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Revista latinoamericana de derecho social
versión On-line ISSN 2448-7899versión impresa ISSN 1870-4670
PALOMO VELEZ, Rodrigo. Analytical model of the workers representatives’ right of information and valuation of its acknowledgement in Chile. Rev. latinoam. derecho soc [online]. 2018, n.26, pp.117-154. ISSN 2448-7899.
The right to information, besides of being an important prerogative for workers’ collective representation, involves an instrumental nature regarding the proper development of other competencies, and because of that, about the representative function itself. Its acknowledgment then becomes a distinctive and vital factor in the path towards the adoption and consolidation of democratic labor relations model.
In this work the dogmatic foundations of the workers representative’s right to information are explained, starting from the comprehension of its juridical grounds and eminently instrumental nature. The main formulas that set its legal acknowledgment are identified, and a number of elements that allow the evaluation of such acknowledgment throughout several juridical systems, particularly the Chilean one, are suggested.
Palabras llave : right to information; freedom of association; workers representation; trade union.