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vol.8 número3Crisis económica en España y el retorno de inmigrantes sudamericanosLa lucha contra la discriminación y el acceso a la justicia. Un camino hacia la integración índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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Migraciones internacionales

versión On-line ISSN 2594-0279versión impresa ISSN 1665-8906


HERNANDEZ PULGARIN, Gregorio. Discourses on Identity as an Adaptive Resource Among Colombian Immigrants in Europe. Migr. Inter [online]. 2016, vol.8, n.3, pp.191-219. ISSN 2594-0279.

This article seeks to understand the role of discourses that integrate the national identity in the adaptation process in boundary conditions of Colombian immigrants in Europe. The approach, start in an ethnographic study of Colombian immigrants for economic reasons in in Bordeaux (France), and Sevilla (Spain), in different periods from 2006 to 2012 and the application of interviews with Colombian migrants in both countries, returned to Pereira, Colombia. The results show that in extreme situations, Colombian immigrants tend to respond to the challenges of the adaptation process, based on national identity discourses that produce a performative effect with favorable implications for the definition of itself, for adaptation to adverse circumstances and to continue the migration project.

Palabras llave : social identification; international migration; resilience; social adjustment; discourses.

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