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vol.52 número156Trabajadores inmersos en procesos de subcontratación transnacional: ¿qué protección hay desde el plano internacional?Aproximación a la configuración jurídica del derecho al olvido en internet. Un análisis a partir de la sentencia del TJUE vs Google índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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Boletín mexicano de derecho comparado

versión On-line ISSN 2448-4873versión impresa ISSN 0041-8633


FIGUEROA BELLO, Aída  y  NIEDRIST, Gerhard. Some Approximations to the Relevant Judgments in the Law of the European Union Issued by the European Court of Justice on Equality Between Men and Women in European Community Law. Bol. Mex. Der. Comp. [online]. 2019, vol.52, n.156, pp.1407-1447.  Epub 23-Mar-2021. ISSN 2448-4873.

Regarding equality between men and women, the European Court of Justice has developed a tendency to a positive interpretation; it has decided more cases where it analyses European regulations mainly textually, with a trend to a rigorous and restrictive interpretation, especially in the field of maternity and the conciliation of work and family spaces.

Palabras llave : European Court of Justice; gender equality; jurisprudence; European Union; Human Rights.

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