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versión On-line ISSN 2521-9766versión impresa ISSN 1405-3195
Agrociencia vol.52 no.1 Texcoco ene./feb. 2018
Plant Protection
Life cycle and fecundity of Dactylopius opuntiae (Hemiptera: Dactylopiidae) in Opuntia ficus-indica (Caryophyllales: Cactaceae)
1Fitosanidad, Entomología y Acarología, Colegio de Postgraduados, Carretera México-Texcoco km 36.5, Montecillo, C.P. 56230 Texcoco, Estado de México, México.
2Departamento de Botánica y Zoología. Centro Universitario de Ciencias Biológicas y Agropecuarias, Universidad de Guadalajara, Carretera Nogales Km 15.5, Camino Ramón Padilla Sánchez #2100, Nextipac, C.P. 45220 Zapopan, Jalisco.
Dactylopius opuntiae is the most important pest of nopal (Opuntia ficus-indica) in several countries of the world, although its biology has been studied only in Opuntia megacantha. The hypothesis of this study was that the availability of food during the evaluation influences the fecundity of D. opuntiae. The objective was to describe the biology and population parameters of D. opuntiae in O. ficus-indica. The life cycle, fecundity and longevity were evaluated at 25±1 °C and photoperiod of 12:12 h. The incubation period was evaluated in a cohort of 100 eggs, the cycle was described from a cohort of 150 individuals. Individual females were used as experimental unit (n=40 females) to compare fecundity, with or without a source of food. In every case, the experimental design was completely random. The incubation period was 61.78±24 min and represented less than 3 % of the cycle’s duration. The nymph I lasted 7.68±1.49 d in females and 8.59±1.54 d in males. The nymph II lasted 9.07±1.98 d in females and 7.74±0.79 d in males; only the males presented a pupal state (8.18±1.05 days). The development of D. opuntiae in O. ficus-indica was completed in 16.78±2.69 d in females and 24.48±2.23 d in males. The fecundity of females with food (established on cladodes) was higher (567.58±164.67 individuals) compared to the females without food (351.25±131.98). This study shows that the fecundity of D. opuntiae is influenced by the availability of food and this condition influences the reproductive capacity of the species.
Keywords: nopal; prickly pear wild cochineal; biology; population parameters
Dactylopius opuntiae es la plaga principal del nopal (Opuntia ficus-indica) en varios países, pero su biología se ha estudiado sólo en Opuntia megacantha. La hipótesis de este estudio fue que la fecundidad de D. opuntiae está influenciada por la disponibilidad de alimento durante la evaluación. El objetivo fue describir la biología y parámetros poblacionales de D. opuntiae en O. ficus-indica. El ciclo de vida, fecundidad y longevidad se evaluaron a 25±1 °C y fotoperiodo 12:12 h. El periodo de incubación se evaluó en una cohorte de 100 huevos, el ciclo se describió de una cohorte de 150 individuos; Para comparar fecundidad, con y sin fuente de alimento, se usaron hembras individuales como unidad experimental (n=40 hembras). En todos los casos el diseño experimental fue completamente al azar. El periodo de incubación fue 61.78±24 min y representó menos de 3 % de la duración del ciclo. La ninfa I duró 7.68±1.49 d en hembras y 8.59±1.54 d en machos. La ninfa II duró 9.07±1.98 d en hembras y 7.74±0.79 d en machos; únicamente los machos presentaron un estado pupal (8.18±1.05 días). El desarrollo de D. opuntiae en O. ficus-indica se completó en 16.78±2.69 d en hembras y 24.48±2.23 d en machos. La fecundidad de hembras con alimento (establecidas en cladodios) fue mayor (567.58±164.67 individuos) respecto a las hembras sin alimento (351.25±131.98). En este estudio se mostró que la fecundidad de D. opuntiae está influenciada por la disponibilidad de alimento y eso influye la capacidad reproductiva de la especie.
