962 281 545 0.2157 347.23 243.13
45 Octafluorocyclobutane a,j 115-25-3 27.84 325 388.46 0.356 267.3 232.96
46 Pentafluoroethyl chloride a,j 76-15-3 31.2 252 352.94 0.251 235 173.71
47 Perchloro-ethylene a,g 127-18-4 44.9 248 620 0.221 394.2 250.81
48 Vinyl Chloride a,g 75-01-4 56.7 179 432 0.1048 259.35 119.31
49 Vinylidene Chloride a,g 75-35-4 46.8 219 489 0.179 304.2 150.59
Alkyl silanes
50 Tetramethylsilane a,j 75-76-3 28.21 362 448.64 0.224 299.7 172
Alkyl siloxane
51 Decamethyl-cyclopentasiloxane a,i 541-02-6 10.35 1287 617.4 0.6658 484.1 226
52 Octamethyl-cyclotetrasiloxane a,j 556-67-2 13.2 1005 585.7 0.589 448 290.25
53 2-Butyne a,j 503-17-3 48.7 221 473.2 0.239 300 240.8
54 Acetylene a,b 74-86-2 61.38 112.2 308.3 0.1912 189 192.4
55 Methylacetylene a,g 74-99-7 56.3 163.5 402.4 0.2161 250 168.5
56 Ethylamine b 75-04-7 56.2 207 456.15 0.2848 289.73 192.15
57 tert-butylamine a,j 75-64-9 38.4 293 483.9 0.275 318 206.19
Aromatic amines
58 Aniline a,j 62-53-3 53.1 270 698.8 0.378 457 267.13
Aromatic hydrocarbons
59 1,2,3,4-Tetrahydro-naphthalene a,j 119-64-2 37 408 720 0.335 481 237.34
60 Benzene a,b 71-43-2 48.9 250 562 0.2103 353.24 278.5
61 Cumene a,b 98-82-8 32.09 434 631 0.3274 425.56 177.13
62 Ethylbenzene a,b 100-41-4 36.4 374 617 0.3035 409.35 178.15
63 Naphthalene a,b,c 91-20-3 41 407 748 0.3020 490 353.15
64 p-Cymene a,j 99-87-6 28 497 652 0.374 450 204.2
65 Styrene a,b 100-42-5 38.4 352 636 0.2971 418.31 242.47
66 Toluene a,b 108-88-3 41 316 593 0.2640 383.78 178.15
Brominated hydrocarbons
67 Ethylene Dibromide a,g 106-93-4 54.769 261.57 650.15 0.2067 404.51 283
Carbonyl compounds
68 Methylal a,j 109-87-5 39.5 213 480.6 0.29 315.3 168.03
69 Phosgene a,j 75-44-5 56.74 190.2 455 0.201 280.71 145.37
Carboxylic acids
70 Benzoic acid a,j 65-85-0 44.7 344 751 0.603 522.2 395.52
71 Butanoic acid a,j 107-92-6 40.64 291.7 615.2 0.681 436 267.97
72 Dodecanoic acid a,j 143-07-7 18.678 705 743.43 0.88 571 316.98
73 Octanoic acid a,j 124-07-2 28.69 499 693 0.771 510 289.66
74 Propanoic acid a,j 79-09-4 46.68 233 600.81 0.575 414 252.65
75 Tridecanoic acid a,j 638-53-9 17.489 758 754.01 0.904 585.25 315.01
Cyclic alkenes
76 2-Norbornene a,j 498-66-8 48.6 337 590 0.159 369.2 319.5
Cyclic amines
77 Pyrrolidine a,j 123-75-1 57 249 568.6 0.267 360 215.31
Dialkyl ethers
78 Diethyl ether a,b 60-29-7 36.4 280 466.7 0.2811 307.58 156.92
79 Methyl butyl ether a,j 628-28-4 33.71 329 512.8 0.313 344.2 157.48
