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Ginecología y obstetricia de México

versión impresa ISSN 0300-9041


APODACA-RAMOS, Irasema et al. Spontaneous pregnancy in patient with cervical agenesis. Ginecol. obstet. Méx. [online]. 2019, vol.87, n.2, pp.125-127.  Epub 25-Mar-2021. ISSN 0300-9041.


The incidence of cervical agenesis with functional endometrium is unknown, but it’s estimated to be less than 0.1% in the general population. The reproductive prognosis in Müllerian malformations is limited and, in most cases, requires multiple surgical interventions to be improved.


A 21-year-old primiparous patient with a history of agenesis of the cervix and two upper thirds of the vagina. Attended a first-time obstetric appointment at 38.1 weeks of gestation. She refers that the pregnancy was conceived spontaneously and denied complications during pregnancy. A cesarean section was scheduled to end the pregnancy, which had no trans or post-operative maternal-fetal morbidity.


Spontaneous pregnancy in patients with congenital agenesis of the cervix should be addressed in time to ensure a favorable obstetric outcome.

Palabras llave : Mullerian malformations; Endometrium; Primiparous patient; Cervix uteri; Pregnancy; Spontaneously.

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