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vol.28 número96Escolanovismo en el primer peronismo: la pedagogía de Pascual Pezzano en la Universidad Obrera NacionalEstudio sobre dimensiones que inciden en la transición del alumnado de la etapa primaria a la secundaria índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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Revista mexicana de investigación educativa

versión impresa ISSN 1405-6666


THIBAUT, Patricia  y  CALDERON LOPEZ, Margarita. Interactions of Speech: Continuity and Change in Emergency Online Classes. RMIE [online]. 2023, vol.28, n.96, pp.73-97.  Epub 05-Mayo-2023. ISSN 1405-6666.

This research attempts to contribute to the area of oral interactions in online classes during the COVID-19 pandemic in Chile. Specifically, the sample considers two teachers and 85 students in two sixth-grade classes. The analysis was carried out on two levels. The first includes the codification of turns of speaking, according to the system adapted by Howe et al. The second level uses classroom observation in addition to triangulation with interviews held with the two teachers. The analysis reveals that online teaching implies important changes in the form of the class, yet the types of oral interactions are similar to those reported in face-to-face classes. The implications are discussed in the results.

Palabras llave : interactivity; oral communication; teachers; students; virtual education; COVID-19.

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