80 Methyl propyl ether a,j 557-17-5 38.01 276 476.3 0.277 311.7 133.97
Dialkyl sulfides
81 Diethyl sulfide a,j 352-93-2 39.6 318 557 0.29 365 169.21
82 Argon a,f 7440-37-1 48.979 74.57 150.86 -0.0022 87.28 83.8
83 Nitrogen b 7727-37-9 34.0 89.21 126.2 0.03772 77.344 63.149
84 Ethyl acetate a,j 141-78-6 38.82 286 523.3 0.366 350.2 189.3
85 Methyl acetate a,j 79-20-9 47.5 228 506.55 0.331 330 174.9
Halo aromatic compound
86 Hexafluorobenzene a,j 392-56-3 33 335.1 517 0.395 353.4 278.3
Heterocyclic compounds
87 1,4-Dioxane a,j 123-91-1 54.716 239 587.3 0.28 374.3 284.1
88 Pyridine a,j 110-86-1 56.6 253 619 0.239 388.5 231.48
89 Tetrahydrofuran a,j 109-99-9 51.9 225 540.2 0.226 339 164.76
90 Ammonia b 7664-41-7 112.8 72.47 405.65 0.2526 239.72 195.4
91 Hydrogen sulfide b 7783-06-04 89.629 98.5 373.53 0.0942 212.8 187.68
92 Water b 7732-18-5 220.64 55.947 647.1 0.3449 373.15 273.16
93 2-Hexanone a,j 591-78-6 33.2 378 586.6 0.385 400 217.69
94 2-Octanone a,j 111-13-7 26.4 497 632.7 0.455 446 252.79
95 3-Pentanone a,j 96-22-0 37.29 336 561.5 0.345 375 234.16
96 Acetone a,b 67-64-1 47 208.92 508.2 0.3069 329.28 178.5
97 Methyl ethyl ketone a,b 78-93-3 42.07 267 536.7 0.3244 352.73 186.5
98 Methyl-isopropyl ketone a,j 563-80-4 38 310 553.1 0.321 367 180.01
99 Methyl-propyl ketone a,j 107-87-9 36.94 301 561.1 0.343 375 196.31
100 Octamethyltrisiloxane i 107-51-7 14.15 882 564.1 0.531 423.4 187.2
Monocyclic heteroarenes
101 Furan a,j 110-00-9 53.2 219 490.2 0.202 304.7 187.54
Mono-halo benzenes
102 Bromobenzene a,j 108-86-1 45.19 324 670.15 0.251 429.1 242.42
103 Chlorobenzene a,j 108-90-7 45.191 308 632.65 0.25 404.9 227.9
104 Fluorobenzene a,j 462-06-6 45.505 269 560.1 0.247 358 230.92
105 Iodobenzene a,j 591-50-4 45.19 351 721.15 0.247 461.4 241.8
106 Acetonitrile a,j 75-05-8 48.7 173 545 0.338 354.8 229.32
Nitrogen compounds
107 Ethanethiol a,j 75-08-1 54.9 207 499 0.188 309 125.25
108 Butylene Oxide a,j 106-88-7 43.9 258 526 0.235 336.5 143.87
Methyl siloxanes
109 Ethylene Oxide a,g 75-21-8 72.33 140.3 468.9 0.1979 285 160.65
110 Propylene Oxide a,g 75-56-9 49.244 186 482.25 0.271 307.05 161.22
111 Carbon disulfide a,j 75-15-0 79 160 552 0.111 319.2 161.11
112 Carbonyl sulfide a,j 463-58-1 63.49 135.1 378.8 0.097 223 134.31
113 Dimethyl sulfide a,j 75-18-3 55.3 201 503 0.194 311 174.85
Tio compounds
114 Methanethiol a,j 74-93-1 72.3 145 469.9 0.158 279.1 150.14
115 Thiophene a,j 110-02-1 57 220 579.4 0.197 357.3 235.02

