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Gestión y política pública

versión impresa ISSN 1405-1079


CHALLENGER, Antony et al. Expert Opinion Evaluates Mexico’s Environmental Policy: Towards the Management of Socioecosystems. Gest. polít. pública [online]. 2018, vol.27, n.2, pp.431-473. ISSN 1405-1079.

Public policies formulated to confront the ecological and social equity crises of development have had little impact. Recently, several disciplines have converged on the socioecosystem (SES) concept as an ideal theoretical framework for managing integrated social and natural systems for their sustainable development, and its rapid incorporation into environmental public policy is sought. A consultation was undertaken to gauge the expert opinion of Mexico’s federal environment sector officials with regard to the SES approach and its potential as a new basis for public policy. The results demonstrate that although the experts are unfamiliar with the SES approach, they value the policy attributes which characterize it, indicating that if these were fully incorporated into current policies, they could help correct their deficiencies. A majority of experts consider the more integral SES approach offers advantages, and it is concluded that these key actors are receptive to the approach and its possible adoption.

Palabras llave : socioecosystem; socio-ecological system; governance; environmental management; sustainable development.

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