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vol.39 número155El homo academicus y la máquina de sumar: profesores universitarios y la evaluación cuantitativa del mérito académicoRomper la trampa de la reproducción Auto-eficacia en la transición a los bachilleratos públicos en la Ciudad de México. El caso de los jóvenes provenientes de hogares de bajos recursos socioeconómicos índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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Perfiles educativos

versión impresa ISSN 0185-2698


GUBBINS, Verónica; TIRADO, Valentina  y  MARCHANT, Valentina. Disposiciones docentes hacia la relación con apoderados en un establecimiento educacional privado en Chile: estudio de caso. Perfiles educativos [online]. 2017, vol.39, n.155, pp.107-122. ISSN 0185-2698.

Relationships between teachers and parents affect students' school performance. Less economically advantaged guardians report few positive experiences and less participation in school activities. There is less evidence with regard to relationships between teachers and families with high economic and cultural capital. The objective of this article is to describe teachers' attitudes in a private education establishment in Chile toward relationships with elite families. Four discussion groups were held with all of the teach ers working with guardians in the first and second cycles of basic education. Teachers' attitudes are oriented toward building instrumental relationships with families and excluding them from matters and decisions associated with the work of teaching in the classroom. It is concluded that less cultural distance between families and schools does not guarantee more trust, reci procity or mutual support between teachers and guardians.

Palabras llave : Family-school relationship; High socioeconomic level; Professors; Private school; Basic education; Case studies.

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