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versión On-line ISSN 2007-8900versión impresa ISSN 1665-8027
KAUFFER-MICHEL, Edith Françoise. From a lack of definitions to unfinished demarcations: rethinking river and land borders between Mexico, Guatemala and Belize. LiminaR [online]. 2013, vol.11, n.2, pp.70-81. ISSN 2007-8900.
The special characteristics of river borders between Mexico and its southern neighbours, Guatemala and Belize and the incomplete land borders' demarcation that were established by boundary treaties at the end of XIX century hardly allow to achieve the traditional border function as a limit of state sovereignty through separation and physical marks. This situation questions the limits and constrains by reconsidering the concepts to analyse this paradox about these borders. Based on recent fieldwork, he paper also tries to propose some suggestions for further studies.
Palabras llave : borders; limit; treaties; demarcation; dualities; frontier; boundary; international agreements.