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Cirujano general

versión impresa ISSN 1405-0099


MORALES-POLANCO, Sergio; ORTIZ-RUVALCABA, Oscar I  y  DIAZ-ROSALES, Juan de Dios. Primary choledocolithiasis in situs inversus totalis. Cir. gen [online]. 2021, vol.43, n.1, pp.5-8.  Epub 15-Ago-2022. ISSN 1405-0099.

Situs inversus totalis is an inherent condition characterized by the transposition of thoracic and abdominal viscera. We present a clinical case of a 58 years-old female, with medical history of cholecystectomy 18 years ago (and situs inversus), that currently presents with obstructive jaundice. With her surgical history and the prior knowledge of her condition, we perform an endoscopic treatment with satisfactory results. Cholelithiasis and situs inversus are a rare combination of conditions, this binomial remember us that in medicine pathognomonic symptoms, does not exist.

Palabras llave : Choledocholithiasis; situs inversus; cholangiopancreatography; endoscopic retrograde; endoscopy.

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