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vol.26 número51El efecto de las instituciones en el crecimiento económico de América LatinaLos sentidos de la rendición de cuentas en el discurso educativo índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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Perfiles latinoamericanos

versión impresa ISSN 0188-7653


PUYANA, Alicia. A never ending recession? On the vicissitudes of Economics and economic policies. Perf. latinoam. [online]. 2018, vol.26, n.51, pp.351-378. ISSN 0188-7653.

The crisis facing the world economy since the end of 2007 has shaken to the core the economic paradigms that were the basis of models for economic policies and governmental roles for the last thirty years. It affected the real economy, the political dispute and the teaching of economics. So intensive debate illustrates the intensive need to deeply revise the macroeconomics theory, abandon the failed paradigms and construct new teaching curricula to produced professionals better equipped to analyze real word economic problems.

Palabras llave : Economics; economic crisis; neoclassical economics; economic growth; economic metaphors; ergodic axioms.

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