α: NIST [15]; b: DIPPR [16]; c: DDB [17]; d: Poling, [18]; e: Sedunov, [19]; f: Velasco, [20]; g: Gallant, [21]; h: Nicola, [22]; i: Colonna, [23,24]; j: Yaws, [25].

The values of pure component parameters for each of the substances included in this study are reported in Table II. These parameters make it possible to obtain a complete phase diagram (including solid, liquid and vapor phases) for each substance. The percent deviation of numerical values with respect to its corresponding reference value is in the last column in Table II. The percent deviation is calculated as follows:

Error=16i=16ei2×100% (13)

TABLE II Database of parameters for pure substances included in this study. 

No. Substance b cm3/mol C cm3/mol d cm3/mol e cm3/mol fu λ ε/R Kelvin Error %
1 1-Dodecanol 106.259 38.2203 -1002.22 96.6820 1.6914814 1.91318 877.613 0.00
2 1-Propanol 89.4599 84.1686 -378.098 88.5921 4.5471202 1.82361 414.648 1.67
3 Ethanol 55.4330 49.1444 -278.933 54.2712 1.0696504 1.78541 473.742 1.96
4 Isopropanol 42.1007 19.7526 -259.540 38.3314 4.5426209 1.71191 642.622 3.19
5 Phenol 87.9528 82.6644 -457.097 84.6185 1.2987409 2.24894 354.838 0.00
6 tert-Butanol 75.6395 58.8250 -369.078 68.8813 4.0421312 1.70821 535.680 0.01
7 Acetaldehyde 41.9828 36.2723 -311.864 39.7951 1.1620507 2.69413 197.355 0.01
8 Butanal 95.1014 87.3180 -442.147 92.0627 4.4434708 2.38439 224.021 0.00
9 1,2-Butadiene 94.4402 89.1025 -346.904 92.5157 3.1192306 2.42411 149.447 0.00
10 1-Butene 87.0965 76.4679 -308.206 85.5117 3.2208605 2.23673 182.272 0.00
11 1-Heptene 76.6898 27.0665 -406.676 69.1392 9.5076412 1.93644 498.370 6.78
12 1-Hexene 140.842 130.242 -543.716 137.820 3.7341208 2.24030 220.516 0.02
13 1-Octene 191.950 180.006 -803.399 187.773 1.3055610 2.15939 283.082 0.01
14 1-Pentene 95.5578 78.8561 -364.766 93.1646 3.1059207 2.06973 267.085 2.06
15 3-Methyl-1-butene 134.046 125.465 -411.089 131.978 6.1133906 2.32153 155.289 0.00
16 Cis-2-Butene 89.9933 81.6984 -329.475 87.1108 2.5050708 2.33182 168.392 0.00
17 Cis-2-Pentene 115.393 103.182 -382.566 112.723 9.7705407 2.09232 234.852 0.01
18 Ethylene 51.2221 46.2477 -168.667 47.9086 1.0248509 2.70773 68.1916 0.00
19 Isoprene 79.7165 67.7704 -423.921 76.4063 1.0954309 2.60993 180.822 0.01
20 Propadiene 66.0640 61.7737 -264.473 63.2227 1.8817508 2.88766 86.8453 0.00
21 Propylene 67.7493 59.5156 -229.928 65.7060 5.0964806 2.35258 135.076 0.00
22 Trans-2-Butene 100.011 93.2699 -348.447 95.4817 3.2461210 2.39029 146.891 0.00
23 Trans-2-pentene 125.282 115.849 -416.509 122.254 3.9000608 2.22963 193.132 0.00
Alkyl amines
24 Dimethyl ether 68.5617 63.1217 -241.166 65.9782 6.8048807 2.37384 142.244 0.00
25 Methylamine 59.2255 54.8417 -177.875 56.6501 6.9875307 2.04756 207.559 0.00
Alkyl halides
26 1,1,1-Trifluoroethane 71.7874 65.4783 -316.272 67.2126 4.0886010 2.34636 146.380 0.00
27 1,1,2,2-Tetra-chloroethane 110.269 98.7490 -545.224 104.743 2.9954711 2.38647 283.604 0.00
28 1,1-Dichloroethane 97.7992 89.9383 -327.606 94.5856 8.1102508 2.21687 217.985 0.01
29 1-Chloro-1,1-difluoroethane 98.9709 93.7979 -360.307 96.1057 2.2409908 2.54592 119.363 0.01
30 Carbon Tetrachloride 111.488 103.295 -416.349 105.007 1.7978512 2.50950 175.155 0.01
31 Chloroform 109.949 103.695 -311.680 106.696 1.0198409 2.27039 185.419 0.00
32 Ethyl-Chloride 45.6400 25.2446 -201.262 42.2946 1.2072809 2.07340 317.237 0.00
33 Ethylene Dichloride 96.7939 92.4313 -397.145 93.1547 2.9206509 2.55142 173.879 0.00
