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vol.5 número9Más allá de la sociología: Sobre catástrofes, expertos y comunidadesNeófitos y soldados misionales: Identidades históricas en la región de la Frontera de la Baja California, 1769-1834 índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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versión On-line ISSN 2448-539Xversión impresa ISSN 1870-1191


TAPIA MORALES, Carmensusana. Améjimínaa majcho: "La comida de nuestra gente". Etnografía de la alimentación entre los miraña. Culturales [online]. 2009, vol.5, n.9, pp.39-72. ISSN 2448-539X.

For miraña, indigenous group that inhabits in means and low Caquetá river (Colombian Amazonian region), knowledge to cook implies to know how to cultivate, to harvest, to fish and to collect. This knowledge connects therefore with the tangible dimension of its world, where the river, the forest, the place of the plantation (or "chagra") and the ancestral communal house (or "maloca") are elevated like cultural spaces and microcosm that represent the immensity of the ancestral territory. The intention of this article is the one to demonstrate the existing world in the culinary knowledge that surrounds the nutritional practice of the natives of the Colombian Amazonian region, emphasizing my interest in the gastronomical knowledge held by these natives, native group little investigated in the anthropological and ethnographic field, what makes necessary still more, to vindicate everything what it is part of its traditional knowledge.

Palabras llave : culinary knowledge; intangible cultural heritage; Miraña; Amazonic region; Ancient territory.

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