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vol.17 número50Las relaciones comerciales (intra e interindustrial) de China y Rusia con América Latina y el Caribe, 2000-2017Desempleo en México por características sociodemográficas, 2005-2018 índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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Economía UNAM

versión impresa ISSN 1665-952X


CUEVAS VALDES, Pablo Andrés. The export pattern of productive specialization and the cycle of capital in Chile and Mexico: tendency to exploitation in its primary and secondary export modalities. Economía UNAM [online]. 2020, vol.17, n.50, pp.138-165.  Epub 22-Dic-2020. ISSN 1665-952X.

The main and more general structural and current characteristics of the “capital reproduction pattern” exporter of productive specialization are presented in Chile and Mexico, emphasizing its intrinsic propensity to generate inequality and to operate on the basis of unfavorable conditions for labor. In the comparison, two modalities of the same pattern are outlined, one of mainly primary cutting and the other of secondary cutting, corresponding to the cases of Chile and Mexico, respectively. Despite structural indicators of greater industrial development, the comparison suggests that the secondary modality has been comparatively more detrimental to workers' salaries than primary.

Palabras llave : F02; F13; F15; O57; International Economic Order; Commercial Policy; Economic Integration; Comparative Studies of Countries.

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