34 Fluorocarbon-11 92.9212 82.7737 -320.564 88.1255 6.0390810 2.26145 193.993 0.00
35 Fluorocarbon-13 73.7157 67.5887 -236.713 71.1223 6.8940507 2.33463 106.892 0.00
36 Fluorocarbon-14 61.3516 57.7414 -205.002 58.9225 3.6869207 2.57059 61.5552 0.00
37 Fluorocarbon-22 64.9947 59.6007 -244.285 62.6413 2.3564507 2.35030 140.815 0.00
38 Fluorocarbon-23 54.2442 50.7243 -218.925 51.8429 2.9736007 2.38813 112.036 0.00
39 Fluorocarbon-113 133.805 123.974 -468.291 124.561 8.1400813 2.23266 202.806 0.01
40 Fluorocarbon-114 113.455 102.828 -402.616 106.193 5.7779012 2.15805 196.034 0.00
41 Fluorocarbon-116 69.3353 54.9751 -252.599 63.4768 9.1613611 1.98157 186.966 0.00
42 Methyl Chloride 60.8552 57.5153 216.505 57.9627 2.41820
43 Methyl fluoride 41.0220 37.4162 -189.015 38.5953 3.64036
44 Methyl-chloroform 106.551 96.9037 -415.198 99.6345 3.69357
45 Octafluorocyclobutane 132.332 121.543 -439.019 119.344 3.53210
46 Pentafluoroethyl chloride 65.4893 46.4315 -296.469 59.4958 1.08858
47 Vinyl Chloride 59.6605 49.5496 -205.694 56.6245 3.92999
48 Perchloro-ethylene 56.7095 45.8883 -506.699 50.9085 5.69346
Alkyl silanes
50 Tetramethylsilane 80.5486 42.1925 -359.040 73.2453 8.5456912 2.01528 335.925 0.00
Alkyl siloxane
51 Decamethyl-cyclopentasiloxane 367.901 294.371 -1761.04 354.791 4.3089115 1.67370 673.386 0.00
52 Octamethyl-cyclotetrasiloxane 437.008 411.666 -1522.91 418.004 2.2660517 1.75470 451.374 0.01
53 2-Butyne 90.8890 84.2541 -320.030 85.1092 5.3393111 2.28807 184.898 0.01
54 Acetylene 39.9252 35.3173 -156.263 36.4821 2.3421109 2.32643 127.113 0.10
55 Methylacetylene 66.7030 61.5949 -232.069 63.4242 1.0205809 2.32681 149.695 0.00
56 Ethylamine 98.1782 92.6078 -244.634 95.8987 2.3608907 2.00199 207.914 0.00
57 tert-butylamine 98.5496 82.9128 -350.216 91.0570 8.9734112 1.96842 302.013 0.00
Aromatic amines
58 Aniline 103.077 95.8251 -483.093 100.029 4.9772908 2.20214 357.301 0.00
Aromatic hydrocarbons
59 1,2,3,4-Tetrahydro-naphthalene 136.818 121.192 -651.961 131.610 1.5608911 2.14407 411.149 0.00
60 Benzene 91.4136 82.5509 -379.534 83.7074 1.2111013 2.40075 217.450 0.01
61 Cumene 180.867 169.385 -683.164 178.766 9.6645706 2.17247 292.521 0.01
62 Ethylbenzene 141.830 129.147 -558.326 139.190 1.0745108 2.13693 313.138 0.00
63 Naphthalene 175.830 165.817 -637.531 166.703 7.1357413 2.24624 307.452 0.01
64 p-Cymene 202.249 189.520 -836.854 197.593 4.3414510 2.14756 328.477 0.00
65 Styrene 147.051 138.760 -606.895 142.231 6.9043210 2.38860 239.513 0.00
66 Toluene 139.507 132.644 -526.708 136.363 5.7921908 2.49052 186.944 0.00
Brominated hydrocarbons
67 Ethylene Dibromide 93.2478 83.0062 -378.536 85.7219 8.5839712 2.33333 270.555 0.01
Carbonyl compounds
68 Methylal 48.8966 40.3438 -461.870 45.2816 2.9133109 2.77046 225.987 0.01
69 Phosgene 83.5071 78.1702 -257.818 80.9367 6.3434607 2.36188 149.387 0.01
Carboxylic acids
70 Benzoic acid Cyclic alkenes 95.6588 78.3815 -538.946 86.4035 9.9443713 1.81483 726.439 0.01
71 Butanoic acid 91.3801 81.5212 -556.429 86.7567 4.0280810 1.86876 559.183 0.00
72 Dodecanoic acid 195.108 172.307 -1561.80 187.348 1.3009213 1.85730 791.282 0.00
73 Octanoic acid 197.780 185.320 -894.440 193.721 1.1560810 1.71848 643.375 0.00
74 Propanoic acid 87.3204 82.7237 -541.185 84.6482 1.0209808 2.17674 369.054 0.01
75 Tridecanoic acid 278.465 264.034 -1853.19 272.105 1.3369912 1.86654 697.040 0.00
