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vol.24-25 número47Evaluación de un proyecto de inversión usando opciones reales para diferenciar el aguacateRasgos socioculturales de los jóvenes en México: bienestar, cultura y política índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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Estudios sociales (Hermosillo, Son.)

versión impresa ISSN 0188-4557


FIGUEROA MAGANA, Jorge Enrique. Citizen attitudes towards free trade and Yucatecan regional compatibility: A cultural approach. Estud. soc [online]. 2016, vol.24-25, n.47, pp.252-279. ISSN 0188-4557.

Using data obtained from a public opinion poll, this article introduces a cultural based and alternative explanation to dominant utilitarian literature that focuses on citizen attitudes towards free trade. More specifically, it argues that the inhabitants of the state of Yucatan, out of their unique historical experiences, developed a singular, local identity compatible with free trade. The statistical analysis reveals that indeed, Yucatecans favor free trade as much as those who populate Mexico ́s North region, and that two components of the Yucatecan identity (internationalism, regionalism), in addition to age, do shape those attitudes. Finally, there is no empirical evidence that sustains an utilitarian explanation in Yucatecan attitudes towards free trade.

Palabras llave : free trade; Yucatecan identity; utilitarian explanation; cultural explanation; Mexican nationalism.

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