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vol.20 número56La antigua ciudad de Cantona: ¿Ciudad-Estado con redes corporativas excluyentes?En busca de la cura: Prácticas adivinatorias y terapéuticas entre los nahuas del Alto Balsas (Guerrero) presentes en Morelos índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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versión impresa ISSN 0185-1659


CRUZ CRUZ, Johan Cristian  y  CRUZ-ALDRETE, Miroslava. Integración social del sordo en la Ciudad de México: enfoques médicos y pedagógicos (1867-1900). Cuicuilco [online]. 2013, vol.20, n.56, pp.173-201. ISSN 0185-1659.

The history of the deaf community in Mexico City during the last third of the 19th century was marked by the control exercised over it by the medical and pedagogical authorities. From the medical standpoint, the deaf were stigmatized as sick and socially backward because they could not hear and, therefore, were unable to communicate. From the pedagogical standpoint, the bases of the oralistic model were established, which excludes and denies the possibility that sign language could achieve the classification of a true language. The conjunction of these two spheres is fundamental for understanding the lot of the deaf in the 1867-1900 period but is also fundamental for understanding the position held by the special education authorities with respect to the education of the deaf throughout the entire 20th century.

Palabras llave : National School for the Deaf (Escuela Nacional de Sordomudos); sign language; oralism; deafness; deaf.

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