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Superficies y vacío

versión impresa ISSN 1665-3521


MARTINEZ FUENTES, Víctor; DOMINGUEZ LOPEZ, Iván  y  GARCIA GARCIA, Adrián Luis. Modelo numérico de esparcimiento de luz láser en superficies metálicas usando el método de Monte Carlo. Superf. vacío [online]. 2009, vol.22, n.2, pp.29-35. ISSN 1665-3521.

A Monte Carlo simulation was implemented to emulate the phenomenon of laser light scattering (LLS) by a turned surface. The model is based on geometrical optics and uses surface roughness, surface optical properties and space arrangement of the optical elements of the LLS technique, as input parameters. Validation of the model was performed experimentally using a periodical grooved-profile roughness standard. The distribution of scattered laser light registered experimentally corresponds qualitatively with the model here in. A correlation was established between the curvature radius obtained experimentally, and those obtained numerically. The validated model was applied to surfaces whose texture was modified using a pin-on-disk apparatus, causing a unidirectional grooved wear scar. Numerical results agree quite satisfactorily with the experiment.

Palabras llave : LLS; Monte Carlo Method; Turning; Machined surface; Geometric optics; Wear; Numerical simulation.

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