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vol.16 número2Ambiente virtual de aprendizaje en la capacitación docente en investigación científicaDiseño de un sitio web para bachillerato: estudio exploratorio-secuencial índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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Apertura (Guadalajara, Jal.)

versión On-line ISSN 2007-1094versión impresa ISSN 1665-6180


PEREZ GARCIA, Edgar Alfonso  y  CAMACHO NAVARRO, Araceli. Impact factors in the design and implementation of a virtual course: teaching perspective. Apert. (Guadalaj., Jal.) [online]. 2024, vol.16, n.2, pp.116-131.  Epub 06-Dic-2024. ISSN 2007-1094.

The implementation of a virtual learning environment is framed by multiple aspects that either put it at risk or facilitate the process. In these dynamics, the teacher is the main person responsible for designing, building and conducting a virtual teaching process, so it is necessary to recognize the impact factors that emerge from their context and circumstances to bring it to a successful conclusion. This research used a non-experimental cross-sectional exploratory methodology, based on the hermeneutic model of the qualitative approach. Information was collected through structured interviews and analyzed with Atlas.ti v.23. The results show thirteen impact factors, organized by their influence on the process (positive: facilitate / negative: hinder) and by their scope (individual: identity-related to the person / external: in the environment and not dependent on the teacher). We concluded that the factors with the greatest impact are: workload, teaching experience, mentoring methodology, teacher’s disposition, level of digital competence, internal course regulations, the time considered for the development of activities, and excessive supervision.

Palabras llave : Virtual environments; impact factors; distance higher education.

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