Palabras clave: nopal; cochinilla silvestre del nopal; biología; parámetros poblacionales
The fruits and cladodes of Opuntia ficusindica (Caryophyllales: Cactaceae) are of better quality than those of other Opuntia species and they have less spines, something related to domestication and selection processes in Mexico (Griffith, 2004). The O. ficus-indica species is native of Mexico, it has importance as food, fodder and for industrial uses (Kiesling, 1998; Griffith, 2004), and around 60,000 ha are cultivated to obtain immature cladodes that are consumed as vegetables (nopalitos) and to obtain fruits (SIAP, 2016). In Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, Spain, Italy, Peru and Israel it is cultivated to obtain fruits (Githure et al., 1999; Portillo and Vigueras, 2008; Silva et al., 2013; Spodek et al., 2014), and in some countries of Africa and in Brazil extensive surfaces are cultivated for fodder (Githure et al., 1999; Silva et al., 2013). A smaller surface is used to cultivate cochineal (Dacylopius coccus Costa) and obtain carminic acid to make carmine (Vigueras and Portillo, 2001; SIAP, 2016).
The list of arthropods associated to O. ficusindica includes 167 species (Mann, 1969), of which only 11 insect species are considered as primary pests in a region or season in Mexico (Mann, 1969; Pacheco-Rueda et al., 2011; Cerón-González et al., 2012). Among these insects, Dactylopius opuntiae (Cockerell) (Hemiptera: Dactylopiidae) is a primary pest in Mexico, Brazil, Spain, Turkey, Israel and Morocco (Githure et al., 1999; Portillo and Vigueras, 2006; Vanegas-Rico et al., 2010; Silva et al., 2013; Spodek et al., 2014).
Dactylopius opuntiae causes damage from feeding (sap suction) which produces chlorosis and a decrease in the nopal yield; infestation of this insect higher than 75 % on the surface of the cladodes causes the death of the plant (Mann, 1969; Vanegas-Rico et al., 2010). Although there are no exact figures of losses caused by D. opuntiae, in Brazil, where it is not native, around 100,000 ha damaged by this insect have been reported (Silva et al., 2013). There are also reports in Lebanon and Israel of the insect as an exotic pest that requires a control program to protect natural areas covered by O. ficus-indica (Spodek et al., 2014).
Although D. opuntiae is a pest of global importance, the information available about its biology is insufficient. Only one study Flores-Hernández et al. (2006) was found, where the basic biology of the insect was described on O. megacantha, a species that is important in northern México due to its use as fodder and fruit collection (Flores-Hernández et al., 2006). However, in most countries the species cultivated is O. ficus-indica (Griffith, 2004; Portillo and Vigueras, 2008; Silva et al., 2013). The fecundity of the genus Dactylopius is evaluated in two ways: fecundity of individuals feeding on Opuntia cladodes (Moran and Cobby, 1979; Sullivan, 1990) and by removing the insects from the cladodes (Flores-Hernández et al., 2006; Mathenge et al., 2009).
Programs of classic biological control of D. opuntiae were initiated in Israel and Brazil, and until now some of its natural enemies have been characterized (Vanegas-Rico et al., 2010, 2016; Pacheco-Rueda et al., 2011); also, there are some advantages of the complex of natural enemies of this species in Mexico (Cruz-Rodríguez et al., 2016; Vanegas-Rico et al., 2016). However, the reproductive potential of D. opuntiae on its main host in the world is unknown. Therefore, the hypothesis of this study was that the availability of food during the evaluation influences the fecundity of D. opuntiae, and the objective was to describe the life cycle of D. opuntiae and to determine biological parameters in O. ficusindica under controlled conditions.
Materials and Methods
Biological material and D. opuntiae rearing
The O. ficus-indica cladodes of 24 months of age, without symptoms of diseases, were obtained from the nopalitos producing zone in Tlalnepantla, state of Morelos, Mexico, and they were left to heal for 15 d to prevent the development of pathogens. The cladodes were planted in pots of 20 cm diameter with a mixture of tezontle sand and peat moss (Premier®, Quebec, Canada) in a proportion of 2:1.
The rearing of D. opuntiae was established with specimens collected from the same region (Tlalnepantla) and placed in Petri dishes, which were transported to Colegio de Postgraduados in Montecillo, Estado de Mexico. The gravid females were identified by the presence of a yellow-amber drop on the dorsal section of the abdomen (Marín and Cisneros, 1977). The infestation and rearing method was performed according to Portillo and Vigueras (2008): 12 gravid females were placed inside paper envelopes (5(5 cm) that stayed attached to the cladode for two weeks. This material was kept under greenhouse conditions (23±7 °C and 60±20 % relative humidity). Monitoring the life cycle and fecundity experiment was done in a growth chamber (25±1 °C and 40±10 % relative humidity).
