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Investigaciones geográficas

versión On-line ISSN 2448-7279versión impresa ISSN 0188-4611


GARCIA DE FUENTES, Ana; JOUAULT, Samuel  y  ROMERO, David. A Cartographic Representation of the Touristification of Cancún and the Yucatan Peninsula in the last 50 years. Invest. Geog [online]. 2019, n.100, e60023.  Epub 27-Feb-2020. ISSN 2448-7279.

On almost half century of the creation of Cancun, we consider important to analyze the territorial impacts of the Yucatan Peninsula touristification process, using as an instrument the technical cartography to express in an abstract way, examples of the complex processes of organization and re-organization of social, economic, political, cultural and environment life, linked to tourism as a lead element of capital accumulation of its whole territory.

Palabras llave : Geohistory; tourism; Yucatan; regional development; socio-environmental impact.

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