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vol.45 número182La robótica como medio de aprendizaje. Estudio de casoEl cine en la escuela. Un acercamiento histórico a los saberes, instituciones y fenómenos contrarios al uso escolar del cinematógrafo índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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Perfiles educativos

versión impresa ISSN 0185-2698


HERNANDEZ-DE LA CRUZ, José Manuel; MARTINEZ-RODRIGUEZ, Marta; GARCIA-CEBALLOS, Silvia  y  RIVERO GRACIA, Pilar. Music as an educational resource when teaching history and heritage. Perceptions of future primary education teachers. Perfiles educativos [online]. 2023, vol.45, n.182, pp.134-153.  Epub 17-Sep-2024. ISSN 0185-2698.

Music as a reflection of an era has the capacity to express different social and cultural environments. But how can future teachers learn about its value for teaching and learning about social sciences? To figure this out, we analyzed the significance assigned by students to music when working towards a degree in Primary Education Teaching in Spain as an educational resource for teaching about history and heritage. Data gathered through a questionnaire reveals the importance future teachers place on music in educational environments as a resource for motivation and development of emotions and identity values. Our results allow us to conclude that though our students understand music as a positive resource for teaching history, they believe they have not received enough training on its use. This should serve as a point of consideration for university professors in charge of their initial education.

Palabras llave : Teaching history; Educational resource; Music; Teaching heritage; Teacher training.

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