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 número56Promover la literacidad en el primer año de vida universitaria (LAE-UPN)La lectura cuando fallan los procesos implicados. Déficits en el alumnado universitario índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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versión On-line ISSN 2007-7033versión impresa ISSN 1665-109X


CAMARILLO HINOJOZA, Hugo Manuel. Functional, critical and sociocultural literacy in law. A discourse analysis. Sinéctica [online]. 2021, n.56, e1195.  Epub 02-Jul-2021. ISSN 2007-7033.

The objective of this document is to identify aspects of the three approaches to literacy (functional, critical and sociocultural) in a sample of school works of the essay genre prepared during 2020 by students of the Law degree of a Mexican university in a Legal Argument course. A qualitative methodology was used, of an interpretive cut positioned in the analysis of the discourse. The approach made is from the viewpoint of disciplinary literacy in the area of knowledge of Law. In the results, it is affirmed that in the sample characteristics of functional, critical and sociocultural literacy were found. It concludes on the relevance of promoting literacy in Law students through practices in which these approaches are complemented for the development of legal literacy.

Palabras llave : functional literacy; critical literacy; sociocultural literacy; legal literacy; discourse analysis.

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