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vol.25 número1Inmigración y castigo. Contra las leyes de inadmisibilidad penalViolación de derechos humanos en México. Un costo poco advertido de la corrupción índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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Política y gobierno

versión impresa ISSN 1665-2037


SALAZAR REBOLLEDO, María Grisel. A Fourth Estate? Markets, Audiences and Contents of Mexico’s Local Press. Polít. gob [online]. 2018, vol.25, n.1, pp.125-152. ISSN 1665-2037.

Literature on Mexican press has focused on national newspapers or case studies on specific local presses. Only few works have systematically compared subnational press and its environment, mainly due to lack and dispersion of reliable data. Leaning on an original database of 1217 headlines of the main local newspapers and press markets traits, here I present a panoramic portrait of Mexican subnational press, empirically informing common intuitions about its relationships with readers and local power. Data shows that, although there are disconnections between supply and demand, low levels of diaries circulation and few critic contents, there is enough diversity to propose a research agenda to explore causes and effects of this features.

Palabras llave : press; Mexican media; subnational studies.

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