Biology and life cycle
Incubation was evaluated in five groups of 20 eggs (each group was considered one repetition) in a completely random experimental design. Each group of 20 eggs, less than 30 min of age, was placed in a Petri dish of 9 cm diameter with moist cotton at the bottom, and on top of it a metallic mesh and dry filter paper were placed. The eggs were placed on the dry filter paper and observations were made every 15 min until hatching (Mathenge et al., 2009).
In order to determine the life cycle, five cladodes were placed inside a growth chamber; each cladode was uprooted one day before beginning the experiment and 10 gravid females were placed on each one. The females were kept there 12 h to obtain nymphs I, then the females were removed and only nymphs I were kept. The cladodes were observed every 12 h until 30 nymphs I per cladode were attached and the remaining nymphs were eliminated. The site of establishment on the cladode of each nymph was marked with indelible ink and the observations for the rest of the cycle were carried out every 24 h. The change in instar was determined by the presence of molt in nymph I and nymph II in females, molt in nymph I and pupa development in males. In addition, the periods of pre-oviposition, oviposition, and sex ratio were recorded. To estimate the development time, 150 individuals (30 per cladode) were evaluated and each individual was considered a repetition, but only data from the individuals that reached the adult state were included.
To describe the basic biology of D. opuntiae on O. ficus-indica, qualitative observations of shape, color, and wax production were performed on 50 individuals, 2 min per individual, in each development stage (eggs, nymphs I, nymphs II, adult females in sexual maturity, pupas and adult males).
Fecundity and longevity
The pre-oviposition of D. opuntiae was measured with 80 females established on five cladodes, 16 females per cladode, detached from the plant and confined to a growth chamber. To ensure mating, two males per female were placed on the cladodes. The end of the pre-oviposition was determined by observing each female daily, lifting it slightly, in search for eggs or nymphs.
The fecundity was evaluated using two methodologies: access to food keeping the females attached to the cladodes (n=40) (Moran and Cobby, 1979; Sullivan, 1990), or without food by removing the females from the cladodes and placing them individually in Petri dishes (n=40) (Flores-Hernández et al., 2006; Mathenge et al., 2009). The females attached to the cladode were isolated individually with a removable device made of “fomi” (thermoplastic polymer made up of repetitive units of ethylene and vinyl acetate) and organza fabric (light white cotton fabric) to prevent the escape of the nymphs and favor ventilation. Both groups were checked every 24 h to count nymphs and eggs by removing them during each observation. To record female survival, these remained under observation since the time of removing from the cladodes (without food) or when they were left on them (with food) until the end of the oviposition period. For males, their longevity on the cladodes was recorded. The fecundity and survival were evaluated per treatment in individual females, 40 females for each treatment, that is 40 repetitions, distributed randomly on the cladodes and in the Petri dishes. Using data about D. opuntiae survival, as well as fecundity and sex ratio, a life and fertility table was built to obtain the population parameters.
Data analysis
The average values and standard deviations were calculated for the duration of each stage of development (egg, nymph, pupa and total), for the fecundity and for the survival. The development time of females and males was compared for each instar through the Student t-test (SAS Institute, 2000). The same statistical test was used to compare the fecundity between females with or without food. The survival of females per treatment was compared with the Logrank test (Vera et al., 2002). The fecundity values of specific age per female were used to elaborate a life and fertility table.
The parameters of the life and fertility table of D. opuntiae were estimated through the Birch method (1948). The net reproduction rate (Ro), the generation time (T), the intrinsic rate of natural increase (rm) and the finite rate of increase (l) were obtained through the program by Maia et al. (2000) in the Lifetable SAS software (SAS Institute, 2000), which includes the Jackknife test to estimate confidence intervals for all the parameters. It also performs Student t-tests for the paired groups.
Results and Discussion
Biology and life cycle
The eggs presented an oval shape and bright red color characteristic of species of the Dactylopiidae family (Moran and Cobby, 1979; Mathenge et al., 2009). Oviposition can be individual or in group, linked in a chain shape. It is common for the eggs to alternate in different stages of development and even with completely developed nymphs I; 78 % of the eggs hatched and their incubation period was 61.78 ± 24 min, representing less than 3 % of the total cycle. The variation in incubation period is attributed in part to the methodology, which is similar for the species of Dactylopius, where it is not possible to determine the degree of development of the embryos when the eggs are collected because the Dactylopiidae insects present ovoviviparity (Marín and Cisneros, 1977; Gilreath and Smith, 1987; Mathenge et al., 2009). The incubation period of D. coccus is 15 to 20 min (Marín and Cisneros, 1977), which represents one third of what was observed in this study; in contrast, Mathenge et al. (2009) report an incubation period of 17 d in D. tomentosus. In the cases of D. opuntiae and D. coccus, it is likely that the incubation times are underestimated; however, until now new methodologies have not been developed to estimate the real incubation time in other species of Dactylopiidae. This action must be carried out to establish with greater precision this period.
