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 número114El clima cambiante y los consumos domésticos de agua en ciudades de MéxicoExpansión urbana y clima en las ciudades mexicanas. Un análisis del crecimiento, usos de suelo y clima urbano en México índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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Investigaciones geográficas

versión On-line ISSN 2448-7279versión impresa ISSN 0188-4611


JAZCILEVICH DIAMANT, Aron. Towards the modeling urban climate and air pollution in the Valley of Mexico: an perspective from my professional relationship with Dr. Ernesto Jauregui. Invest. Geog [online]. 2024, n.114, e60846.  Epub 10-Dic-2024. ISSN 2448-7279.

One of the topics of greatest interest to Dr. Ernesto Jáuregui was the interaction between land-use change derived from urbanization processes and atmospheric phenomena. His work placed him as a pioneer on these issues in tropical cities. Although topics such as the objective observation of the Urban Heat Island, changes in urban rainfall and temperature regimes occupied most of his work, his interest in collaborating with groups of computational modeling of climate, weather and air pollution was also important. He recognized the great value of these methods to expand knowledge, and his great experience helped to propose topics such as the effect on the atmosphere of the disappearance of lake areas in the Valley of Mexico. From this experience, several works have followed this path that he instigated. Thus, we present here studies with increasingly greater spatial and temporal resolution and with better physical parameterizations, which describe the phenomena of convergences, and valley-mountain interactions that occur in the Valley of Mexico.

Coming back to works on the theme of lacustrine areas, investigations are presented on what happens to the atmosphere when lakes are reintroduced, a topic that caught Ernesto's attention. To follow the path traced by Dr. Ernesto Jáuregui to elucidate the effect of surface cover changes and the atmosphere, we incorporate our latest research using highly specialized models in urban land use.

Likewise, other works on the interaction of land use with the atmosphere are included, such as the transport of soil particles from agricultural areas, as well as the massive introduction of natural roofs in an area of Mexico City.

I dared to incorporate the work of my students on topics such as the effect of vehicular emissions on microenvironments. Since Ernesto was a city dweller and a car user, we would have liked to know his opinion of these works.

Palabras llave : Urban land-use changes; land-use and atmospheric interactions; urban atmospheres.

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