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vol.27 número60Estudio sobre el estado de las webs de bibliotecas escolares en Andalucía y Extremadura y propuestas para su mejora índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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Investigación bibliotecológica

versión On-line ISSN 2448-8321versión impresa ISSN 0187-358X


CALDERA SERRANO, Jorge  y  ARRANZ ESCACHA, Pilar. New documentary selection methods arising from digital information systems employed in television. Investig. bibl [online]. 2013, vol.27, n.60, pp.15-26. ISSN 2448-8321.

The contextual framework of selection of documentaries for broadcast in television is described and analyzed in order to show the key changes this process has undergone in recent years driven largely by widespread digitization of audiovisual information. These changes have afforded journalists a more central role in the selection of documentary materials, as factors such as cost and space, which were once fundamental, become less important in current television production processes.

Palabras llave : Selection Documentary; Archives TV; Audio-visual Information; Document Management; Digital Information.

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