The nymphs I began to produce wax immediately after attaching to the cladode and it was not possible to differentiate the sex through morphological characteristics until after the second instar. The first instar nymph lasted 8.59±1.54 d in males, which was longer than in females (t=2.68, p≤0.01), although the difference was less than 24 h (Table 1). This duration contrasts with reports for the same instar in D. coccus (20-23 d) (Marín and Cisneros, 1977) and D. tomentosus (18 d) (Mathenge et al., 2009). The second instar presented a longer duration in females than in males (t=5.32, p≤0.0001), with a difference of 1.5 d (Table 1). Dactylopius ceylonicus has a similar development period for the same instar (7 d at 26 °C) according to Sullivan (1990), but other species such as D. coccus require up to 18 d for this same development stage (Marín and Cisneros, 1977).
Table 1 Development time in days (± standard deviation) of Dactylopius opuntiae on Opuntia ficus-indica at 25±1 °C and 40±10 % of relative humidity.
Sexo | n | Ninfa I* | Ninfa II* | Pupa | Total* |
Hembra | 103 | 7.68±1.49 | 9.07±1.98 | 16.78±2.69 | |
Macho | 27 | 8.59±1.54 | 7.74±0.79 | 8.18±1.05 | 24.48±2.23 |
The development times between sexes indicated with * are statistically different (p≤0.01)
After the second instar, only the males can retract the mouthparts, have mobility and seek for a site to develop the pupa; in contrast, the females remain motionless throughout her life with the mouthparts inserted in the cladode. The development time of the pupa was less than 10 d (Table 1). Therefore, the female cycle was shorter than the males’ (t=15.12, p≤0.0001) (Table 1). The duration of the development time in both sexes differs around 15 d for females, compared to the duration reported by Flores-Hernández et al. (2006) for the same species.
It is likely that the shorter development time in this study is due to the host (O. ficus-indica) and the constant temperature (25±1 °C), since the study by Flores-Hernández et al. (2006) was done using O. megacantha and greater variations in temperature (19-23 °C); nevertheless, other factors such as the nutritional conditions of the species on which they develop are not dismissed. A higher concentration of calcium oxalate crystals than potassium makes difficult for nymphs to insert their stylets and establish themselves on the cladodes (Tovar and Pando, 2010). Another factor that was not taken into account in this study was the population of D. opuntiae, because the insect populations in each locality could be adapted to the species and variety of nopal on which the studies were carried out independently. Volchansky (1999) indicated that these differences in population cause variation in the development time.
In the adult stage, the females produce wax with cotton aspect that increases in volume until covering them completely. The adult females matured sexually, they mated and increased the volume of their body, probably because of accumulation of eggs in the ovarioles. The aspect of the adult females is similar to the one described by Sullivan (1990), Flores-Hernández et al. (2006) and Mathenge et al. (2009). During the pre-oviposition period, 17.49±2.73 d, a drop of a substance was evident, on the dorsal part, which appears crystalline and then changes to light yellow and amber. This substance is similar to that described in D. coccus (Marín and Cisneros, 1977) and could have a sexual attractant in this species (Rodríguez et al., 2005), but there is no information about this characteristic in other species of the Dactylopiidae family.
In this study, the sex ratio was 3.7:1 (females: males) and was different from the 1:1 ratio reported by Flores-Hernández et al. (2006) for the same species. According to Nur et al. (1987), the sex of scale insects of Pseudococcidae family can be modified by physiological factors of the egg and by environmental conditions. The authors of this study have observed that in the field, the sex ratio of this species is different in specific seasons of the year, although there is no formal record of these changes.
Fecundity and survival in females
The fecundity in females of D. opuntiae (eggs and nymphs) had a response related to the food and the age. The females with food were more fertile (567.58±164.67) than without food (351.25±131.98) (t=6.48, p≤0.005). Additionally, most females began to lay eggs or nymphs after the second week as adults and the oviposition lasted six or nine weeks depending on the availability of food (Figure 1).