76 2-Norbornene 120.632 90.2076 -209.210 109.830 7.0354414 1.74486 391.264 0.00
Cyclic amines
77 Pyrrolidine 103.263 93.5045 -279.173 98.8216 2.7134210 1.93807 307.156 0.00
Dialkyl ethers
78 Diethyl ether 109.484 100.966 -436.484 105.538 6.9404309 2.25192 205.721 0.01
79 Methyl butyl ether 87.3617 65.8423 -431.010 83.0311 2.0803610 2.02729 366.938 0.01
80 Methyl propyl ether 122.449 116.407 -452.735 121.024 1.3314905 2.41683 160.965 0.01
Dialkyl sulfides
81 Diethyl sulfide 135.462 126.983 -477.930 132.359 5.2190808 2.21360 235.769 0.00
82 Argon 27.1282 23.3369 -82.8488 24.7496 4.0734107 2.93693 28.7353 0.18
83 Nitrogen 32.9449 28.6873 -102.616 29.8623 5.9590508 2.71622 30.0625 0.03
84 Ethyl acetate 117.631 110.635 -491.071 114.044 2.4776609 2.19277 250.080 0.00
85 Methyl acetate 96.1169 90.7904 -389.580 93.6885 3.6679407 2.28118 213.252 0.01
Halo aromatic compound
86 Hexafluorobenzene 132.449 123.127 -552.877 123.727 4.7183613 2.07709 287.493 0.01
Heterocyclic compounds
87 1,4-Dioxane 84.9312 75.1859 -335.568 77.2707 1.0622313 2.11115 314.291 0.01
88 Pyridine 95.3037 85.1821 -330.789 90.4530 7.1493110 2.12937 299.598 0.01
89 Tetrahydrofuran 86.1335 79.1296 -355.673 83.1458 3.2557508 2.43142 198.678 0.00
90 Hydrogen sulfide 37.3355 33.1785 -121.520 33.4892 5.7729009 2.54485 107.861 0.04
91 Ammonia 26.8405 24.8563 -133.291 25.0874 1.0288306 2.59408 139.929 0.01
92 Water 22.5034 21.4350 -120.654 21.9810 2.1659600 2.62190 222.637 0.00
93 2-Hexanone 141.043 128.903 -605.002 135.503 2.9507811 2.05568 344.598 0.00
94 2-Octanone 94.0948 49.7117 -645.445 84.6883 1.2311914 1.95683 618.070 0.00
95 3-Pentanone 151.475 144.214 -539.654 146.131 1.9492211 2.19469 240.705 0.00
96 Acetone 72.9985 67.2458 -412.515 70.4281 7.1734607 2.51677 207.439 0.00
97 Methyl ethyl ketone 109.576 103.257 -472.536 106.294 9.2935108 2.33939 219.932 0.00
98 Methyl-isopropyl ketone 117.310 107.816 -505.319 113.890 1.5781609 2.20526 270.407 0.00
99 Methyl-propyl ketone 110.383 102.354 -572.664 106.866 2.1866709 2.36307 254.615 0.01
Methyl siloxanes
100 Octamethyltrisiloxane 229.677 164.904 -1063.21 218.515 6.9149314 1.72918 579.425 2.03
Monocyclic heteroarenes
101 Furan 93.3878 86.6247 -289.132 89.1892 1.4172610 2.29406 176.338 0.00
Mono-halo benzenes
102 Bromobenzene 129.009 119.593 -509.606 124.486 3.5717710 2.35903 258.269 0.00
103 Chlorobenzene 124.730 115.995 -480.706 121.913 2.4717408 2.35882 239.574 0.00
104 Fluorobenzene 106.617 98.6983 -421.706 101.457 1.4523611 2.36434 214.983 0.01
105 Iodobenzene 138.241 127.533 -539.612 133.592 4.6279510 2.33127 286.056 0.01
106 Acetonitrile 37.1375 31.9311 -480.538 33.2929 5.3665309 3.17150 222.787 0.00
Nitrogen compounds
107 Ethanethiol 72.9618 63.7081 -271.393 70.8190 8.5913706 2.25362 219.338 0.00
108 Butylene Oxide 93.6088 84.5819 -400.412 90.8401 1.4457008 2.35366 218.381 0.01
109 Ethylene Oxide 42.1808 34.7944 -195.085 39.2386 2.8514508 2.29578 229.101 0.00
110 Propylene Oxide 71.5496 67.6066 -395.398 69.4176 8.6659906 2.87424 133.018 0.01
111 Carbon disulfide 62.5277 56.8933 -220.382 60.0995 3.5301307 2.70631 138.221 0.01
112 Carbonyl sulfide 48.2347 42.4828 -181.483 45.1598 4.8663708 2.65226 107.148 0.01
113 Dimethyl sulfide 74.3675 67.0928 -294.731 70.6049 4.1778009 2.40588 188.291 0.00
Tio compounds
114 Methanethiol 56.9685 52.3211 -214.673 54.9625 4.6845706 2.61011 134.553 0.00
115 Thiophene 81.0327 73.4849 -339.676 76.2580 6.2332610 2.47880 206.248 0.00

