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vol.82 número2Estructura y composición florística de los bosques de Quercus fusiformis y Carya illinoinensis de la planicie costera del noreste, Coahuila, MéxicoBandadas mixtas de aves: patrones de actividad y composición de especies en una región de la Cordillera Central de los Andes de Colombia índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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Revista mexicana de biodiversidad

versión On-line ISSN 2007-8706versión impresa ISSN 1870-3453


MARTINEZ-Y-PEREZ, José Luis; CASTILLO-CAMPOS, Gonzalo; SANTIAGO-MARTINEZ, Ma. Guadalupe  y  HERNANDEZ-CUEVAS, Laura V.. Floristic analysis in tepetates of Tlaxcala State. Rev. Mex. Biodiv. [online]. 2011, vol.82, n.2, pp.623-637. ISSN 2007-8706.

We present one floristic analysis of tepetates (indurated volcanic soils) in Tlaxcala State because information of these kind environments is poor in Mexico. We recollected botanic samples of vascular plants during 18 months in 2 localities of Tlaxcala State with volcanic soils. We used 40 experimentation parcels with borders for sediments accumulation and 40 without them used for introduced natives shrub micorrized. Vegetational samples were identified taxonomically and deposited in TLXM herbaria. We listed 44 families, 106 genera and 140 species that represent more of 10% known flora for the state. There are 51 species common for the 2 localities and the majority of them are exclusively at their own localities. There are significatives differences (p<0.05) between localities and between experimentation parcels with borders or without. The analysis shows 4 groups with 43% of similarity, the first and second represent the parcels with few species, the third and fourth represent parcels of Atlangatepec and Altzayanca respectively, this situation could be influenced by the presence of Asteraceae and Poaceae, families which are known of wide distribution and with affinities to open enviroments. Fouthermore, we reported a new population for Coryphanta busleri (Mundt) Scheinvar for Mexico.

Palabras llave : degradated soils; floristic similarity; plants.

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