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Journal of the Mexican Chemical Society
versión impresa ISSN 1870-249X
J. Mex. Chem. Soc vol.53 no.4 Ciudad de México oct./dic. 2009
Reactions of Vinylcyclopropane and Bicyclopropyl Compounds With Maleic Anhydride
C. K. Jankowski,1* A. Pelletier,1 Eduardo Díaz,2 Jacqueline M. R. Belanger,3 J.R. J. Paré,3 C. Lamouroux,1 and J. Boivin4
1 Département de Chimie et Biochimie, Université de Moncton, Moncton , NB, E1A 3E9, Canada. *Responsible author:
2 Instituto de Química, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México. Circuito Exterior, Ciudad Universitaria. Coyoacán 04510, México, D.F.
3 CTE, Division of green chemistry, Environment Canada, Ottawa, 325 River Road, K1A 0H3 Canada.
4 Institut des substances naturelles, CNRS, 91198 Gif sur Yvette, France. Tel 1 506 858 4331, fax 4541.
Received June 22, 2009
Accepted November 20, 2009
Vinylcyclopropane and bicyclopropyl C6 compounds are studied as diene precursors in the DielsAlder reaction. Their rearrangement under different thermal and microwave conditions leads to specific isomeric hexa, penta or butadienes, condensed with maleic anhydride as a dienophile. Adduct stereochemistries were compared to those of previouslysynthesized model compounds, and are fully characterized with 2D NMR and GCMS spectroscopies. Some unsaturated terpenes bearing vinylcyclopropane moieties were also condensed, and their adduct structures assigned.
Key words: Microwave, Thermal DielsAlder Reactions, Diene Precursors, Vinylcyclopropane as a Diene.
Vinilciclopropano y compuestos biciclopropilos C6 se estudiaron como precursores de dienos en reacciones de DielsAlder. La transposición de estos compuestos bajo condiciones térmicas o de irradiación de microondas conduce específicamente a hexa, penta o butadienos isoméricos, los cuales cicloadicionan con anhídrido maleico como dienófilo. La estereoquímica de los aductos se estableció por comparación con aductos modelo previamente preparados y se caracterizaron por espectroscopia de RMN de dos dimensiones y CGEM. Algunos terpenos insaturados llevando consigo el sistema vinilciclopropano también se condensaron, y fue asignada la estructura de sus aductos.
Palabras clave: Microondas, reacciones térmicas de DielsAlder, precursores de dienos, vinilciclopropanos como dienos.
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13. However it is worth noticing that the sigmatropic shift was considered by WoodwardHoffmann formalism only for a limited number of concerted reactions. The vinylcyclopropane (1) system could undergo a sigmatropic shift only after allylic rearrangement and followed by the opening of the cyclopropane ring. The allylic and/or sigmatropic shifts can then transform the vinylcyclopropane or bicyclopropyl into isomeric dienes of specific geometry. The Cope rearrangement can also be considered as a step toward the final conjugated diene formation. The vinylcyclopropane to cyclopentene rearrangement could then be seen as a 1,3sigmatropic reaction. The accepted mechanism of this reaction proceeds via the formation of 1,5diradicals in two isomeric configuration: Z (cis) or E (trans). The first one leads to cyclopentene and the second to dienes or other products (Scheme 4).
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26. Several attempted synthesis described in the literature mentioned the assumed presence of these products, their short lifespan, easy polymerisation or aromatisation. Several procedures were either incomplete or irreproducible. Many particular and non commercial reagents are used in order to obtain e.g. the bicyclopropane (29), in particular zincGrignard (24, 28) or photolysis reactions (27).
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32. The above mentioned difficulties are related to the six carbon or lower chains of dienes involved and to the cyclopropylcarbinols. The other isomeric model C6 dienes were not commercially accessible . Some of them cannot be obtained from the cyclopropane compounds of this study and then are not potential diene precursors.
33. The small volume stainless steel vessel conditions are relatively close to those applied in using the MW methods.