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vol.14 número2Determinación de la calidad nutritiva, fermentación In Vitro y metabolitos secundarios en arvenses y rastrojo de maíz utilizados para la alimentación del ganado lecheroEvaluación preliminar de la sustentabilidad de una propuesta agroecológica, en el Subtrópico del Altiplano Central de México índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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Tropical and subtropical agroecosystems

versión On-line ISSN 1870-0462


RODRIGUEZ-GONZALEZ, Rosario E. et al. Genotype-environment interaction to the yield stability in wheat in Mexicali, B.C., México region. Trop. subtrop. agroecosyt [online]. 2011, vol.14, n.2, pp.543-558. ISSN 1870-0462.

With the finality to evaluate yield stability of varieties of wheat Cachanilla F-2000 (C), Yécora F-70 (Y) and Triguenio F-00 (TR), in El Valle de Mexicali, Baja California, under four environments of test, using the using the additive main effects and multiplicative interaction model (AMMI), was developed trials during the period from 2007 to 2008, with an experimental random block design with four (4) replicates. The results showed that the analysis of genotype x environment interaction was highly significant (P <0.01) for the study variables. In the comparison of means, for grain yield and test weight were no differences between genotypes (C) with respect to (Y) and (TR), or between genotypes (Y) and (TR). Performance of straw and white belly, genotype (C) had greater percentage of white belly and over (Y) and (TR). The harvest index was lower in the genotype (C) (0.45) with respect to (Y) and (TR) (0.47 and 0.48 respectively). The genotype (TR) had a higher percentage of grain protein and gluten strength (12.5% and 436.8 x 10-4 J) with respect to (Y) and (C). The AMMI model was a useful tool to identify high-yielding varieties of wheat. However, not all variables grain yield, its components and gluten strength can be evaluated with the same model.

Palabras llave : G x E interaction; multiplicative models; AMMI; wheat; stability.

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