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vol.12 número23Pensamiento complejo, simulación social y problemas complejos. Análisis de una política pública en la Patagonia argentinaEl costo de la representatividad de los partidos políticos en México índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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Revista de El Colegio de San Luis

versión On-line ISSN 2007-8846versión impresa ISSN 1665-899X


ALVARADO-SILVA, Adrián  y  BUSTAMANTE-LARA, Tzatzil Isela. Analysis of Specialization of Sugar Cane in Mexico, 1980-2017. Revista Col. San Luis [online]. 2022, vol.12, n.23, 00010.  Epub 27-Mayo-2024. ISSN 2007-8846.

The objective of this research is to analyze the advantages and specialization in sugarcane production in Mexico as a source of competitiveness generation between 1980 and 2017, with the purpose to identify the level of competitiveness of the producing states to determine if there is a direct relationship with specialization. To meet the objective, the calculation and analysis of three regional indicators was developed, Location Quotient, specialization, and Redistribution Coefficient. The sugar industry has an impact on several aspects, this indicates a limitation for research because the accessibility of information is limited. The main results are that there are differences in specialization between the main sugarcane producing states caused by the disparities of their advantages. Concluding that there are variations in the results of the location quotient these are related to the fluctuation in the price of sugar.

Palabras llave : agribusiness; competitive advantage; competitiveness; trade changes; industrial changes.

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