Unit: u ≡ bar ( cm3/mol )12/Kelvin Nomenclature: 1.23456 12 = 1.23456x1012

where e1=Pc/Pc(exp)-1, e2=vc/vc(exp)-1, e3=Tc/Tcexp-1,, e4=ω/ω(exp)-1, e5=Tb/Tb(exp)-1 and e6=Tt/Tt(exp)-1.

The database reported in Table II is useful for many areas of industrial applications. As an example, some PT diagrams and one PV diagram are presented in following subsections.

4.1. PT phase diagram

The coexistence states of a substance can be predicted using the Non-CEoS defined with the parameters reported in Table II. As an example, the prediction of the PT, and PV phase diagrams of nitrogen are plotted in Figs. 1, and 2. In these graphs the prediction of Non-CEoS is represented with black solid-line and, for comparison, experimental data are shown with red dots.

FIGURE 1 PT phase diagram of Nitrogen. Black solid-line corresponds to prediction of the Non-CEoS reported in this work. Red dots are experimental data [17,26,27]. 

FIGURE 2 PV phase diagram of Nitrogen. Black solid-line corresponds to prediction of the Non-CEoS reported in this work. Red dots are experimental data [27]. 

Ammonia is another example. In Fig. 3 experimental data is compared with the prediction made with the Non-CEoS in a PT phase diagram. The prediction from the Non-CEoS includes solid-liquid and solid-vapor coexistence states that cubic equations of state can not predict, and is in agreement with the experimental data.

FIGURE 3 PT phase diagram of Ammonia. Black solid-line corresponds to prediction of the Non-CEoS reported in this work. Red dots are experimental data [28,29]. 

Thus, at least in these three examples the prediction capability of the Non-CEoS is demonstrated, but this feature is applicable to all substances in the database. A special case is that of water, that will be discussed in the following section.

4.2. The water case

Water is a special case of substance. Water molecules can be organized in several clusters with different geometries mainly because their dipole moment. Thus, there are several triple points at its phase diagram, and define several ice types. In particular, the ice-I has a solid-liquid boundary with negative slope so that the melting point decreases with pressure. This feature is due to the dipole-dipole interactions which are highly anisotropic.

On the other hand, the last term in Eq. (1a) for the NonCEoS corresponds to very short-range interactions between the molecules, and the solid phase is formed with these interactions. However, the last term in Eq. (1a) must correspond to an isotropic potential. Under this conjecture, the resulting melting curve of ice-I, which is predicted with the Non-CEoS, must not describe a negative slope because the equation of state is isotropic. The phase diagram of water is showed at Fig. 4. The black solid-line at Fig. 4 corresponds to the prediction of Non-CEoS in this work, while the red dashed-line corresponds to the International Association for the Properties of Water and Steam (IAPWS) data [30,31]. Clearly, the resulting phase diagram does not capture the negative slope of the melting curve of ice-I. But, for the rest of the melting curve, the resulting phase diagram is in agreement with the IAPWS data for high temperatures. In the same Fig. 4, the agreement between the vaporization curve predicted with the Non-CEoS and the IAPWS data is evident. Moreover, there are a small deviations of the pressure near to the triple point and below to it, namely, the sublimation curve. In these cases, the small deviations are magnified by the log scale.