Figure 1 Weekly fecundity of D. opuntiae (mean±standard error) with or without food (attached or removed from the O. ficusindica cladodes) at 25±1 °C and 40±10 % of relative humidity
Both groups of females produced a higher number of eggs and nymphs in the fourth week, during which 52 % of the total fecundity in females without food was accumulated, and 39.92 % in females with food. The females without food laid the highest number of eggs and nymphs from week two to week six (98 % accumulated). The females with food needed two more weeks to lay 98 % of the total eggs and nymphs (Figure 1).
The fecundity differs from what Flores-Hernández et al. (2006) reported for the same species, who mention an average of 131 individuals per female without food (removed from the cladodes). This difference is attributed to a different host before removing the females from the cladode, although there are situations such as quality, nutrition and stress of the cladodes before withdrawing the females. Two other species of Dactylopiidae evaluated with females attached to the cladodes had higher fecundity; in D. austrinus the progeny was 1,145 individuals female-1 (Moran and Cobby, 1979) and in D. ceylonicus 1,200 individuals female-1 (Sullivan, 1990). The reproductive capacity between species of Dactylopius that developed on the Opuntia genus, and the possible differences between the insect-host relationships require further study to understand how the reproductive potential in each species is manifested.
The females with food had a higher survival rate (53.97±5.19 d) compared to the females without food (36.55±2.78 d) (X2 =41.29, p≤0.001). This difference in survival of each group of females can be related to the availability of food, but probably also to the physiological demand that the fecundity represented.
Life and fertility table
The survival from egg to adult of D. opuntiae was 64.7 %, of which 17 % of the mortality took place in the egg stage and 17.5 % in nymph I; the population parameters of the species were established with these values plus fecundity and sex ratio (Table 2). The reproductive potential of D. opuntiae on O. ficus indica was higher than the one reported on O. megacantha (Flores-Hernández et al., 2006), but the experiments were developed under different conditions.
Table 2 Population parameters and confidence intervals (95 %) of D. opuntiae with or without food (O. ficus-indica cladodes) at 25±1 °C and 40±10 % of relative humidity.
Parámetros | Hembras con alimento | Hembras sin alimento | Diferencia |
Tasa neta de reproducción (Ro) | 290.105 (263.188-317.021) | 179.534 (157.959-201.110) | ** |
Tasa intrínseca de crecimiento (rm) | 0.1385 (0.1362-0.1408) | 0.1378 (0.1352-0.1403) | ns |
Tiempo de generación (T) (día) | 40.9442 (40.4030-41.4854) | 37.6881 (37.1004-38.2759) | ** |
Tiempo de duplicación (DT) (día) | 5.0039 (4.9214-5.0865) | 5.0309 (4.9391-5.1228) | ns |
Tasa finita de incremento (λ) (día) | 1.1486 (1.1459-1.1512) | 1.1477 (1.1448-1.1506) | ns |
**p≤0.0001; ns=non-significant
With the population parameters, the reproductive potential of D. opuntiae in its principal host in the world was established. The females with food had a net reproductive rate (females’ progeny) and a generation time bigger than the females without food (p≤0.0001), but this did not make their intrinsic rate of increase different (Table 2). This apparent contradiction in the reproductive potential can be explained because the females without food laid the totality of the eggs and nymphs in a shorter time. That is, the availability of food favored the net reproductive rate but increased the generation time (Table 2). These values will be a reference to compare them with its natural enemies, Hyperaspis trifurcata Schaeffer (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae) and Leucopis bellula Williston (Diptera: Chamaemyiidae). However, in population ecology studies, the reproductive potential of the predators will have other parameters that may influence the total response of the natural enemy; for example, the predatory capacity, voracity and searching ability should be added in order to estimate their potential as biological control agents of D. opuntiae (Vanegas-Rico et al., 2016).
The fecundity of D. opuntiae is influenced by the availability of food and it was higher when the females were attached to the nopal cladodes. The reproductive potential of D. opuntiae in O. ficusindica is higher than what was reported in the literature. It also represents the potential that could be present in nopal crops in the field, since O. ficusindica is the principal host grown in the world.
We thank the National Science and Technology Council (Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnología, CONACYT) for the scholarship granted to carry out this study and Colegio de Postgraduados for providing the opportunity to perform the research.
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Received: October 2016; Accepted: April 2017