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Nova scientia

versión On-line ISSN 2007-0705


LOPEZ MARTINEZ, Carlos Raúl; GARCIA MATEOS, María del Rosario; MARTINEZ DAMIAN, María Teresa  y  SANCHEZ SANCHEZ, Luis. Nutritional and nutraceutical quality of the fruit of three species of Annonaceae: soursop, cherimoya and chincuya. Nova scientia [online]. 2022, vol.14, n.28, 00006.  Epub 01-Ago-2022. ISSN 2007-0705.

Some of the fruits of the family Annonaceae are appreciated for their organoleptic, digestive, nutritional, dietary, medicinal, and industrial properties. Although there is information about the nutritional value of some species such as Annona muricata (soursop) and A. cherimola (cherimoya), others are noted for their medicinal properties and toxicity. However, the antioxidant and nutraceutical potential of most of them, such as that of A. purpurea (chincuya), is unknown. The objective of this research was to evaluate nutritional and nutraceutical quality (phenolic compounds, flavonoids, and ascorbic acid) of three species of Annonaceae: soursop, cherimoya and chincuya, as well as to determine the toxicity of methanolic extracts of pulp, peel, seeds, and leaves of these species through a bioassay with Artemia salina, in order to contribute to the scientific knowledge of species with nutraceutical and economic potential in Mexico. The cherimoya fruit presented the highest concentration of crude protein (1.89 %), carbohydrates (20.65 %), the highest values of minerals (Ca, P, Mg, Na, Fe and Zn), phenolic compounds (366.27 mg EAG 100 g-1 F.W.) and ascorbic acid (48.36 mg EAA 100 g-1 F.W.). ); according to Pearson's correlation, the highest antioxidant activity was associated with the content of phenolic compounds and ascorbic acid; soursop fruit was higher than the other two species in lipid (0.31 %) and flavonoid levels (10.13 mg EQ 100 g-1 F.W.). Finally, the chincuya and cherimoya seed extracts resulted extremely toxic (LC50 = 5.0 ppm), while the soursop pulp extract was classified as very toxic (LC50 = 67.5 ppm), according to the criteria reported in other investigations extremely toxic (LC50 ≤ 10 ppm) and very toxic (LC50 10 - 100 ppm) in A. salina.

Palabras llave : Annonaceae; phenolic compounds; flavonoids; ascorbic acid; DPPH; ABTS; Artemia salina; toxicity; antioxidants; seeds; nutrition; fruits; extracts; pulp; peel; leaf.

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