FIGURE 4 PT phase diagram of water. Black solid-line corresponds to prediction of the Non-CEoS reported in this work. Red dashed-line corresponds to IAPWS data [30,31]. 

The fact that the melting and triple points of water are too close is well known. The resulting values of the pressure, the molar volume, and the temperature computed with NonCEoS at both points are in Table III. In particular, the value of the molar volume of the saturated solid at the melting point and the triple point are extremely close to each other. In fact, both numerical values at Table III differ at the last digits between parentheses, and those digits are located at the eighth to ninth decimal positions. In other words, the pressure is sensitive to the value of the molar volume of the solid phase because there are significant changes of the value of the pressure with a extremely small changes on the molar volume. In spite of the above fact, the Non-CEoS is capable to distinguish the melting point from the triple point (see Table III).

TABLE III Water properties. 

Results References Error
Critical point
Pressure 220.0bar 220.64bar -0.29%
Molar volume 55.9472cm3/mol 55.947cm3/mol 0.00%
Temperature 647.096Kelvin 647.1Kelvin 0.00%
Boiling point
Pressure 1.01325bar 1.01325bar 0.00%
Molar volume(s) 23.4162cm3/mol
Molar volume(v) 30328.0cm3/mol
Temperature 373.151Kelvin 373.15Kelvin 0.00%
Melting point
Pressure 1.01325bar 1.01325bar 0.00%
Molar volume(s) 22.5297767(70)cm3/mol
Molar volume(l) 22.9448(30)cm3/mol
Temperature 273.16(57)Kelvin 273.15Kelvin 0.01%
Triple point
Pressure 0.0036256bar 0.0061173bar -40.7%
Molar volume(s) 22.5297767(58)cm3/mol
Molar volume(l) 22.9448(32)cm3/mol
Molar volume(v) 6.26586×106 cm3/mol
Temperature 273.16(25)Kelvin 273.16Kelvin 0.00%

(s): Saturated solid; (l): Saturated liquid; (v): Saturated vapor.

5. Conclusions

A Non-CEoS was constructed for several substances, and the pure substance parameters are reported at Table II. The analytical expression of Non-CEoS is defined through parameters {b,c,d,e,f,λ,ε}. In this work, the procedure to obtain these parameters using experimental data was explained. The experimental data required to define the Non-CEoS are: critical pressure P c , critical molar volume v c , and critical temperature T c , acentric factor ω, boiling point temperature T b , and the temperature T t at the triple point; all of them are in Table I.

The Non-CEoS, described in Eqs. (1a)-(1d), predicts the solid-liquid, solid-vapor, and liquid-vapor phase coexistences of pure substances. This feature was demonstrated with the nitrogen, ammonia, and water cases, and is also valid for all the substances in Table I. Considering the example cases, a good agreement between the resulting phase diagrams predicted with the Non-CEoS and the experimental data was observed.

The adjustment of the values calculated with the NonCEoS for the critical point, acentric factor, boiling temperature, and triple point temperature with respect to their experimental values, is observed through the error reported in the database (see Table II). For almost all substances in the database the numerical relative deviation is less than 1%.

The results for the solid-liquid coexistence (compared with experimental data) enable us to confirm that the last term in Eq. (1a) is related to short-range interactions between the molecules in the fluid. This is manifested by a big value of exponent (in this work ν = 12). Thus, this term modifies the cubic equation only in a region defined by a small neighborhood close to the exclusion volume. As a consequence, the pressure of the saturated solid phase is highly sensitive to the volume value, and therefore, the slope of the melting curve is very pronounced. Another implication of this fact is manifested on the calculation of the melting point temperature, because the difference between the melting point temperature and the triple point temperature is less than 1 Kelvin, as in the water case in Table III.


The authors thank to Instituto Mexicano del Petróleo the support through grant D.61017. JMMG thanks to SENER and CONACYT for the support through scholarship 461188.


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Received: February 21, 2020; Accepted: June 14, 2020

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