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Innovación educativa (México, DF)

versión impresa ISSN 1665-2673


MARTINEZ INIGUEZ, Jorge E.; TOBON, Sergio  y  ROMERO SANDOVAL, Aarón. Problems related with the quality accreditation of higher education in Latin America. Innov. educ. (Méx. DF) [online]. 2017, vol.17, n.73, pp.79-96. ISSN 1665-2673.

The objective of this paper is to analyze the problems faced by higher education in Latin America in terms of quality accreditation. To this end, documentary research was done, in which each difficulty was established as a category for analysis. The main results were the following: models of accreditation are centered on administrative processes and not on performance; the accreditation processes tend to be a simulation; the bureaucratic structure increases with accreditation; there is a lack of real participation from the educational community; there is a lack of greater credibility among the accrediting organizations; it is claimed that work is based on skills, but the educational practices are based on content; and there is a lack of a shared vision in terms of accreditation as a process for innovation and transformation of people and communities in accordance with the challenges of knowledge societies. In conclusion, new studies are recommended to analyze these problems more in depth and that could help change the current accreditation processes.

Palabras llave : Accreditation; higher education; institutions of higher education; Latin America; quality.

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