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Salud mental

versión impresa ISSN 0185-3325


JUAREZ-GARCIA, Arturo; IDROVO, Álvaro J.; CAMACHO-AVILA, Anabel  y  PLACENCIA-REYES, Omar. Burnout Syndrome in Mexican population: A systematic review. Salud Ment [online]. 2014, vol.37, n.2, pp.159-176. ISSN 0185-3325.

The growing number of publications on the subject of burnout syndrome suggests this is the most widely researched psychological work-related outcome in the last decades. It is important to review the state of art in this phenomenon and to examine the challenging dimension that it has reached. The general objective of this paper was to carry out a systematic review of the published literature in order to characterize burnout research in Mexico. Methods A manual search was carried out in 12 databases including Spanish or Latin American journals. All the existent articles up to July 2012 were taken into account and five criteria were defined so as to assure the comparability among the studies. Meta-analyses were estimated with the averages of the burnout dimensions and the Cronbach alpha coefficients reported. Results Sixty-four studies were selected (n=13 801 employees); most of them were from health professionals and more than half were collected in Jalisco and Distrito Federal. The methodological analyses revealed that more than 90% of the studies were observational/cross-sectional designs, and most with data analyses that are vulnerable to the effect of confounding variables. A remarkable finding was the huge heterogeneity in the criteria used to determine the prevalence of burnout. The meta-analyses in 14 selected studies showed average burnout symptoms values of "once a month or less" within the frequency scale. Discussion The general balance of this review shows that the research on burnout in Mexico still has areas of opportunity. It is necessary to broaden the range of occupations and regions to improve the methodological designs and the information analyses, and to ensure the used scales have good psychometric properties. Some recommendations for future research are offered.

Palabras llave : Professional burnout; MBI; Mexico; psychological stress; systematic review.

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