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Agricultura, sociedad y desarrollo

versión impresa ISSN 1870-5472


CABALLER-MELLADO, V.  y  GUADALAJARA-OLMEDA, N.. Valuating technological change: visible or invisible rent in irrigator societies for valuation based on the new land law (LS 2/2008) in Spain. agric. soc. desarro [online]. 2012, vol.9, n.1, pp.1-15. ISSN 1870-5472.

In this study, a new valuation model is proposed for underground water extraction for irrigation, within the framework of the new Land Law (Ley del Suelo) in Spain. For this purpose, a method for rent capitalization, real or potential, is applied under different possible scenarios in irrigator communities in the province of Valencia, depending on the procedure for price fixing of water sold to members and the adoption of new localized irrigation technologies. In practice, water prices are equivalent to unit costs, which is why the actual rent of the exploitation is made invisible, and to make it visible, a water price must be considered. Consideration of the potential rent versus the real rent does not influence the value of societies that use new irrigation technologies, contrary to what happens in exploitations with traditional irrigation systems, which elevate their value.

Palabras llave : underground water; capitalization; costs; real and potential rent; flood irrigation and localized irrigation.

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