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Salud Pública de México

versión impresa ISSN 0036-3634


FIGUEROA-GARCIA, Juan et al. Cost analysis of drug treatment in hypertensive patients at social security health care family medicine units. Salud pública Méx [online]. 2022, vol.64, n.2, pp.188-195.  Epub 13-Mar-2023. ISSN 0036-3634.


To estimate the increase of drug treatment costs associated with predictive factors of hypertensive patients in family medicine units.

Materials and methods:

A generalized linear model was employed to estimate costs with data from a microcosting costing study for a 1-year time horizon. Sources of dada were medical electronic files, pharmacy records and unitary prices updated to 2019.


From a total of 864 patients older than 65 years were 67% and women 65%. Factors with most influence on mean drug treatment costs were diabetes, age and complications associated with hypertension. Mean annual cost of antihypertensive treatment was 61 dollars (CI95% 55,67) and median were 32 dollars (IQR 30,35) per patient. Incremental costs for diabetes were 23 dollars (CI95% 13,33) and 25 dollars (CI95% 5, 45) in the group of ≥ 65 years.


Diabetes, age and complications were the factors with largest influence on hypertension pharmacological costs.

Palabras llave : Hypertension; cost allocation; drug therapy.

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